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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Even with the 18 month plan I expect 2 years. Hunch...
  2. Unoriginal person here, but still want a good naming function. And a fixed surname, hell no!
  3. What you talking about... the attack was awesome. As long as you don't treat it as an escort, leave the ship be and just fly WAY ahead of it, you have no chance in hell to loose it (I couldn't, on the hardest difficulty)...
  4. They invented DVD's and blurays for that. Modern games generally take 2 DVD's (or more, think 35 GB Max Payne 3). 4 DVD's (or 1 Bluray) would be awesome . I need a bigger harddisk :D Refreshed ctrl+F5 both here and on kickstarter... still 13 levels.
  5. Hand-to-hand... or with the staff you've gotten (BG)... Naked wrestling is also an option
  6. Well, that explains a lot. Generally New Game+ is indeed replaying the game with the exact same character. That's what it became famous for, that's what it's used for now. It's called NG+ only if you continue with lvl 60 Shephard or lvl 40 Batman, not lvl 1. So yeah, if in your NG+, which isn't NG+ as used by the branche, I do think adding extra's or such would be nice. Just... not in the branche way of NG+ please.
  7. I'm pretty sure I added $20 for the x-pack, and then when the survey gets around I'm going to state it was for the expansion. How much more "paying for something" it can get, I have no idea. That I pay $20 to get something free ("so free it costs $20!")... well, that just makes no sense...
  8. Yup, don't fix what ain't broken... It ain't an issue. And solving it with ! markers. Well, the game would be dead to me then...
  9. Yeah. If you pick a fighter with mace proficiency, then start with a longsword (since, class gear is that) it just makes acquiring your mace a first "progress point"... I do really think shopping in character-creation rather than ingame deters from finally getting the gold and items you desire 'properly'...
  10. I agree with Gromnir that equipment was far more important than your build in the IE-games (excluding end of BG2 mages). Which wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Heck, the most of you apparently didn't even realise it, that good it worked! I do agree that build should not be completely dwarved by equipment like Action RPG's tend to do. Personally I would see; * Character levels being big boosts of power. However they are rare and far apart. * Gear is the between-level progression method, which increases with less power, but however is far more frequent. And as above poster stated, make exploring a worthwhile effort. Which is definitely better than "grind for level" as power-increasement. As many still claim should somehow be done... :/
  11. Well, of course we need to have a few of these. This isn't Diablo. Good characters are needed for a good story.
  12. Finisher moves? Heck no. Animations? Yay. Also obviously seeing gear on your character, as much as is reasonable (ala probably not rings or belts, athough it'll be cool). I doubt you can even see tattoos, so don't bother with that either...
  13. 12 levels actually. Atleast that was the plan originally. So you can expect what level 5 means then... I would think with your added experience of the combat system, knowledge of quests and layout this would be the case even without added levels, though. Well, with all the "skip Peragus/Telos/Taris" etc. mods around I do think the sentiment is shared among gamers. But for developers, designing a starting area where people want to run through or skip second game? That smells like bad design to me. Rather have it still. No one should design an area with the mindset it will be waltzed through due to boredom... well, except for a tutorial (but I am of the strong opinion the game shouldn't start with an inbuild tutorial annoying you every time again anyway. I'm looking at you, Oblivion/Fallout 3 Bethesda!) I'd much rather they design it with changes in mind (you might get kicked out of Candlestone (was that it? So long ago) for different reasons, and it's worthy to try the other ways to get kicked out. Especially if much later in the game they are reffered to, then to adopt a design where players are allowed to waltz it. Okay, sounded more like it was locked first time around. Not an option, and it just "hints" you the other one in NG+. How does it "hint" anyways? Without being a major immersion breaker ("remember last game? Well, the alternate path is giving the sword. We suggest you do so now"). I think people would be smart enough to pick their own. And again, it doesn't really need NG+ for this, just a "new game" button :/ Actually, personally, I would be majorly pissed off. Having to replay the game with the same bloody character just to see a new ending? Nope, I rather have 3 different endings you can all get from your new game, without NG+ Also, yes, it would make me more prone to replay if I had 3 endings rather than 2. However, with your suggestion, I wouldn't. Seeing how it would be only for playing on with my same character. Which isn't really "replaying" in my book's definition of the word. Sure, I can craft the item in the game for myself for my character, name it after my friends item, it'll be my characters blade then, having it from my friend will just be interesting from another perspective (in my opinion). I am pretty sure you have a different idea of how crafting in PE works compared to how it actually works. Just saying, that if the game ends I rather want it to allure to the expansion (which *is* coming), rather than prepare for NG+. Why? Because if not it would disallow using the endgame plot to bridge over to the expansion, which would be a great way to establish it as one big story. It would seriously hamper the ability to open the expansion just going almost straight from the end of the game. And with an expansion already planned, I just think that would be an excellent way to plan this (ahead). Diverting it to NG+ play would thereby criple the story element binding main game and expansion together, hurting everything in the plot in the end. Anyways, also wanted to mention the idea of "NG+" is something I really loathe as addition in modern games. It really cringes me it's so widespread common. Yes, it works fine in Diablo, Dungeon Siege or Torchlight. However any non action-RPG's, like Arkham City? It's just stupid there. And since this is a storybased RPG, with one of the pilars being choices, so character creation would have a big effect and therefore the best and optimal path is replaying with multiple different builds, I see it equally sucking here as well. It only allows replay in a way the game wasn't meant to be replayed in. And that might be just as bad as having no replay. Some people might think it's an "actual" replay, missing out all the great stuff if they just made a new character. Overall, it's a loss/loss in any way I see it... (stupid damn quotes not working :/... so hence the bolded original lines) (fixed now hopefully. Dammit)
  14. I'm going to assume you're *not* using the unofficial baldurdash patch then, as it fixed that and soooooooo much more... Use it! Really!
  15. If it means you go somewhere and do something, it's a lot better than go of a list of conversation options from A to B to A to C to D to A to B to E to B... quest solved (as is the way of KOTOR1 and KOTOR2).
  16. I don't think this game will be for you if you think skipping half the game at start is a "good idea"... :/ 'It's so much time'... well, that's the game. If you rather want a 10-hour game there are many of these out there... Why not allow that the first game? As such it's locking content, option. It's locking AN ENTIRE BRANCH for New Game+. That's the worst idea ever. Imagine if Witcher II you could only do one of the branches on NG+. Yeah, bad, eh? I rather not OE throw away about 50 hour game time and much so much work just to have it only be experienced if you play the same char again in a game favoring choicing another role to play... Of course, items being "placed" as is, if your friend can craft that item, so can you. So this will either unbalance the game allowing items faster than you should, or just saving you some time as you otherwise got the same item 15 minutes later. It's called an expansion pack...
  17. That would be great to see. Maybe we may still get that. Many interviews also remain till April 2014 no doubt. I'm sure he can tell it better than all of us...
  18. Wrong interpretation of my words . I meant most (higher tier or addon) already put down money to get the expansion. So they obviously need to make one, since we paid for it. It doesn't have to do with their 'using profits for the x-pack' money... RPG's with many quests, multiple pathways and resolutions and complicated combat is NEVER easy to make. It still is a lot harder to QA than, say, Call of Duty. So while I expect OE to ship the game best and bugfree as they can, thinking it'll have no bugs (actually, that's true for any software) will be too positive thinking. They actually do now. Not hitting the same stone twice and all. And seeing DS3 actually got a reputation as being bug-free, I don't doubt without publisher pushing the date and throwing the ball at QA (I am looking at you, LA) it should be as bugfree as an RPG on release can be...
  19. Yeah, I suggest the Bethesda boards instead (j/k, but the amount of times Obsidian and Oblivion get confused suprises me)
  20. Considering I am a heavy pro-fighter for this in various discussions, I think this is pretty much aimed to me (even if it isn't, it sounds that way). So... let's explain. Yes, I think it's a good idea to allow people get the same rewards (XP-wise that is) for the same objective, regardless of execution. That way everything is viable, there is no one way better than the other. The 3-way stealth, tech and combat is a classic one, but nothing says each objective has the exact 3 options. It could have less. It could have more. Heck, it might even have only one of them, in which case this wont be an issue since the reward is the same anway . But your build shouldn't get gimped just because another way is rewarded properly and you're being left out, even if the game promises it as a proper way to play. If a game allows you to play and supports a cunning conversationalist play, it shouldn't harm your XP so much that if you eventually do get forced in combat, you're levels below the intended value for that encounter. It might not be entirely realistic, however it does support the broadest amount of potential roles. It allows you to play your strengths, avoid your weaknesses. And not be awarded or suffer for it if you're just doing what has to be done. Want more XP, find more objectives. It's easy as that. It's not like you're really running out soon. Eventually everyone hits the cap, this just determines that it happens for about all builds the same. And the most influential will be not your build, but how much you actually do. People often complain that objective-based XP ruins exploration (not sure their reasoning) but if you can't grind on the same monsters and such, if you are stuck and need more XP, you really have no choice but to explore. As it should be, as going out and finding new things to experience should be your EXPERIENCE... not murdering the same things over and over. Some inequality could be part of specific build-based goals, such as killing the dragon, which the pacifistic obviously wouldn't do, or the murder trial, which requires good social skills to complete. However if builds do the same (which will mainly be the case in the main quest and a portion of the sidequests) it should be pretty equal IMO.
  21. That does sound pretty cool. And a similar effect could be achieved with spells like stun or hold. Just incapacitate and go. And of course, in good fashion, it can bit you in the ass, if the person you left behind comes back with a little reinforcement as you said, or be a good thing, giving you a friend in a fight/situation you otherwise be alone etc. Again... I like!
  22. If you make a giant map with only 1 single objective, you're a pretty bad designer. I personally think Obsidian has no such crew, so we shouldn't expect to see that. But yes, you wont get rewarded for every single wolf/spider/rat/bandit etc. you kill on the way. Are you going not to kill them because they give no XP? Probably not since you still want to pass them most likely. Are they surving no purpose? Well, they are blocking your way. Are you now no longer having fun exploring? Why so, there is still more map you haven't found. Maybe there there is something else than minor orc guards. Heck, they could even give a little bonus for 100% map exploration. Though that's artificial rewarding I rather not want. But it could work... That's the plan. Hopefully not completely crossing the line and making non-violent the only solution like Human Revolution though...
  23. Like most, I don't care about powergaming (even if being accused so much of doing exactly that in the various XP-threads). What I, and the OE devs care about? Allowing builds to be viable. Allowing quests, and the entire game to be properly roleplayable. To not gimp people who prefer talking and cheating. To prevent filler combat or "thrash mobs" as so many have gotten accustomed to, sadly enough.
  24. Well, they *have* to make an expansion, we paid for it already. So no worries, be happ(il)y (bugfree)...
  25. I think I would like more information about the UI in general to make a definite decision on this. May be just me though. With the high resolutions we have these days, even having "boxed" UI's might feel like they leave enough gaming space to never need this. So who knows...
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