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Everything posted by thepixiesrock

  1. I can be faux-philisophical too!
  2. I was originally going to say that a good way to tell when you joined the community is what you call him, because his change in name usually marks different eras in the forum, but I didin't want to have to deal with someone saying "But I join (sometime) and I call him (something)!" when it's really supposed to be taken kind of light heartedly. And I really was around when he was the other name but never paed attention to him, until he went by Hades.
  3. I don't know what you're implying.

  4. I still call him Hades, but then again, I long for the old days.
  5. Radiohead - Paranoid Android
  6. I started with you

  7. He's just syaing that to lure us all into a false senseof security so he can eat our brains.
  8. I don't know how to respond to that.

  9. But, if you're actually gay, then I wouldn't mind. I'm... I'm kind of in love with you.
  10. You're all gay (derogatory)
  11. It ain't necessarily so

    (It ain't necessarily so)

  12. Ain't nessa, ain't nessa

    It ain't necessarily so

  13. I'm preachin' dis sermon to show

    It ain't nessa, ain't nessa

  14. But who calls dat livin' when no gal'll give in

    To no man what's nine hundred years

  15. Methus'lah lived nine hundred years

    (Methus'lah lived nine hundred years)

  16. To get into Hebben don' snap for a sebben

    Live clean, don' have no fault

    Oh I takes dat gospel whenever it's pos'ble

    But wid a grain of salt

  17. Dey tell all you chillun de debble's a villain

    But 'taint necessarily so

  18. It ain't necessarily so

    (It ain't necessarily so)

  19. Li'l Moses was found in a stream

    (Li'l Moses was found in a stream)

    He floated on water 'til ole Pharaoh's daughter

    She fished him she says from that stream

  20. For he made his home in dat fish's abdomen

    Oh Jonah he lived in de whale

  21. Oh Jonah he lived in de whale

    (Oh Jonah he lived in de whale)

  22. He fought big Goliath who lay down and dieth

    Li'l David was small but oh my

  23. Li'l David was small but oh my

    (Li'l David was small but oh my)

  24. It ain't necessarily so (it ain't necessarily so!)

    The things that you're liable to read in the bible

    It ain't necessarily so!

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