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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. I once had a room full of guards who were completely unaware of me fistfighting the guard infront of them, but that was only once in several many hours. Seems pretty rare. Spoilerific location:
  2. Huh... I actually prefer the mouse hack segment above the keyboard hack segment. So much easier and fluent to move around. If only both could be moved with the mouse... (can they?)
  3. Yeah, TSLRCM's site is down at the moment. You can get it and the patch at kotorfiles. http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.c...M_Fix_15;111911 (take good care to install it in the right directory. This one has program files/program files as default instead of the correct location!) http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.c...tent_Mod;111657
  4. OE has no say in the matter, LA only. And seeing how LA handled KOTOR2, it seems... doubtful. Although management changes have happened in the past and are currently in progress, so who knows...
  5. To me the thing that killed GTA IV was the "more realistic" driving, thereby singlehandedly killing the most fun thing (insane driving!) that made GTA III, VC and SA so much fun. I seriouly hope they go back on that if they make another GTA, otherwise they lost me as a customer. I can't believe anyone actually though that an improvement... what have you guys been doing during the previous 3 GTA games. Certainly some 6 star police chases right? Are they any fun at all in GTA IV? Nope...? My point exactly. Also sad they never released Midnight Club III on the PC .
  6. Eh, replaying ME1 on unlocked higher difficulty, and it's easier than Vetern. Actually knowing now what I am doing helps, but also the +20% HP, shields and XP you get awarded in your first playthrought. Not so much for "higher difficulty" if bonusses are bigger than the increase in opponent strength.
  7. I don't really buy on Steam really anymore. Euro = USD. Seriously? I recently bought Sam&Max Season 3 from the developers, 35 dollar (around 26 euro). Steam? 32 euro. And then you get less bonus features to boot... insane.
  8. Veteran mode sounds boring. Give me lvl 1 char at the start anyday.
  9. Alternatively, download the TSLCRM patch for this issue from the site (deadlystream.com) instead of radically deleting everything in the override.
  10. Strip yourself of all your items, than cast the spells. Do they increase DEF?
  11. Hey. He has a point right? I mean, Pixar is another company that churns out movies without any good plot. All they steal are stories from better works, then ruin them. COMPLETELY soul-less. Ugly CGI too. I mean; who wants to look at that? Eeew. It's a surprise that they aren't bankrupt yet. And why do people go visit their next movie when they know it's even more utter crap? But atleast they are better than Cameron! EDIT: Oh wait, I haven't even posted my own opinions on Avatar here, right? Well, I rather liked it. Sure, the plot is predictable but who cares, it's the execution that does it.
  12. There is an (unmentioned) rule that defense by force powers can only get some pre-set value per level. Apparently you reached it. Gain a few levels and the powers should do their work again, unless you once again have reached the max otherwise of course.
  13. Even if the movie was pretty bad (probably related to it's very early pre-production state), it's a true shame the game got canned. It had promise...
  14. I just tried this myself, and tied it to the "Masked Attacker". Which means it's a TSLCRM issue. I'll patch it through to Zbyl and Stoney so it can be fixed in future versions...
  15. Odd. Are you running any mods? I ask because in the original vanilla KOTOR2 not even the 2 soldier that show up in Hangar 3 for the blaster sidequest get removed, so it's unlikely NPC's are just "cleared". If not, could I suggest TSLCRM? http://www.deadlystream.com/showthread.php?t=339 It fixes a lot of issues and restores a lot of cut content, to make KOTOR2 more complete.
  16. The finale of that quest takes place in Hangar 3. The droid meet-and-greet took place in Hangar 2. It should still be there if not escorted yet.
  17. Same place you found them? For XP: [install folder]/SW-KOTOR2/Saves/
  18. You're sure the mentioned fix with KSE doesn't work? Did you apply the changes and then hit "Commit Changes" to actually have them affect your savegame. It should work and allow the cutscene with Atton to trigger when walking around the NS main area (not when talking to him)...
  19. Got any mods? You could always try using the Whereami armband (link in the FAQ), it allows you to open locked doors on remote, which should allow you to continue.
  20. You can just use them on a game in progress (unless you're on Malachor, but it doesn't sound like you are)...
  21. You also posted this at deadlystream, no? 457 errors sound familiar after all. Also; since you complain about the musicclash, I think you haven't installed any of the patches. They fix quite a load of issues, so I would suggest getting them (you need all in order).
  22. What "files that come with it"? You mean the source map? That's just stuff for people who want to know how KSE is made, you can delete it if you have no interest in such.
  23. Try exiting and entering the map. That erases bodies and leaves "loot" on their locations, you might be able to select that...
  24. If it has problems on every extractionprogram, I think that's the most likely possibility.
  25. No, No, for fun. Mind Trick is cool, but it's a shame the target doesn't give XP when dying unlike when it's killed by you. Aside from that I have to agree with Tex Willer that I never used the lightsaber forms.
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