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Everything posted by Leeuwenhart

  1. Lol @ no such thing as a straight paladin or straight priest hahahhah #nosuchthingasastraightpriest XD
  2. Maybe Fulvano is a last name... and we are killing all brothers. And then in Pillars 5 you get a mission to go behind enemy lines and rescue tge last brother from a War between Aedyr and Old Vallia. Saving Private Fulvano. You track him by pieces if discard clothing...
  3. *snorts* Throne Bae. Shall we have some romance options for the chair? Well, they often do the ship is the captain's mistress...!Only things more involved in my lovelife then a chair is my bed! XD
  4. Shes the lifeboat. When your ship sinks you crawl on your wooden throne and float in the ocean till you hit land. But at 20% speed.
  5. That's what I'm saying. I don't want it. Can it please not be a stern? Bah! No fun! Ok... its the bow.
  6. *Edér-kun weeb correctly, scrub Chan i says In general, chan is used for babies, young children, grandparents and teenagers. It may also be used towards cute animals, lovers, close friends, any youthful woman, or between friends. Bae=>Chan
  7. 5 mill this way is possible 3.5 when fig end 600k fig funds Thats 4.1. Then add paypal Then add backer portal Thats 4.5 easy. Rest is extra. So how about those 4.25&4.50 goals? :D
  8. 48 hours... moneys coming faster now. You can see it go up and up on fig.
  9. "See you in COURT! OBSIDIAN" #BUILDAWALLAROUNDTHEWHITEMARCH -i made a deal with the Doemenels. Its a fantastic deal. Its really fantastic. Its the most fantastic deal you'll ever see. Also: my hands arent small. #dwarfhands #paleelftanning #orlanhair
  10. Maybe Americans shouldnt celebrate Presidents Day and post an update instead XD Wth is Presidents Day anyhow... Presidents Day is to Voters What Fatherday is to Children Buy him a tie and go play some playstation hahaha #thanksdonald now my fig isnt updated
  11. The world is round, Holy cow!"And so is my thick skull"-So Sayeth the Wise Man Fulvano Also... his name is waaayyyy to close to Vulva for my peace of mind. Nightmares about a man with a face like a... Maybe thats what a dreamlike looks like.. A wet dreamlike XD
  12. That is kinda taking this whole thing out of context; real life doesn't have "good" and "evil" in it, those are arbitrary human definitions in the first place. If you want to use them in a game, you should do so properly or they lose their philosophical meaning. "do I rescue the child and be rewarded, do I do nothing and get nothing, or do I butcher him and be shunned" really is not a moral dilemma in a game where the risk to your person and the physical effort involved are not real. But my Bae might leave... "Edér don't go... I'm sorry i sold that baby Orlan for organ harvesting... that sword i bought with that gold tho... please Edér-chan... "
  13. Belgium eh? Brexit hasn't happened yet so I can still get there and murderise you, you know? You would try.You would die. Depends on whether Obsidian lets me visit you with a party of five or a party of six, obviously! TPK XD
  14. Belgium eh? Brexit hasn't happened yet so I can still get there and murderise you, you know? You would try. You would die.
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