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Everything posted by Leeuwenhart

  1. A fighter lifts with his muscles A wizard lifts with his magic Both lift something. Different power source Degree in that source= might level Think of it as Darth Vader force choking. Not using his real muscles now is he Same with might in convos.. You could intimidate by clamping down hard on a shoulder; muscles bulging and looking down in that persons eyes as a giant fighter. Or you could make a fist that violently catches blue flame while your voice brims over with arcane power and the air singes around you. Both got might. Its just not the same might. Youre right in that they are different. But they dont need a seperate stat. Remember. Its MIGHT. Not Strength or Brawn. Which are a lot more connected to physical aspects. :D
  2. Theres that. It tips the scales a little back to classes like fighter rogue ranger... who got 4 choices (basic+3sub) I can live with that.
  3. Really. Because somehow changing party size from 6 to 5 will magically make the game suitable for consoles? Even when it's still RTwP? Yes, they obviously did it because people couldn't handle one more companion, not because the combat felt smoother or whatever they decided. Change the UI! That's so simple and they didn't even think about it! Thankfully some random poster has brilliant problem-solving skills. Game development is not a democracy.But crowdfundig IS an election. And money is your vote. Im still all in. But if you cant stomach things then stop spending. Or just go along. It's not an election, you decide whether you want to support the project or not. They never lied about keeping 6-person party, if someone doesn't like it they can decide not to pledge. Like an election you cast your vote/cash for something somebody says they will do. If they do that job good they get reelected/cash again on next project. All you have is a promise. Look at Torment:ToN I bet you its a good game... but a lot of stuff that was promised went out the window. Thats gotta have some backlash. I dont think a 2nd crowdfunder of theirs would be as succesful. Thats all i meant and said. Im not talking about your 6 dolly tea party. Im talking the greater perspective here. General points.
  4. Don't be ridiculous. Everyone knows that five person parties are the last step on the path to converting to a modern warfare style first person shooter. We should already have guessed it when PoE had guns: what else has guns? Call of Duty, that's what! Call of Eternity: Duty Pillars Q4 2020
  5. Really. Because somehow changing party size from 6 to 5 will magically make the game suitable for consoles? Even when it's still RTwP? Yes, they obviously did it because people couldn't handle one more companion, not because the combat felt smoother or whatever they decided. Change the UI! That's so simple and they didn't even think about it! Thankfully some random poster has brilliant problem-solving skills. Game development is not a democracy. But crowdfundig IS an election. And money is your vote. Im still all in. But if you cant stomach things then stop spending. Or just go along.
  6. Some people dont like change. They want to exist in a vacuum. If taxes rise they complain. If they need to work more they complain. If there isnt enough work they complain. As lives goes on we do less and less. But even without anything to do they will sit in their rocking chair and complain.
  7. honestly having different bonuses for each human sub race simply would reflect a difference in the environment they were born and raised in not a reflection of them being biologically advantaged based on skin... seriously cant believe human sub race bonuses in a fantasy game is even a race issue for some people... EVERYTHING is a race issue for some people.
  8. You do know that when youre on a smarthphone and you upload your answer but your wifi sucks and you refresh then upload again you can sometimes get 2 post for 1? Also... yes i know the edit button. You wang XD
  9. You do know there's a symbol for sarcasm on our keyboards don't you? Its the reverse question mark.
  10. Wth... thats a very weird rule then. So they basically arent subclasses then but more like 5ed d&d paths
  11. I got a question... Subclasses arent obligated. Meaning if you want to stay fighter... and not become blackjacket you stay fighter. In other words: we got 1 vanilla and 3 specials. Now for a fighter this means hes just a standard fighter. Not a specialist. For a wizard this means hes a universal wizard not a follower of a certain focus in the arcane. But for priests and paladins... They got Gods and Orders as their respective subclasses. 1. Does that mean a Vanilla Priest is a disciple of the Gods in general? A pantheonic follower instead of a deific one? That could be explained that way. As for Paladins... They believe in a cause? That makes them join an order. Is this correct? So Vanilla Pally's will have a strong conviction but not to a creed of an order? Like "Justice" for example.(pure rpg persective)
  12. Does it ever not? I've never seen consolification do anything good to RPGs. I disagree. Look at Dragon Age franchise. It transitioned from a party based RPG to a 3rd person hack and slash RPG where the rest of companion are so smart i don't need to even manage them. It removes the tedium of micro-management of the party. And when i press a button "something awesome has to happened". If anything, Obsidian can learn from Bioware as they have "Made RPG great again"! Eddie Murphy Voice: "GTF outta heeee wiff dat Buulllshhii" XD
  13. Just as a reminder, us obsidianites have tomorrow off! I am not part of the update crew and I can't say for sure but I suspect a stretch goal update would not be as timely as usual. Reading jobforums on your day off haha! That's the spirit!
  14. 25 might monk exploding fist hit BAAAMMMM Other enemies: "ok well be going now..."
  15. Investments stop being processed and vetted on sat and sun .. Its been 3 weeks like that. Look out for that regular monday invest boost
  16. Multiclassing means covering more bases with less people. So yeah... it balances. That and maybe the game is more replayable then the 1st. With NG+ and all... seem to be going in that direction. Also in poe1 your off field party members had quests and tasks they could do... I imagine with a BOAT CREW you got some more options even. A nice way to use some of those sidekicks!
  17. Haayyy there Watcher... I used to be an adventurer like you... but then i took an arrow to the knee. Haha Anyway... i like your summary. Lets get back on track boys. Sidekicktalk
  18. Its not spec... They posted it... What happened to the not mistrusting (=trusting) part? XD
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