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Everything posted by thepixiesrock

  1. Bioware didn't mess up SWG. Your argument is flawed.
  2. Let me be the first to say KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC IN NAME ONLY
  3. I'm wishing for no monthly fee right now, but really, what are the chances?
  4. I rate this thread January.
  5. The joke was on you Will. And yes, it was VERY funny.
  6. But zero out of ten couldn't exist! It'd be like if something was just like, terrible in every single way! Oh wait, I see. Yeah, Obsidian forum community, 0/10
  7. I'll never fall in love again

  8. Hey Bucky. I still dream about you

  9. You know what we should do? Lets have the GTA4 discussion again, but this time everyone has to switch sides and argue the opposite of what they argued last time. You know, to change things up? Annnnnd GO!
  10. You mean that time we captured a drifter and bled him to death in your barn? hahahaha Yeah, I don't think you were involved in it. It was like some vampire tabletop You people know it I'm sure. I'm trying to think, Ender was the GM, and it was me, Baley, Kaftan, Eldar, Jags, Eru, I think Muso, and maybe like, a few other people. It was so long ago I can't remember.
  11. I'm still in the process of forclosing on that Lego Castle. King Brickster defaulted on his mortgage.
  12. Uhh what?
  13. It's nothing a butterfly bandage couldn't fix
  14. Yeah I assumed it was a time stop thing, because when he was back in the coffin they were in different positions.
  15. The "REAL fallout" fanbase is hardly going to make or break game sales.
  16. Well like if you mean teleport the Daphne, he'd have to touch her, and if you mean like, going back in time to when she stole the formula, that would require he go back in time, which he vowed never to do again. And usually he gets punched in the face and knocked out. Also, It's completely ridiculous. That's what's wrong about this season, they spent two seasons of character development and now in five episodes have almost completely thrown all of that away.
  17. Remember that Vampire thing we did? That was fun.
  18. Ahaha I forgot what I said

  19. For reasons Claire already said in the episode... He was shot in the chest though. Peter's power isn't like Claire's. Peter has to think to use his powers or so they established in the first season. Either conciously or subconciously, but he has to turn his powers on. So, if Peter is killed before he can use his power, then he's dead for good. So if he is shot, and the shot isn't a one hit type thing, then he can heal it, but if he were shot and power blocked by the Haitian, then he would die, and if he is dead he can't think and heal.
  20. Yeah this show is kind of wierd, because usually shows will justify what is done on screen through dialogue. It's incrediby obvious, but you know exactly what happened. So for example, before going to shoot Peter, Daphne might say something like, "You're going to shoot him? But I thought he has your healing powers?" and then Claire could respond "That's why we'll have the Haitian. He'll be able to block Peter's ability to use my ability." And then the camera will pan over to the Hatian standing in the corner menacingly. But this show doesn't make it obvious as to why things happen. I mean, for almost everything that happens you can find some justification for it, some weaker than others, but if you think about it long enoug hyou can justify it, and that kind of makes it hard on the fans because now everyone freaks out, and there are a ton of theories and people saying "that's stupid and it doesn't make sense" where as if they would just explain everything through obvious dialogue it would cut some of that, but then people might say they are being too obvious.
  21. What if I say that the fact that it turns out that the ship was controlling Saren and was actually a reaper makes this Biowares best game?
  22. Yeah, the American Government probably silenced him because of the truth that he taught.
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