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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. The last 3 are newsreports in the final safehouse, not credit sequences, and are, as such, subtitled. Although I never recall having heard the 3rd of them...
  2. Was that to me? I definitely never experienced the additional "0" issue, so I doubt it. Also the disrepencies are too small to be accounted to an additional 0 somewhere or another (not to mention I actually got all the values, if there would be an additional 0 it would be in the post-mission stat, where it isn't). I think it's more something along the max. money being displayed instead of what you bought, or an issue in the improved data hack skill. Although I really don't have any concrete idea at all to be honest. Here's part 2 of the list. As seen in most missions there is no disrepency, although in quite a few is. Nowhere near 100K+'s of difference though as some seem to report. Although maybe that can happen on Normal/Easy? Plenty of money given to buy everything that suited my needs and then some... SPOILERIFIC info (2):
  3. Game 2. Here's some more! Nitpickery ahoy too... Saudi Arabia: * Shock pads armor upgrade at the airfield (with the elite guards) lack overhead icon. Actually, this seems to happen in more places (load savegame issue?) Rome: * Post-Gelato shop mission overview mentions getting suspicious after the code wasn't working, but I never tried saying it at all, I just shot the guy first chance I had. * I finally get a map after all, for the Marburg mission, and what do I get. Just a single blue dot on the map. That's... not very helpful. * Snap shot. Ammo info shows 19% discount instead of 20% (but 20 is given since a round number is asked for ammo) Taipai: * Intercept Data mission: After disabling the station's camera's, the icon still floats above the panel, but you cannot interact with it anymore. * Same mission; I killed all cops I could find, but the news report mention 'no civilian victims'. * You can shoot Omen Deng and make him run before his first speech, cheating you out of 500XP though. * It seems only if you fast forward the first section of the Omen final battle the speech of Sang gets subtitled. * Enemies/friendlies are completely oblivious to turrets. Moskau: * Albatross hates me for killing Sis, but why did I leave the VCI at the embassy alive? As with earlier mention of the embassy, I didn't though. * Newsreport for the embassy assault subtitles are way off... * Sis killed news report: "Police are attempting to locater the". R too many. * I crack a safe early on in Brayko's house and... nothing? What? (the one behind the locked door, not the guarded one, that one had $5K) * The casinotrap isn't much of a trap; I killed everyone before entering it (previous game too, now I just know it for certain to report). * Post-report: "zipline and get inside the perimeter." should probably read got. * In the Halbech memo about their financial success Mina send me some spaces where missing between the text, signature and the "internal mail" section. I dont think "Special ProjectsHalbech International" isn't supposed to be attached to each other like that...
  4. Well, it obviously isn't ALL Americans do that and ALL Europeans do this, but it's pretty close, about 70-80% even?
  5. Did that, and it was still Turn up the Radio . Anyway, I really like those 'hidden things' like shooting the TV during the Al-Bara mission: Mira: "What did you do that for?" Mike: "I really hate that show" Mike (while wrecking an entire watertower in Russia): "Timber!" I wonder how many of these I missed...
  6. In this day and age it seems unlikely for a patch not to be released. For PC and consoles. Anyway... PC for me. Then again I have no TV (and thus, no consoles).
  7. Did you play that game as Recruit? Only then will Veteran unlock.
  8. Isn't RDR console-exclusive? That would explain higher console sales, while AP probably rakes in more PC sales in Europe. @ Volourn: The distinction seems to be European reviewers review it as an RPG (which, you know, it is). The American's however thread it as an action game (which, well, it ain't), which gives a very false impression. Why aren't we allowed to call them idiots for not properly catagorising a game again (and then cracking it off on that)? It's like reviewing Half-Life 2 as an RTS and then give it a 50/100 because it didn't do so well there.
  9. Yeah, poor pathetic reviews still have too much influence on the market sadly enough to crush good stuff and hype crap. And they did? Well, if you look at the RPG aspect of course. ME still is the better action game. However, I didn't bother replaying ME1 or ME2 and am now on my second AP run already. What does that say?
  10. I've had that happen quite a few times. Looks like dropped items can get below decoration, but you cannot interact with stuff under it yourself . And yeah, textureloading doesn't take that long, but it's quite noticable when leaving the PC/weapon locker, costumizing Thorton or when in browsing the shop.
  11. Ah, that I understand. However, this isn't a stealthgame perse, it's an RPG. So expecting it to be like the early Splinter Cells is kind of deceiving yourself, even if you can play it totally stealthy.
  12. ^ Could you repeat that in a way I have any idea what you're talking about?
  13. And then only consoles. Consoles aren't quite as popular in Europe as they are in the US. I'd rather play AP than a "modern" game as MW2 or Oblivion. Ugh. If that's what gamers want, I ain't one. The Vampire:Bloodline fans? There are quite some people who like it, so I think this is a little harsh.
  14. Okay, started playing CLOSE attention to my money in my second game, Hard Recruit. Overall, most values are correct, yet some definitely divert from what they should be. SPOILERIFIC info: More to follow as I proceed in the game. (Also, anyone have any idea how to properly make a table *and* spoilerhide it? :S
  15. Hmmm... those zips might act like ladders, inoperable when an enemy is on them. However ladders become available again if you shoot the opposition from them, maybe zips don't even if they should? (Never seen enemies use zips though...)
  16. At the graphics option there should be "advanced". That's all there is...
  17. Well, I don't know for consoles, but for the PC I couldn't even pre-order AP anywhere (Holland). So, yeah, maybe that explains low pre-order amounts?
  18. Yeah, I had trouble there too finding more people. But look up left on a balcony, someone's walking there that's of interest...
  19. It probably also depends on your level. My first and second hub; all easy. Third hub; the mini-games suddenly got a lot harder (Normal). 5 thread became 10. Hacks got a lot shorter with less time, as did the lockpicks. At the end I just let the alarm blaze 24/7 :D (what harm does that do anyway?)
  20. About 50% of Deus Ex was cut (moon, white house, go on...)... and look at that game!
  21. Remind me, where does that happen again? Because I found it refreshing that AP was one of the games these days without infinitely respawning enemies. Dead = Dead... okay, a few bugs (reloading at CIA making the unconscious re-awaken), but never infinite battles (AFAIR)
  22. Most seem to post technical issues (savegame, crashing, mouse accelerator etc.) or graphical, don't really see many threads for gameplay issues. So here are the issues I noticed during my first game. They are a surprising few, considering the complexity of the game and the promised flood of bugs by reviewers. Although, yeah, a little higher framerate would be nice (but my PC is old, so I really should update anyway). On to the issues: Saudi-Arabia: * When talking to Mina for her mission (the airport) at the end there are only 2 options left. Dossier, and leave the convo. Dossier = End of convo when I select it though... Moskau: * SIE wonders why I left so many G22 alive during the Surkov mission... despite killing all of them... Taipei: * Retrieve NSB mission; The intel result for reduced guards and a weapon shipment are swapped around (atleast in the description before starting the mission... no idea wheter that's actually also during the mission). * I loose Mina rep when Hack starts shooting NSB agents (apparently killing them by using gadgets, or so the mission finale log says, I didn't use gadgets myself during the mission). * Okay, I suck at stealth, but to give me a -75XP penalty for that. Only time ever in a mission I got a XP-penalty, which makes me believe it's a bug... * Occassionally a third option appears below organisations and individuals in the intel screen. On pretty much all missions that leads to organisations, however in Tapei it gave me above screen. Curious, seeing how that pic isn't even used in the game (probably early development placeholder). Rome: * Identify Jibril Intel: Purchasing additional intel on the man has the wrong icon in the shop. * Do dropped goods vanish? During the "escape the villa" mission at the end I sniped the guards and they dropped stuff, but once I got there they were all gone...
  23. Yeah, "Medical bills" is for people you knocked down, like "Orphans" is for people you kill. The money issue is interesting. I tried keeping tabs on it during my Tempai mission but everything checked out so far, although I definitely recall this from Saudi-Arabia. Hmmm...
  24. Hi there as well.

    Although I wonder why me posting something is worthy of "HOLY CRAP!"... :?

  25. Huh... I would go for more stats. MORE! Also, not every guard having exactly 1 child (for the orphan skill) after the first hub. Aside from above orphan issue I think I would like it if many issues involving the TV would be fixed. The pixels when starting it, the incorrectly timed lipsynch and zooms, subtitles being off, or being intermitted in what Thornton says when examaning a throphy etc. I like to hear what's on it, but all those things make it unbearable.
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