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Everything posted by SonicMage117

  1. I 'll never understand why people get triggered by another person's choice of clothing. Peeps here watched one too many times...https://youtu.be/0NT3GnLUkro
  2. Very well... Upon members requests I will stop making brain stimulating threads and join the rest in critiquing random game journalists' clothing. That is probably more interesting anyway.
  3. It's kinda an example that goes with my Deadfire post. Thank you for sharing this info, because it proves that (as Gromnir said) there are beta testers who are making videos and who don't know the difference and just don't know period. Edit: Actually, I wish this convo was part of the thread I created because it proves that some fans/beta testers maybe do not necessarily know what us the best feedback to give and what the rest of the community needs. The guy on the video unintentionally misleading people is good enough evidence I suppose.
  4. Rip... now you are the zombie
  5. I think I just realized what this means... Quake 3 Deathmatch 17? Imma b00n when it comes to that game but Unreal Tournament I'm actually okay at! *or so I think*
  6. I'm happy to hear that it will be evolving this feature and look forward to it. I think the writing in those terms will be beautiful. Really can't wait to see Obsidian expand upon it and continue to put their spin on such topical issue.
  7. I wouldn't be so sure, there are trolling threads and clickbaity threads in other sections such as the way off topic or Pillars 1 section, the current omes always have to be locked and renewed but nobody really says anything because birds of the same feather flock together. There has been alot of click-bait titles in the Pillars hub as well but that seems to have cooled down. As far as mine being reported by the same people over and over goes though, I think mods can already tell that it isn't really because I'm trolling or causing chaos like some would suggest. I had a conversation with a couple mods about it and evidently, the roots go deeper than that. At this point if I made a thread which was everything that eveey member wanted, someone would probably still report it but it really pushes me to remain active and write better so no harm done. As far as the stereotyping of internet speak goes, I don't really think internet slang has ever made anyone seem trollish, young or immature but I have seen many people of all ages on my facebook from 15 year olds to 75 year olds using it. I always saw internet slang as a shortcut or way of enjoying conversation. I don't think talking without modern phrases or emoticons ever had anything to do with maturity or adulthood for that reason, there are just as many adults using Internet slang today as kids do and that reason is probably because it's so integrated within phones, labtops and tablets now.
  8. Thank you. Puns are life! And since my threads are always being reported or considered trollimg I figured I use that to my advantage on this thread. No snide remarks yet so I guess it worked and the content of the comtext is equally great
  9. Alright, I'm curious because your profile lists Texas as your location... What is your first language? Spanish but I live in a mainly English community. I am Caucasian male from a caucasion family in a mostly caucasian community, yet my primary language has always been Spanish. All that aside, I was born in America and though, have seen many countries of the outside world, have been surrounded by English most my life, yet have somehow always tended to go back to Spanish, along with my family who are all bilingual but they speak and write English better than I.
  10. It's way better than mine that's for sure. I was being sarcastic of course. Your english is great as english but you talk internet-ish and that comes out as you being a troll... So... are you one or not? If not, just use normal thread titles instead of click-baity-internet-slangish catch phrases. This'll help our attitude towards you too. I seriously can't tell if your posts are serious or not, not untill you've elaborated over 3 or 4 posts at least.Oh thanks To clarify, no I'm not s troll but a few people who don't like my posts have made me to be. I love the game and Obsidian really want both to succeed. My posts are designed for people to have fun and I'm not sure why they are always taken in a negative manner. Click-bait is key for a good thread, I have always believed but that doesn't mean the author is a troll. Or at least that has been my belief in it. The internet lingo like "lol" or "XD" probably comes from facebook or forums where I've talked to different kinds of people from more diverse and varied dialects, I don't write like that on paper though.
  11. Wow... I've already stated plenty of times, English is not my first language. Sorry my english isn't good enough for you.
  12. I've been wanting to see it so bad!
  13. Neither does your party! Nasty, mindless creatures in battle really and quite mannerless as well but this prejudiced viewpoint may be an accurat example of stereo-typing and goes along with what this thread I've written will be talking about. The subject of this thread is "Racism"... and not racism as we know it but racism in the fantasy genre. As with the first game, which was sprinkled with it in such a way, not in a demeaning manner (since the races are fictional) but one which has great impact on the player's experience and building of the world of Eora without hindering the story. You see, in Pillars 1, if you are were an elf or godlike, reactions from say... a bartender could have had a slightly different view towards your character than if they were a human. To me, this added a depth to the storytelling and overall immersion and was easy to pick up on with just even one playthrough. I, like you, am wondering what affects racism has on Deadfire or if it's even still a thing. If so, I hope it is expanded upon in the writing because I appreciated this aspect if the game and think it adds more of it, personally. Will we see racism return in Deadfire? Will racism play a bigger role in areas like Nekataka? Will we be banned or not permitted from certain areas due to our race? Will we be denied certain quests due to npc's having thrusting issues upon our race? suppose that could qualify for even more a reason to replay the game. What do you think? Do you find Eora's racism to be a burden to the experience as a player or do you prefer it in such that it adds some sort of thing for your character to mentally deal with? I think and hope it will be because I like to see Eora and it's inhabitants develop and since that part of the lore was touched on, this would be great to see continue, as morality can tell one's intention, a town's history or even a motive behind a deed. In case you are wondering why this thread was made, it's because I couldn't find anything on the subject when it came to Deadfire, I don't really remember anything being mentioned about it at least so if you have anything feel free to share because I'd like to know if my dwarf will face prejudice on his journey or if they can be mistaken for human at any rate, in any given situation. The extent to how races will differenciate and communicate or interact with one another will be most exciting to explore, especially now that we will be out to sea and discover new places where we will meet even more races, who will have even more diverse cultures and so forth. How will they react to a race they've never seen before? How will you introduce yourself? I think that could be quite beautiful and maybe even sad at the same time. I expect some pretty influentially impactful dialogue moments such as this, maybe not that exact thing but alas.. Just one of the many features which excites me!
  14. I'm not judging it? There's nothing I said to conclude such a thing. I cannot help if people want to draw the wrong conclusion or a negative one by my style of writing but I am just as positive and excited about the game as anyone else here... The main reason I backed Deadfire is because Pillars 1 was the first game I played that held up to BG2. However, I'd be lying if I said that Deadfire looked perfect in any way and so far beta has proven that in terns of combat. The worry comes from the possibility of focus more on systems and maybe less on story creation, this creating limitation. I realize anyone can tell me "You're stupid for saying such a thing, it's an Obsidian rpg" - we're all fanboys here, but I'm not insinuating or supposing that the game will suffer from it, just starting a conversation and the means to a reality of why it won't suffer from the same fate of Fallout 4 (excluding the glorious answer of "They're not Bethesda, that's why" of course, because some people think that only one company's games can suffer from certain things apparently). This isn't really that big of a deal, it's just a thread. If you're wondering if I'm losing sleep over it, I'm not lol I was just bored and wanted to write. Like I said, more than anything I'm positively awaiting release and am very much looking forward to it. Even if it turned out bad, there are hundreds of other games. I didn't mean to offend anyone, nor do I see the thread as negative in any way.
  15. Mikey Dowling is such a cool cat and he was such a big help to me being a part of the backers (He helped me witb pledging - Deadfire was the first thing I back ever).
  16. I'm not asking people to judge it by the beta, I'm asking if anyone is worried about it...
  17. I know, that's why I said Deadfire will have more freedom in almost every regard. This isn't a trolling or critical post, just a thread asking a question. I'm not insuating it will have a story with less freedom or not. I have read Josh's tweets and been following the team's updates though. Edit: I suppose that my posts are sought as trolling by the titles but find it strange that people have created troll-ish titles by their threads governed a different reaction by it, for example: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/63807-racism-sexism-bigotry/ I'm supposing that this is mainly due because the game isn't out yet and some might think I'm aiming to spoil an unreleased product but that isn't necessarily my fault. As the saying goes, you shan't judge a book by it's cover, nor a thread by it's title. In fact, my threads were already reported by many who could not take my titles or the context, for no other reason than "not liking" how I wrote it when there was nothing wrong with my threads. It's what inspires me to have new ideas though and write even better than before so in a way, I should thank them, the members that dislike ne ponderings and scribbles. I'm already brainstorming my next thread and it will be the best one yet.
  18. This is the one I am referring to: https://youtu.be/FFUZf1eakBE
  19. Same. The sad thing is that they said they made their newest game that way because they were basically sick of Torchlight. They were just acting really really weird before it's release... but most of the peeps who made Torchlight 1 and 2 left before anyways.
  20. I don't really know but those are who I want the most in my party, also Devil Of CaRock.
  21. They do look beautiful and yeah she does lol Famous? I think you mean Infamous or maybe famous for waifu hunters... Lastly, I would love if Deadfire had vampires.
  22. Yeah! Fallout 4 added so many features and forsake/replaced natural story freedom. Tricking players into thinking that they could be the bad guy if they wanted but instead forcing them to be the good guy by giving them 4 or 5 dialogue choices saying basically the same things but in different words. I guess only time will tell. I don't think beta allows for a good enough look at it yet (maybe it does) but who knows, last minute changes - major last minute changes are seeming to be made and most probably will. So I was just wondering.
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