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Everything posted by thepixiesrock

  1. Is it difficult for you to stay friends with her? Like, I'm trying to be friends with that ex I was talking about earlier, and I really want to, because I really do like being freinds with her, but I think it's also driving me crazy, because I still love her. I guess I just don't want to let her go. We weren't freinds for a few weeks, and that sucked, and now that we are friends again, I really do enjoy just talking to her, and all that, but I can't deny that I deffinetely still have feelings for her. Laozi told me to never talk to her again and get her out of my life completely, but I don't know if I can do that. So Alan, how do you stay friends with her without going nuts?
  2. It's ok if you want to cry Schmarthy. I'm here for you. We can cry a little together.
  3. You should have told her exactly this, that's obviously where you went wrong. Make sure you tell all future girlfriends. They'll appreciate your honesty. I think what really went wrong was that she still loved her ex boyfriend and it was a safer bet than me because I lived far away where as he lived really close to her. I mean, I know you are making a joke, but I still have an intense need to justify what happened in the relationship any chance I can get. But yes, I think I'll take your advice. I mean, nothing else seems to work, and this is just the type of crazy scheme I need!
  4. Well, my parents were together since highschool and then got divorced. I don't really think there is a problem with the current generation, or at least, it has nothing to do with the material power = success, because that's been the status quo since the begenning of the 20th century really.
  5. Poison? That's so lame. It's not a Heroes esque ability at all! Now pyro-kenesis, that's where it's at.
  6. She... she did like motorcycles. I HATE YOU!
  7. But don't let them play under a name that you use, because they will mess up your characters forever.
  8. You need a subscription to play online, but I'm pretty sure to download games and stuff you don't need to pay a monthly fee. Is that correct?
  9. I was in a similar situation too I think. Except I started a relationship with a girl who did break up with her boyfriend but she still loved him, and before they had broken up she wanted to propose to him. After a week of me and her going out, the boyfriend wanted to get back together, so she did. Another week or so passes and she breaks up with him again. She's going out with some other guy now, and needless to say it isn't me. I mean, I deffinetely know I'm a better boyfriend. I'm smart, funny, good looking, honest, thoughtful, cute, sweet, and just about every good quality a person can have really. I think I might be as close to a perfect boyfriend as you can get. At least, that's what I had to tell myself to stop me from crying myself to sleep every night for three weeks.
  10. Alright, so I didn't see a thread for this in here, but I'm replaying it right now, and I wanted to know if anyone knew if my weapon finesse works with the shard sword when I get it, or how the shard swords works in terms of what type of weapon it counts as, and what feats would effect it.
  11. No. It is sad that the government HAS to tell doctors to treat all people, not just those who share their so-called "morality." You have such little faith in doctors. It's like you think the only reason doctors treat people now is because the government tells them to do it. You've taken an entire profession, and boiled down all of the people in the profession into two dimmensional cartoon charactures who have extreme moral values that they will never go against, and that will completely affect everything they do. And that is simply ridiculous.
  12. At first when you said grass is greener I thought you meant pot. And I was like, "Yeah, drug addiction could probably be part of the problem."
  13. I think that's actually a pretty good argument as to why there isn't anything to worry about.
  14. Hey guys, I was just kidding.
  15. I don't have my 360 up here, but yeah, next time I'm home, we're def gonna crash it up.

    Get it? Crash it up?

  16. Not if we're black, muslims, or pregnant, and in the US, because that would be even more frustrating than the normal frustrations related to doctors Hahahahahahahaha "What's that, want a heart transplant? Sorry Hameed, should have thought about that BEFORE your people bombed the Trade Center Towers."
  17. It's just funny that so many of you seem to think that the only thing that keeps doctors caring for the patients that they do is that they are forced to by law or something.
  18. I think everyone needs to take a break, get out and away from your computers, and meet some doctors.
  19. Wasn't there somehting like that for birth control pills too?
  20. No, I meant that in a way as to say all cops are corrupt in a satirical manner. I wasn't trying to make a point.
  21. Buy and X-box and then get Castle Crashers and never have to buy or play another game in your life. Am I right fellas? I mean, am I right?
  22. Police already do choose what crimes they want to pursue. Take that society!
  23. I have a hard time believing doctors are going to be denying people service, and if any do then they probably wouldn't be doctors that are working in places that require patients to be treated in a super timely fashion. So the people would be able to go somewhere else.
  24. And don't even ge tme started on women and shopping!
  25. And I mean, what's the deal with women and shoes?
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