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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Me, I am going totally bonkers if it's gonna get a plot. Hate all other OE games after all. Silly plot driven games. Atleast KOTOR2 had Ph4t l33t!
  2. So... why are all reviewers saying that about AP and calculating that into their score... But, oh so conveniently, not for Dragon Age? (Not that I know what DA's graphics are yet. Bio's insane DRM/DLC scheme makes me wait to purchase that one)
  3. Ah, I long for the good old days (and I am young myself, oh my) when not everyone was a graphics whore and games didn't need to sell a million copies to make even for their insane graphical costs...
  4. Look lower... it's on the bottom. (Although it's Napoleon for me, not AvP)
  5. Obsidian Game. Was released. So obviously I would pick it up. I only learned off all the bad press after already finishing it full once and was a little WTF? What game did they play instead? I mean, I didn't get Blue screens of death and 5 gamebreaking bugs like ME2 gave me after all (and a fun 2 day wait because my DLC account got accidentily erased. Joy!). Not that ME2's a bad game, quite the contrary. But it's buggier, and overall AP is more enjoyable.
  6. It's on the back of the manual.
  7. Fixes, sure. But working on an entire community patch, only to have it be for none when an official one comes? Heh, power to the modmakers! Nothing wrong with them liking stuff like that, even if most of us would find it boring (although I guess that's a little hycrite from me working on fixes for The Nameless Mod and Knights of the Old Republic II's Content Restore Mod).
  8. DS:LoA and DS2 had that with their imbedded items and set pieces and uniques and such. I doubt most of those would leave the genre after Diablo II. Also, Draganta, name sounds familiar. Was an user on the Gas Powered Garage?
  9. "Want to borrow my lucky clippers? They're luckyyyy!" Steve(n) Hack FTW!
  10. I doubt anyone would disagree with you. The question then is; what do you find more attractive? A good narration (OE) above mega-polished gameplay, or mega-polished gameplay that's rather bland in content (BW). Apperently a lot of people choose BW, much to the demise of Troika, but I definitely put OE higher.
  11. I think it's a little too early to already assume we need to make a community patch (the game is only out 2 weeks, they could be working on an official one already). As for clearinghouse lag, I mentioned elsewhere I got none either, and I don't get HD management (atleast clearly audioable). I use a single-core though...
  12. How is it a show/gamestopper if all it does is make the level easier than it should be? I think my definition is different (chopper or Surkov not appearing, yes. 7 random thugs, no).
  13. A little tip/probably a bug: There is occassionally a "bash" option. Use it! If you have spy luck, it triggers that instead of the alarm, yet the door is open. Can save some time in a few cases .
  14. MJ12 far outdates DX, but whatever...
  15. Once she mentions the 'DV' server, reply joking. She sends you a mail with $25K as a result...
  16. Totally depends on the person, I guess. Me, I don't. Also, I noticed Deadly_Nightshade is using a quote of me as signature... I am flattered 0_0.
  17. Not really, that's depending on your weapon skill (just look at the critcial hit skills to see the duration required).
  18. You can ask her twice. No idea what the requirements are for 2 mails though. My first and third game I only got one, only in my second game did she send me 2 dossiers (at -10, so you probably have to piss her off in a mail or so, like how you get $25K if you send her the M1LFLV3R mail )
  19. Yes, they are. Just press "More info" and you see who is the vendor. Some, like 'The turk' or 'Anonymous' never leave, but if, say, your vendor is 'Sergei Serkov' and you kill him, too bad for you, the items are gone now... EDIT: Oh, wait, you mean the "Bonus items", right? In that case, nevermind me.
  20. "Off" isn't the same as Application-controlled. So put it on that.
  21. While I have no idea how OE is going to solve that, a voting system would work (most votes win. Although this may not work as good in 2 players).
  22. Physically unable? How so? I don't disagree with the statement some are hard to control (they are, I agree with you). But taking it "It ruins the game, prevents me to progress, the game sucks, I am going to stop playing" is just taking it too far. EMP Grenades are in there for a reason too, not just to decorate your inventory...
  23. 1) Drop cover systems entirely. They don't work in ME1. They don't work in ME2. They don't work in GTA IV. So it's pretty obvious they would also suck in AP. I wasn't surprised. Cover systems suck, devs. Please, stop using them! Ehm... *does not compute* Also, I kind of gotten the impression Conviction was the black sheep of Splinter Cell and all fans hated it? Then again one might get the same impression reading about AP on the internets, so I might be wrong. EDIT: Reading on the thread, you do realise headshots already multiply damage, right? Completely seperate from "Critical Hit" damage? EDIT2: This would be very nice for a sniperrifle, but for pistols, assault rifles or other weapons? No... just... NO. EDIT3: Actually, you can. In the extremely few times I used cover I noticed once you got to the sides of it, you could target different cover areas and leap over there (instead of the roll to the side). EDIT4: HELL NO. If there's something worse than cover system in modern games it's regenerating health. ME2's battles usually where more "hide till you're healed" than actually trying not to get shot, which would make a lot more sense (and be interesting) no? EDIT5: I want whatever you are smoking, guy...
  24. I say it before, but here it goes again. AP's AI is actually better than that of most games. Issue is it's needs to do more here than just shoot back intelligently, like most other games (ie. ME2, RDR) and hell, that is even a problem for many games. Hence, it suffers from the same sindrom as Deus Ex, it's better but still gets critisised for being 'stupid'. And yeah, I don't neglect that it does still have some glaring issues, like the inability to detect auto-turrets...
  25. In your inventory, gadget screen, equip them in your gadget slots. Remember you can only carry a limited amount (which gets increased the more you use them) but you can use multiple slots to carry more if so desired.
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