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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Nope, no changes to powers...
  2. Very well... tell a few games where the story is the BEST in the start. So good, it doesn't get better than that.
  3. Yes. Isn't this true for most games anyway? And... you haven't answered my question.
  4. Would you say Santa Monica was the best part of Bloodlines?
  5. Some of the most legendary games, like Deus Ex or Vampire: Bloodlines have had "a lack of polish". Didn't make them less classic. I think some people are just grasping at straws, they have to explain their score some way no? That the bugs and stuff are nowhere to be found is just a minor detail...
  6. Heh, you're right. It should have been... "Here, blast a T-1000 terminator for no good reason, and that's about all the plot you get for the entire game"... Then the story would have been LEGENDARY .
  7. Or just use the WARP 003EBO cheat. Although you have to do that each time you want to leave NS...
  8. First of all, you're not using TSLRP, you're using TSLRCM. Second of all, install the patch for 1.6. Deadlystream is down, so you have to find it on filefront. http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.c...ddaa_Fix;115443
  9. I picked these titles because I know them to be bugnests. Though I have yet to find a reviewer complain about the little pesks there, while doing so on AP. And yes, like Flouride I encountered more (gamebreaking) bugs in my single ME2 run than 4 AP runs (and that's with the first patch).
  10. Because like it or not, they (and metacritic) have a big impact. For whatever reason that may be. And thus, no sequel, and less sales of AP in general. And kiddies who mimic the reviews saying that AP is buggy while it's got equal (or less) that of the big titles like MW2, ME2, F3, Oblivion etc. where you hear nothing of them... Ah...
  11. But if you want to play it on your PC (because you got no consoles) WITHOUT Steam, you're screwed. Even if you purposedly bought your copy in the store.
  12. Unless of course your copy requires you to use Steam (like F:NV apparently wishes). Wasn't there a game that everyone boycotted because it required to use Steam, even if you bought it at GG or Impulse...
  13. Invest in the thoughness tree to improve HP and endurance... EDIT: Barely used cover ever either. Only the beginning of the Brayko fight comes to mind, and when fighting Sis.
  14. Server issues. It got that, sadly enough. It will resurface again some day.
  15. Switch to an other party member before the cutscene (Bao-Dur, since both Atton and Kreia do this IIRC).
  16. Telltale Games (Monkey Island, Sam&Max) offer DD, then allow you to get a DVD shipped for shipping cost. Personally that would be the best solution to DD, where people would want a physical copy...
  17. Nope, can't say I did. I do notice since they use their new system my Steam games (1 bought, other free trials ) lag a lot though. I think their new overlay got some issues, it shouldn't slow the game down that much it does.
  18. I've got experiences to the contrary... so I won't trust being able to play the game if I may loose connection for a while...
  19. You mean stockholders? People who want it on Steam get it from Steam. People who DON'T want it from Steam buy a box. Making the box use Steam kind of defies having a physical copy in the first place.
  20. Do we really want IW folks here? Don't we have enough "I CANNOT SHOOT IN AP!!!!!1111one!!111! WAAAH The combat system sucks" comments already of people with a lack of patience?
  21. http://planetfallout.gamespy.com/articles/...w-Vegas-Steamin -1 sale then... -2, at very least. -3. I like OE, but I got limits. Another example of the pirate getting the better package I guess. Such a shame...
  22. Did ME2 even have a story? All I recall was bringing the band together. Oh, and some stuff with "Harbinger"... now there's one overdone fight.
  23. No. "better" is a poor bias anyway, since people have different wishes. For me 4x AP due to it's replayability easily triump ME2 which was one nice playthrough but I cannot see playing again any time soon (unlike AP).
  24. Because ME2 really is the better game? [/sarcasm]
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