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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Noone here played Baldur's Gate or Baldur's Gate 2? All maps had little icons for important stuff (stores, specific places ("Ruins")). Getting lost or not finding anything is your own damn issue, not the game. So, no questmarkers. If you get a goal to "find X at the house in the woods", you should go to the woods and FIND that house, not just look at the map and know exactly where the house is in the woods, and instantly go there. The way it's meant to be...
  2. I didn't actually read all 13 pages (bit too much, and might affect my opinion, which I don't want). First off; making light and heavy equal would be stupid. Why would anyone wear heavy if light gives the same defensive boosts? They wouldn't. And you've ruined medium and heavy. So, yes, medium and heavy should be more powerful. The tradeoff could be with things people mentioned like speed (combat though, not movement, as a party going out-of-sync exploring is just bad for gameplay), sacrificing upgrades (with about 12 levels spending 2 "feats" (for lack of a better word) on gaining heavy armor is a heavy impact, which should have it's reward) Light and heavy would still be viable for those not using these feats. Medium might even be free for fighters at the start to start it off as 'good armor'. The individual armors inside a tier shouldn't just be 'one better than the other' but more varied. All could have the same defense, but one makes you faster, the other you slightly harder to kill (damage reduction), one might give you a bigger capacity for loot (good for the packrats), while the 4th just simply gives 1 more defense without any other fancy boosts if you want so. So all armors remain viable for whatever purpose you made your character to be. Tank? Pick the armor. Rapid attack? Pick the quicker attack bonus. Thoughness? Pick the damage reduction armor. And once you find better armors of the same type or a different you have to make the choice. Do I keep the damage reduction while that is a better packrat armor? Or wear it. And that for your whole party. Another could be skills designed for those classes. The battlemage in heavy armor might cast only highly powerful, but slow spells, which make it likely he's hit, but once the spells off, it's armageddon upon the enemy. Or the quick nimble caster annoying enemies with low damage quick castings of magic missile. Same for the fighter. The heavy armor fighter might get skills aimed to soak up as much damage as possible or get increased defense for a lowered offense (as IWD2 had too). The light armored fighter could sacrifice armor for more damage or get a rapid attack which decreases damage and adds a greater risk to miss at greatly increased attack speed. So much that can be done with it. For the "+1" issue my solution would be; * There will be just 'main armors'. All upgrades to the base are UNIQUE. That means, no dozen of +1. But that increase by a slight amount could be the Druid of Anna'hur's leather armor, or the Former Fighter Guild Owner of Gruggot leather armor. Both +1. But neither called such. They could be the same. But better, they would be slightly different. And of course the first is found at the Druid mentioned, the second with the Fighter mentioned etc. Of course creating multiple different items instead of a +1 and just giving it to people everywhere might severly increase the amount of items that need to be created, and I am not sure how viable that would be in a project the current size. However it would IMO greatly increase the feel of progression or actual gain if you find such an unique item rather than just a +1 item. And with such a low level limit it would make sense most opponents still use base gear anyway, instead of fully duped magical gear. It could also make magical gear more rare, since these upgrades aren't all magical but just armors improved by it's unique owners to their own wishes, not particularly to magical means. Making finding actual magical gear more magical later on too. And please, no randommised items like Diablo, Torchligt or Borderlands. Handcrafted only!
  3. That's just stupid. What if I wanted to reread what was written about quests? This is worse handholding than what you are against! Also seems that 'quest' screenshot is really empty. I don't suspect to be on so little quests at the same time in PE, so that wouldn't work then... I still am under the presumption that that UI looks absolutely horrible... :/
  4. Played it once, and had to reload 10 times due to the game breaking. 5 of these the player floating up and getting stuck in an object, about 3 times that a floating platform got stuck, not allowing me forward, 1 time a cutscene triggered too early before it should, I got stuck, and 1 time the game just didn't launch a cutscene it should have. AP, 7 plays? Not one gamebreaker...
  5. Don't think it would work, the 15-options indeed sounds better. Alternative words for the same, non-native english speaking people (like me) etc. make it something that would probably irritate more than add variety.
  6. For complaining about "how people should read" most of you have done a fantastically good job of not properly reading the OP's post. CONGRATS. Basically what it says is he doesn't want OE to implent a system like the "prevent scum saving" thread guy wanted, and we all agreed with that, didn't we? It's just stating if they make changes it should be tested if it works properly, and not is just added irritation (think armor/weapon degredation) with no gain. *sigh*
  7. http://youtu.be/5QGS34Lj7qA What you can expect when using a console controller playing PE... (Not sure who originally posted this in another thread, but props to him/her)
  8. Who wouldn't? Except for the ones bashing AP without playing it of course for reasons beyond human comprehension...
  9. They could easily make it based on your influence with party members. PC does all the talking, however if his skill is low for a check, a character who does can chime in... IF he likes the player enough. A NPC disliking the player might even use his knowledge of the skill to screw up the conversation instead without the players knowledge. Not sure how feasible it would be to intergrate it though...
  10. I re-state my statement from the spider thread; So. Many. A-Holes. In. This. Thread. And here I thought RPG-players were more mature than this. Sadly, second thread to prove me wrong :/ Anyway, the developers on PE know what they are doing. Several of the listed changes like XP and lower healing aren't done just to make it harder on people, but exactly to allow the multiple different builds and characters to role-play that you want in. To make sure there is no "one way" to play the game and the rest will suffer behind that skill-wise.
  11. Got the game at release at full price, didn't regret it. 7+ playthroughs made it worth it. It's also less buggy than ME2 which I played around the same time... so yeah, reviewers, what the hell? It also seems to stem a lot from their inability to aim and fire. They try playing it like it's "where you aim, there it hits" instead of like Bloodlines and Deus Ex, and then complain about it's firing system. Pay attention to the tutorial, idiots... seriously. How hard it it to figure out you need to get close and aim with the gun? Anyone? It's in the tutorial, on the skilllist, on pistols. But nope, some people still are too dumb to get that. Sadly enough, their job is proffessional reviewer. As for a fanpatch, well, I would love to like TSLRCM, but there don't really seem any tools to get everything back to the basic scripts and stuff and modify everything. Sadly I'm no programmer, just a coder, so I kinda need those to work with ...
  12. To create on their side, yes. Not for the enduser to display them and properly run them (after all, it'll just be a bitmap). But with the current memory prices, windows allowing a lot more than in 2000 and all that jazz, it's definitely less an issue than it was in IE's area. They already stated themselves they no longer need days for rendering, rather hours... so...
  13. Well, BG1's journal was hell if you took a break for a week or so, and had to come back and remember what to do. They can definitely impove upon that, without adding quest markers or active quests as you say... but they do need to log them per quest for easy access. Especially useful for those longer quests (the entire stronghold section, eternal dungeon etc.)
  14. No no no no no to all kinds of markers, arrows, ingame browser to a walkthrough or find x of y for me type quests. Sheesh... do people think this is a MMORPG or that a spiritual sequal to Baldur's Gate is made here?
  15. It's been an issue with having just cyan yeah. It'll be fixed for 1.8.2, if it ever comes about.
  16. What color crystals do you have?
  17. Preaching to the choir here, dude...
  18. PE and BG, meet Morrowind expansion... Of course much bigger chuncks of text than MW had... EDIT: Above post wasn't here when I started writing. 0_0
  19. I doubt you can copy the game and then just use it. You'll have to re-join Steam and re-evaladate it. Also, it's no way to circumvent patches, as it'll be instantly auto-updated. Unlike GOG. So like above user, I have to agree with... "what?"
  20. IceWind Dale 2 is more modern than Fallout, Fallout 2 or Diablo II. So point doesn't stand. I kinda expect some re-use of smaller areas (think housing in Baldur's Gate 1), however areas should have their unique feel, as do cities, as do dungeons. You just don't get that with tiles. So, no thanks. Not sure why anyone would want that when we can have fully handcrafted areas instead. And then you rather want tiling?
  21. I do think the game will suffer if there's not atleast 1 character you bind too (preferably all in your party of course)
  22. With 2 big cities, a stronghold and probably smaller settlements too, I doubt they are going to be on a single location, rather spread around the world. Gotta collect all 367+ (achievement on Steam, true story!)...
  23. That's pretty awesome. Hat off to Ink Blot indeed!
  24. BG-style, upgraded to have quest specific entries (so you can easily find what quests to do without browsing 20 pages, without loosing the 20 pages). Someone also mentioned concept art, that would be nice to have too with it. So yeah, not the BG1 style where you had trouble seeing what remained to do unless you read it all, but definitely long good entries...
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