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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. So, my entire 'to do' list for 1.8.2 is empty! And I am kind of sitting on air here. Sure, there's M4 stuff to test and fix, but still. If anyone found any pressing issues still present in 1.8.1 they want fixing (and can, so don't suggest widescreen or better Intel-support) please do mention...!
  2. Are they, like bosses in other parts of the game (heroic, flashpoint) extremely 'difficult' just because they have a metric ton of HP. And the 'fun' of defeating them is just a chore of sitting the combat out? Or is it actually fun, a real department from every other boss in the game?
  3. More proof that the MMO-crowd baffles me. Also, on the TOR forums, some hardcore MMO-players are flaming someone for wanting to do all side-quests... I mean, what? I think some of them are not really understanding people who play casually instead of hardcore, with optimal builds, and perfect gear and what-not and don't even know about all the hidden stats and things we should apparently 'know' about. (Heck, when I visit the forums I don't even understand half the posts...) Same. If I would be playing any other MMO's besides TOR that is. I'm only in due to the story. Guess it's not the MMO's crowd, but I like it. It's why I play TOR, hate WoW. I would have been so much happier if TOR was a SP RPG... but, alas. As it is, just have to bear with the horrible mechanics (skills, so many abilities, drag-on combat, "dps/healer/tank" ****) to get the 'good' stuff... And I really don't get the crafting/equipment hardcorists either. So what I don't have perfect gear for my level? Dabbled with my sub a bit in crafting, and... well... kinda hate it. Having to use skills or buy from others stuff to craft items to learn to craft better items etc. etc. I rather take money/companion gift missions. Click and away, profit. Yay! Not much grinding involved. Just... doing the missions. With a story. I like it. Zbyl and me generally avoid most combat with stealth. A life-saving ability, since I wouldn't want to fight every foe in my way... On the other hand, I can't imagine doing those flashpoints or heroics over and over and over. Even with a friend.
  4. Really like the article... much info new to me. And OE KOTOR3? Hell yeah (would anyone expect else from me anyway)
  5. Well, made the whole post on moddb, so linking there for the M4-78EP trailer and it's release date. Note that that same release date is also the date for TSLRCM 1.8.2. http://www.moddb.com/mods/the-sith-lords-restored-content-mod-tslrcm/news/m4-78ep-release-trailer-tslrcm-for-moty And while you're there, feel free to vote for us if you like the mod
  6. Negatory. TF2 and TOR are compelely different beasts, so comparing it isn't possible. Compare TF2 to Enemy Territory, and it's even worse as F2P for example . And so you could think up more examples. Doesn't change that this was the best move with TOR that BioWare/EA could make. And they definitely profit of it already, even with the many issues the Cartel system has still... For someone complaining about someone using a strawman, that sounds a whole lot like a strawman. It's simply not based on reality. And no, reduced XP is not a 'massive failure'... I actually long back to the time I had that XP progression now I have a month subscription... It's funny I actually completely agree with "alanschu" for a change. It doesn't seem to happen very often. It's basic MMO. I can't say it's my favorite thing either. What seperates TOR is it's story. And that is what makes it bareable. So why one would suffer through... for the story. Cause I am really not doing it to experience lvl 50 MMO-grind activities like so many apparently want and complain is lacking. So what? It's not like that's much fun... :/
  7. Mega-mass reply incoming, spread into 2 parts due to quote block limitations; So far all of them have been clear to me. "only useable when stealthed, when enemy HP is less than 20%, when the enemy is incapatitated" I don't see it being difficult or anyway confusing... Zbyl and me just ignore them. Did fine during F2P, doing way more than fine XP-wise with a subscription. And that's without warzones and space. Yeah, we do flashpoints though. Only once. ALL quests are. I don't see the difference between a regular side-quest or a "bonus" side-quest. So I wonder why they're more suckey in your eyes... Had one of those in a flashpoint, asked why. He responded it was just to have an added challenge since already running through the storyline for so many times... If you do all sidequests (including bonus of sidequests) and bonus, you shouldn't fall behind. Well, except if you stealth beyond everything. F2P are generally far better in keeping up to planet levels. Subscription? Goes way over it. F2P don't get rest XP (do get an annoying mention of it all the time). And yes, those legacy XP-boosts do add up. You can get these as F2P as well. Pretty much yes. You do have to do these bonusses though, otherwise you lag behind. But hey, it's all sidequests. The completionist in me cries I left so much sidequests behind on Alderaan since I became overleved :/ Your toon(s) would be on a different server, intact. As mentioned you'd have preferenced status, so it's not so restrict as 'pure' F2P. But still restricted. Most people complaining about F2P are previous paying players who miss their functions. But as free player? You don't really miss that stuff anyway. Well, unless you really like PvP (I fail to see how that's possible, but those must exist)...
  8. All this ending discussion made me remember I haven't actually seen the Expanded Cut yet... But, do I really want to replay earth? (even if going down on easy to spare combat fatigue)
  9. Well, was playing F2P with zbyl (TSLRCM, M4-78EP). Then he got a subscription, and his XP doubled-to-tripled, so we started drifting far apart level wise. So, got myself a box with 1 month subscription as well. Hope I won't regret it. As singleplayer game it's absolutely horrible. Dual-player is a lot better. Especially since enemies actually die fast now, instead of each single damn combat scene dragging on and on if you're on your own... It has so many flaws. But I guess I can pay 13 euro once for it. I don't really care much for endgame content, I rather want to play the storylines...
  10. Yup. The downside (IMO) is the author gives you a bunch of overpowered items with it, like a lightsaber. But if you mind it like me you can just grind them to components. Sadly enough, that same scope makes it a drag to play sometimes as you keep running and running and running through these same empty places. Especially Nar Shaddaa had that Yup. Which makes it doubly shameful it's completely devoid of meaning. Barely stores, no quests. There are dozens of quests on the sandbank (Tatooine) but next to none there? And then all in the countryside, none in the beautiful city? Quest design and area design obviously didn't work together, or these kind of mistakes couldn't have been made :/ Zbyl and I (we play the campaign together) unanomiously agreed we absolutely hated Taris, and were glad when we could finally leave it.
  11. I became a god, and all I got was this typo'd gun...
  12. It's an isometric 2D RPG. Why would they need facial animations again? They can't really close up on the character, or you'll see how flat the background is. And having animated heads talking in a box on the screen always works so good... (note; that's sarcasm).
  13. Oh, heck, I hope they don't take over the horrible MMO "Aggro" idea... I despise it about as much as Tank/DPS/Healer. Let's break that downward spiral, please. It didn't help DA at all... rogues should be rogues... not damage dealers :/
  14. I'm afraid 1.0c bugged you... :/
  15. The majesty games are great, I would definitely recommend them. Is that gold HD? Already got both, and Magicka, so again, nothing to my interest... Have you tried LadyCrimson? I know she's a Majesty fan
  16. If you *really* hate Peragus, there is always the Skip Peragus mod too...
  17. I don't care how weak he is or how suicidal... from everything we learned about Walkers till that point, he should have been a dead man. No "conviently dissapearing zombies" when the cutscene starts so the 3 that charge you, slop one, rest spontaniously gone would have helped there too...
  18. Just finished The Walking Dead. Final episode sure was the shortest. Maybe to make up for various pathways? It felt pretty teamdriven the first half, so I wonder how it would be if you went solo. Who'd want to cut off your arm for example? Own idea? Also, the "reason" for the bad guy being a bad guy. If you made a different one would it be the same guy with a different reason? Probably, kinda sucky though. Damned if you do, damned if you don't isn't much of a choice. Also stupid was near the end just given up on 1000(!) zombies being a threat and just murdering a path through them. If we could simply do that why did so many of my team die, why are we running all these episodes? Just chop chop like here. Eeeehhh... And after the ending another proof little girls *never* listen... Besides that, it had some interesting choices and happenings, and since the gameplay sucks as always, it's funfactor is entirely decided by that. So one of the better episodes overall due to that...
  19. Not saying that... just saying it really fits the theme of AP. ME doesn't really have the same, conversations there are generally more shallow too.
  20. That's kind of the point though... :/ Spy, not really getting the time.
  21. Hiya. Yeah, me and Zbyl are playing the MMO now... definitely would have prefered a SP KOTOR3. The story isn't all too shabby, but too much (bad) combat, griding, pointless areas, running and oh-god-respawning-enemies-die... (just to sum up some stuff)
  22. Haven't really played many 2012 games. Have some in backlog (Grimlock) that probably wont be used till 2013/2014. So it's really hard to make such GOTY lists... Rather wait for Skyrim, Dishonered, Sleeping Dogs, X-com etc. till they are cheaper... :/
  23. Wow! If that's the case, I'm really impressed with what they managed to do, despite all the flaws. They had six years to work on Origins, no wonder it turned out to be a better game. Hmmmm, KOTOR1 and KOTOR2 come to mind. OE did way better in 11 months than BW in 11 months...
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