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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Next time read my entire post, since I mentioned that in the very next line...
  2. Ehm, if you shoot immediately after pressing the right mouse button, sure. Then it's somewhere in the reticle (notice how large it is?). Give it time and it will be 100% guaranteed hit where you aim, with a critical hit. Headshot usually means dead. Except for the really tough guys (Deus Vult usually took 2 headshots). It never depended on "luck" for me. Hitting wasn't the hard part at all, not getting hit is the challenge...
  3. You're surprised about that? After all, we've only been telling you all along .
  4. Eh, compare that to ME2's and not much is left: http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/category/106/index Edit; Oh, hey, look. Mouse control issues... Odd.[/sarcasm]
  5. Not my version. Haven't gotten a single gamestopping glitch (2 playthroughs), compared to the 5 or so I had in ME2 (single playthrough). You and me both... Maybe it's the PS3?
  6. Force Lightning was a leftover from KOTOR1, so... BioWare. Of course there it was pretty much endgame, so I guess we can blame OE for not tweaking it to be a proper mid-game power as it is in KOTOR2. Even without FL you can get insanely unstoppable though, with a proper lightsaber build.
  7. And once again with the "bugs and glitches". It's less bugridden than, say, ME2. And that's AFTER ME2's patch. I don't get it. EDIT: Welcome, MarteenDee. Nice first post!
  8. I wasn't really talking about the plot (which was flinter-thin), but about the setting. DS's monsters and areas where generally far from tolkienish "generic fantasy" like Oblivion or Dungeon Siege 2 used. Returning to that would make me happy. Yeah. Sadly enough that seems to be pretty much a tangent amongst DS fans, as I heard it plenty of times all over the place. As for the polish question. I much rather have a gem in the rough (Alpha Protocol, Vampire: Bloodlines) than a very well polished game that wouldn't interest me as much.
  9. You get's Sungs at the exact same time. Yeah, finding secrets in files is more the exception than rule. For your info. Second darcy; Going on the airfield mission (talk to Mina) about "why me?". Second westridge; Bonus mission from Parker. Second parker; Talk to him till he dismisses you (can be done without the bonus mission too). First leland; When you first talk to him (Saudi Arabia).
  10. Wait, where is 15 min. between savepoints? The longest stint I know of is the Omen Deng fight in Taipei. Man, it sucked getting to the red stairs and then die, having to redo all stages again.
  11. Lol... all games these day have stats. From shooters, to RTS, to RPG. I think you will find gaming hard if you cannot ignore this feature that's just fluff anyway. But nice fluff.
  12. The game crashed during my Recruit credits just after the news, and I still got Veteran unlocked... so I don't think you need to see the whole credits (I didn't).
  13. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhh... What? (Or wait, you don't mean changes based on actions in the past?)
  14. Because I expect the gamers then also expect 2 mil weapons to be available for the 2nd game and stuff like that. Meaning more content than a simple 'add new game+ option'.
  15. Soooo... basically you went onto the "bash DS" bandwagon without having a clue what you were talking about? Classy... Why don't you join the AP bashing bandwagon too... "It's a bugridden piece of crap with 2003 graphics! Never played or seen it, but the reviews said it, and they can't be wrong, right!"
  16. But... it's the exact same with the Stryker? I am not really getting it. What prevents you from tranquing guards during the chopper attack that was still possible in the Stryker battle? Although I just replayed that sequence and with the Stryker for some odd reason you do get the Binary Invisibility effect upon you from the tank, apparently it does act like a camera/auto-turret?
  17. IMO it's harder than ME2's Insanity (well, Hard/Recruit. Vet maybe not). Which isn't a bad thing if you like a challenge.
  18. What's the point? Skills are pretty much maxed, and equipment as well. NG+ would only serve to play the entire game using the same equipment from begin to start. Sounds boring. I rather have Veteran with the changed dialogue than that.
  19. Well, most bossfights seem. How did you deal with the STRYKER?
  20. I guess that explains it. I don't sneak (too bad in that, impatient and stuff) so I generally keep running around, not sneaking. So when I heard the missile launch I was already way distant from the impact crater. The 'still sees you when invisible' sounds like a bug though, although I don't quite see why you expect the turret/camera skill to help you here. It's manned after all...
  21. DX vs. DX:IW. I rest my case.
  22. I never used anything else than basic ammo... maybe I should try it next game.
  23. Ooooops. My bad. I am a Dungeon Siege fan, but not enough to buy a PSP for just one game. And it was deadly silent on the PSP section of the forums...
  24. That's... in Dungeon Siege 2. Well, there aren't classes so you aren't locked in one specific way of dealing with enemies, helping in non-linearity, but don't mind that! Cause I *totally* hate AP and can't possibly think them on working on both... you're right there. Also, I seriously doubt GPG would hire OE for their writing talent and then not allow them to use it... that would be pretty stupid. DS2 already proved they atleast try getting more narative in the games. This is a very big step forward. Don't forget the Hassat. I am going to be pissed if you forgot the Hassat. Don't recall "spider people" (you mean Zaramoth/Cinbri?) nor "white dogs" though. Must have played different dungeon sieges. That would be nice. It was really really lonesome on the Dungeon Siege 2 forums . The reviews usually come before the forumposts though... see Alpha Protocol. OF COURSE I am. It's not like I have been here 4 years before the announcement, liking Baldur's Gate or IceWind Dale or Planescape: Torment or Vampire: Bloodlines or Alpha Protocol or... [Cut due to too long] Because using new engines in sequels in unheard off, right? UT99 also uses UE3, didn't it? Anyway, this should suit the people who whine Alpha Protocol is ugly, since Dungeon Siege usually looked pretty slick on release. Not as slick as Diablo II some people claim (but those are morons. Are you ****ing serious? Diablo 2?) of course, because people are, in general, pretty ****ing stupid and will always find something to whine about.
  25. Yeah, it's sometimes hard to imagine we play the same game. Although most whine about the "massive reticule" and "I shoot and miss!" and I just know they know balls about the hit system (as in, wait to target, Deus Ex style). What's broken about the chopper fight? That one has terrible accuracy. I don't think I have ever been hit by a single missile (although it did blow up trucks that then proceeded to blow me up).
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