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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Well, BG(2) style most important locations and NPC's already have an icon... so pointing to "Lady Esmeralda's House" doesn't even need a special marker, since you just look up the map and find the house. Same with special locations like fortresses. So overall, I just think it's obsolete more than a bad idea...
  2. Well, there is also the distinction that "solutions" aren't really there for things like exploring and finding a location. That's kinda an objective, not a solution to any problem. All in all it does look here like you're trying to sell us our own system, just named less suited to the task at hand (rewarding for reaching objectives), since it doesn't only compass rewarding for problems or quests. Indeed, implenting a system just to force people to play different would be bad. Which is exactly why there is this system proposed that doesn't do that but instead rewards everyone for just doing stuff their way. Of course all this is moot since you think this is true... which explains the root of the issue; No, it isn't. Really. I wouldn't advocate a ME2 system anywhere...
  3. Nothing. Why should there be? There is no discouragment. That's not the point. However there is no ENcourangement. And that... is the whole point. Yes, I have. You probably have me confused with antoher user or users, cause I am pretty sure I never used the "Oh my, players will play wrong with xp per kill". It's all about allowing various builds to be viable (good for players) and to properly define player progression and advancement for balancing (good for developers). Which is exactly what objective based experience does. You get rewarded, however you do it. Not just for fighting your way out, like so often the case in the old IE-games. That's a pretty bad motivation to go into a game. Why be curious? Well, to satisfy your curiosity of course! For many players exploring is their own reward (an apparent fondness of BG1 travel explained in some threads also reinforces that). Then there are quests, items, locations etc. all only found through that. If you only explore for XP instead of that, well, our interests couldn't be further away. Which is entirely our point... :confused: And we're not twisting your argument, you pretty much said "I don't want to level up mysteriously when completing a quest, I want it to be done by killing thousands of critters"... which is indeed advocating farming and other stuff you are 'surprised' we 'accused' you off. We actually advocate a system which rewards you on your solution, instead of punishing you. It's called objective-based XP. It's kind of curious you think we don't want what we are trying to advocate... I am befuzzled atleast. How about (as I stated many times) "allow all playstyles to be viable and rewarded," not just combat. Hence, the goal is that there is no 'wrong' way to play the game. All ways are good. I suppose in some way that could be seen as prevent people from "playing it wrong"... though I hardly see how it can be seen as enforcing our own playstyle upon others. You do realise it's impossible to check if you "sneaked" past an enemy. It's just simply not doable. Hence stealth games giving experience and rewards for ghosting sections or levels, not per individual enemy. It's even more impossible for a PE-style RPG system. Hence using the same system stealth systems use, rewarding reaching a point (ie. objective-based XP) would be better, since it's actually viable, and checks easily something that should be done, reaching a point. However in PE there wont be a major "ghost bonus" but just a general XP gain when you get there. Wheter it be by stealth, force, diplomacy, creating a distraction, risk all running to the point, getting harmed in the progress, sacrifice knights to buy your time or any other method. Reading that does sound like a User issue... :D (sorry, had to be done)
  4. Not really. Reflex and instinct survival methods don't really learn you as much as actual training. Realism aside, it was mostly about gaming design for me. It's pretty counter-productive to have a "bad encounter" (ambushed!) for the player, and they get insanely rewarded for that. That way, it's not really bad is it? No. Gameplaywise though, it's the best design, since it does reward the player actually doing something, and doesn't reward it for playing the system, doing stupid stuff, being a murderous ass for no reason or just grind the same monsters 2 hours. SERIOUSLY? Dude, I've posted COUNTLESS posts on this topic with full disclosure on why it should be the case. If you don't read them, don't blame us on not giving all the reasons right up there up front for all to see and judge... Yes, they are. It's called rewarding exploring, doing quests. Instead of random wanton-slaughter. And allowing gamedevs to only reward exploring with loot or more monsters to kill for XP. Remind me again why good incentitve to explore (cool stuff) isn't a good incentitive to explore anymore if monsters give no XP, given that the same cool stuff is the same coolness. And stuff. ??? Seeing how both with XP and without XP this is the case, I don't see why it makes a difference. Only the really-OCD crowd would suddenly find combat "awesome and great and worthwhile" if it give 5XP per kill and suddenly thinks it's the biggest waste of time when giving 0XP. Seeing how it's EXACTLY the same. But without arbitary silly number. Does such a small bonus really make it that easy to overcome bad design? Let's add in that the player needs to send his files online each hour for checkup. It totally sucks. Everyone knows that. But we give them 100XP for doing so. Yay, everyone think it's the best thing ever! Last time I checked, in reality, it doesn't work that way... I don't particularly saw Deus Ex's combat as being really bad. And all the complains about it where about aiming, none said that it would have been so much better if downed enemies gave XP per kill. If the player is a powergamer with a guide and a distinct need to rush the game, probably. As stated before in the thread though, this "fallacy" has even more fallacies to itself. To summon up quickly; * What would be the most direct solution? What is the fastest option? How do you know? * What about resolution differences other than XP? * What sudden force compels player to forgo their character and play like this, forced as though by godly powers? As seen, the 'this WILL happen' has so many "but how the heck can that be" applied to it, it's pretty hard to see it happening on a massive scale. I'll answer this question once you tell me how killing 100 critters makes me better at lockpicking and bartering. Apparently if thinking this way a TES-system would be the best to use, as it allows realistically to upgrade what you're using. In practice, it doesn't however, and a levelbased with XP system is much better in this type of game. You'll have to take it with a bit of "it's abstract" though. And instead of only looking at "but I should learn when swinging my sword" also look to the gameplay designer point of view. Where you may see it can really give you so much more options using an objective based system, more control. More everything. Nope, not really. If diplomacy is always easiest (as it usually is in RPG's) the diplomatic char gets duped with much less XP. Making his build lack behind, and thus less viable. Kind of the current system we are trying to avoid. Apparently everyone somehow agrees combat is the hardest, so this "fix" is basically the same system of old, unchanged, unfit for the changes to make less combat-prone builds viable. So efficient at solving the problem? I don't think so...
  5. KOTOR2's is down already. Steam supercedes it use, leaving it just for GOG. And I don't think it's too much use for that, since GOG also automatically notifies of updates (unsure on installing though). So, no longer useful in the modern gaming community, it appears to me...
  6. It reminds me of telling depressed people to "get over it. Think good and you'll feel better." Well, good for you, ****, but it doesn't work that way. And while, yeah, there will be mods, as mentioned tools might not be there right away, so why not allow an official option. It's not like it's that much work, as it just replaces the skin with that of another unit already in the game, fully animated, and with the same stats... :/
  7. Everything should be solvable, if not ideally of course. Doing otherwise and having it permanently stuck in your journal, heck no! If for some reason a quest is somehow not for you it definitely should never be given to you in the first place. I wouldn't mind getting a quest though you cannot finish "properly", except with another class, so when you try it it fails on you. Nice hint for what there is else to do a next game, and remind the player (s)he can't do everything. For example to save NPC1 you need to cast a certain spell. Don't have that (since no wizard) the NPC dies, quest failed...
  8. In a BG(2) like exploration scene just plot in another map (They did with Durlag). Who tells the difference if it was there vanilla or not unless they know or the quality is obviously very different?
  9. I've read several EU books past the prequals release and thought to myself "hey, that didn't quite work as said here" several times. So yeah... canon. Obliterated. And who cares?
  10. Well, Kingdom of Amalur was pretty much a singleplayer MMORPG. A design that bogglese the mind.
  11. You need to find the string the same as the one provided. It's rather easy; It's the only thing that's not moving. If you concentrate on that, you shouldn't have any issues finding it. Then the aiming... sneak close, aim, insta-kill. Like Deus Ex. Again, not that hard to learn. Or use. And more fun than having to shoot enemies 50 times to compensate for your inhuman accuracy like in Mass Effect. For me atleast. Sneak and kill is much better than just blam blam blam every room over and over.
  12. It's definitely advised yes. It adds a lot to KOTOR1's story, characters, and makes it even more prominent how much better OE's writing is than BioWare, with them making their own character that far more interesting...
  13. I think CDRed did great, by just adding it all in their 1.01 patch for Witcher II. Some people/branches where pissed though...
  14. I like the BG1/DA:O way, expended upon of course. When travelling between areas those random events *could* happen. Hopefully most triggered by things you have done in the past. Or having some result later on so loading and trying again without event doesn't gain you a thing. Also, not all combat sounds good. Really big stuff like explorable dungeons, mini-quests etc. shouldn't be done in said areas though.
  15. I am pretty sure both were infact released for the PC. And work on the X-360. So, what exactly is your "goal"?
  16. Did you install TSLRCM properly? Do any of your other mods overwrite handmaiden.dlg?
  17. Point is, the game is meant to be replayed *with different builds*... NG+ is generally designed to do the whole thing over again with the same character. These 2 concepts... they don't work together. Slight bonusses or small easter eggs the second time (and beyond), regardless of using a new character or old would be much better suited for PE.
  18. Zoom and camera rotation was only added since 3D made environments so much harder to navigate. A patch to fix the issue. Since the issue isn't in PE (thank god), there is no need to apply it's patch for the issue...
  19. According to that it's considered a "great financial failure", like how video games that might a slight profit are and not huge are deemed such and then fired afterwards. Sadly, that's the idiotic reality of today. I blame the stock market and shareholders. MacDonalds only made 1.45 billion profit, last year 1.5 billion in that time. Massive crises! Stocks are plumeting over the bad results. Hello? 1.45 billion PROFIT isn't profit anymore? What the hell? Anyway, back to the story at hand... it's absolutely ambiguish yet wheter this is an improvement or not. And screw EU. Please let VII overwrite and obsolete all of it, right where it belongs. Adhering to it religiously will only hurt Star Wars as franchise at this point.
  20. Might be shallow, but a great game is a game that never becomes a chore to play, and is always fun and a good time spend.
  21. Exactly. Only now notice your username. So, yeah, nevermind, move along people... Aaaaand... I think magic should be RARE and indeed more potent than non-magic items. That's why it's magic. No more magic items popping out from every little nook like the end of BG2 or pretty much every aRPG.
  22. Hmmm, using KOTOR2 as base, pretty much all INT options are just giving you a little more information, and are far away from being the "better" option. They don't really reward you besides with backstory. And if you want every little piece of backstory you would need to cheat all your stats and skills to the max. So, yeah, don't want to go to limit it all just because someone might not have a stat that high...
  23. Do you use TSLRCM or TSLRP (since you're put outside, which doesn't happen in vanilla) Other mods? Could very well be they conflict with the battle starting properly.
  24. Even with the rest of the post, I see absolutel no way how these 2 lines are releated. With 2 cities, 15 mega dungeons and MORE, what more space do you NEED?
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