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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cD69PAIqiYo
  2. Ehm, no... they just get paid A LOAN (goal completion, or usually, a month work), instead of PER HOUR (per kill). Do you have a great post on how loans are bad and everyone should be paid by the hour or everyone stops working? I would love to read it...
  3. I'm surprised that you say that. Not only are they ridiculous and wrong (Deus Ex stuff), but also almost unreadable. Hate to tell you, but some people can infact read.
  4. I'm a completionist, I would do both! But if I had to pick, probably the most trustworthy person. I rather do a bit more heavy work than be framed delivering an Anthrax letter and go to jail. If some of you would also look a bit more gray than the ultimate black and white, maybe it would be a bit easier to see our points... see? Only in the black and white world. You say it yourself, combat exhausts resources. All of you prone on the hard healing potions, the armor repair (dear god, don't be in), the whatsnot. Total cost might also be 10000 zorkmids. So again, no one perfect version. And knowing Obsidian I think persuasion is going to be harder hopefully than picking a single option. Think of something DX:HR did right. It wasn't easy to persuade someone. Sometimes combat was easier. I've played Deus Ex. Multiple times. And I tell you no. It's not. Skills could improve your accuracy. Then you had the scope. The overpowered laser dot. Aiming isn't STEALTH. It's aiming. Not gunning around like an idiot. Sadly enough, some people can't comprehend the principle, as can be seen by many people very confused with Alpha Protocol. I can't see how anyone would call the pistol in AP anything but overpowered, but apparently some can't use it... people... Yeah, cause I wont skip combat when it gives no XP, you will. That obviously makes me then one hater of combat and skipper of annoying combat. OBVIOUSLY. And PE is a storydriven game, and that is why quest XP fits. Back to you...
  5. If the reward is for dealing with them, talking or fighting does the same. Avoiding as some here fear though... that's pointless if you want your precious XP. I don't see the issue...
  6. What use Galactic Reputation is... it doesn't tell. Also, they apparently think they fixed enough bugs last week, and the "patch" is a single line. I think they're plenty of buggies left Bio... :/
  7. But they HATE combat. They hate combat SO much they only do it if it gives XP. So combat should give XP so they can do more combat. Which they hate.
  8. Every class can sneak. Doesn't mean every class has it easy. And maybe has to spend value skill, feats and what-not in it to succeed. Everyone could sneak in Alpha Protocol. In Vampire: Bloodlines. In Deus Ex. Did everyone do so? Was it the only sollutions. Was it super-duper-easy? Exactly. Also, the second quote has to do with pacifistic ways to finish quest. What that has to do with sneaking around mobs fails to grasp me. But maybe you can enlighten me, you seem to read differently from intended words... maybe share some light how you see JE's words. Leaving side-quests aside (WTF?) combat is a means to complete a goal. Just like the other options. There IS a reward. Just not based on simple genocide, but completing something requiring said genocide. Orcs threatnen village? Check. Persuade them to leave. Reward. Kill them. Reward. Means of combat? Resolution. HELM INTERRUPTION: But then everyone picks persuade. Combat useless! Hate! You suck! Well, it would be the best resolution. Of course for it, people needed to have invested into the persuade skill. Instead of another perhaps better skill. Should they profit from their choices? Yes they should. Just as combat-heavy people profit from picking the combat skills and being able to smash easily. Since the skill to avoid wont always be in your repertoire Do I need to be clearer? (I assume so. I always need to. Hence the XP-thread before getting massive) Lol. Headshot! 1-4 bullets. Costs? 1. And it made going around and searching for items on the map a breeze. I generally overflooded with items. Yes, you could stealth. But I suck at it. And murdered plenty of enemies. Did I get punished? Nope. Was it harder than stealth? Nope. Did I close XP-rewards others could only get? Nope. Perhaps the only exclusions where hostage situations. But if you were playing properly, you could gun them too without failing. Because older games had X doesn't mean X is good, or everyone wants X. Enough threads here that have complains and want stuff in all those 3 games gone. Like identifying items, an overload of potions, and whatnot. Search around. Also funny is what 2 of the RPG's generally considered "The best ever" are combat-XP less games... namely Deus Ex and Vampire: Bloodlines (PS:T ending the trio). One could pick a conclusion out of this. Or one could, like you, stick their head in the sands and go "but it was in the old games. That's proof it works!"
  9. Who says killing a mob takes resources? Instead of simply gaining them? Why waste time and gain resources indeed. Silly game. We should just get our resources without effort! (I can do sarcasm too ) Good luck sneaking. Go play BG or BG2, go to a chokepoint and sneak past them WITH YOUR WHOLE PARTY. I guarantee failure. I'm not going to assume PE grants everyone stealth either... If no one does a sidequest without reward, I think the sidequest is horribly flawed. Seeing as this is Obsidian, I doubt we'll get kill X foes sidequests, and only deep stories. And sometimes, stories can be their own reward. If you don't see this, may I suggest MMORPG's? They would fit you perfectly, no plot, just grinding. Yay! Because *obviously* one can't play a game for it's story... Says you. I say you're wrong. Who'se words are more correct? Just saying stuff and claiming they are facts isn't much of a proof, ya know? FYI... Stealth wields the best effect in DX:HR. And I hated that. False. DX1 killing everyone gave you a clear way to explore every nook and cranny at your leisure. That didn't mean it was the best way, or the only way. Neither was stealth. Neither didn't give much pro's or con's... exploring and questing did (hey, look, so does PE). DX3 however killing gave 0XP while stealth gave 1000XP. I can hardly say that's giving you an option.
  10. You do realize this is a 4M production, right? Not a 100M production. Of course cost will be a pointer. How much of that 4M do you want for merely VO? I rather have it spend on the proper places. Since in current game-land, it's not much...
  11. I don't see the point of NG+. Instead of playing with the exact same char, why not a different class? Skills? That would be much more fun *I think* Also, it takes developer time making balancing for such a second run while they should rather spend it on the main game IMO.
  12. Of course, even if just for nostalgia. I agree the BG:EE seem weird (from the screen, didn't buy it, fine enough with my own BG). First thought they made colors for each char, but no, 3 are white.
  13. That this is the #1 wish of most BioWare fans really tells me they get their priorities wrong. The BW romances are hilarious, I can easily do without them. Why want more... They should have formed a pack to add pazaak or something. Much more people would be suited by that :/
  14. Here we go again... you can find my opinion (a lot of times and in-depth) in the Level Scaling thread. It's about 60+ pages, hard to miss. A quick sum-up, and saying I generally agree with PrimeJunta, who probably wrote it better than me. * Yes, you can code it up to give 0XP in situations. And scale down XP's. And super-balance encounters. But it's much easier for developers to create a proper balance of powers if they don't have to balance between no kills - murdering psychopath. And this development time can be spend on other things, making a general better game. * No kill XP doesn't mean you can or will run from every encounter. I'm not sure why some people are reveling in fighting for XP and claim to run if it's gone. Isn't that pretty much end-game MMO too. MMO-ers are known to be slaughter every living thing in sight to level. Murder murder murder. And even without XP in the endgame they revel in supreme murder. Keeping in MMO-style, I play TOR. Did I get XP for combat? Yup. Did I stealth past them since fighting a billion thrash mobs suck? Yes. I was weaker for it though. In a system like PE's that wouldn't be the case though. I do notice some players see things differently. My friend zbyl drops quest no longer giving XP, I still play them just to get the story, the dialogue, the options (as little as TOR offers true). But with a full game build on that, what's not to love. Reward exploring, doing quests, trying new strategies. Not be bound by "well, I can make peace, but killing everyone makes 100x the XP (KOTOR2)"... * JE Sawyers example is completely right. DX:HR is a good example how NOT to do it. Odd for a game that supposedly allows all playstyles. While it doesn't. You do have to ponder a system where you rather lockpick a door even if you have the key or code because it's more profitable. Not like the original Deus Ex where a code or key was a reward, saving you valuable tools instead of rewarding you. Exploration not rewarded, even punished slightly. That's not the direction I would like PE to go.
  15. So you're asking me, why is hiding 3 unique items on locations and make finding them a treat is fine, but collecting 15 wood, 120 iron, 15 other-craftable ingredients and 5 acid stones found randomly in the world sucks. Well, if you didn't already get it from above line, I don't think I can explain it...
  16. I never liked crafting in games. It made The Witcher II weaker. It made Drakensang weaker. It pretty much hurts every game I encounter it in. That's oppossed to BG2's system, which is just collect and then turn into another item. No skills, no gathering 15 wood. Just unique items to found and make. Perfect!
  17. Well, of course it would only count for humanoids. I agree with animalistic foes some minor tinting and size differences could be better. Within a range of course, so you can still identify the more impressive animal by it's bigger size and color even if it can vary. And I am pretty sure it'll be visible. Baldur's Gate you could already see it much, with 3D models it will become that more obvious if they're clones without something being done to mask that.
  18. I haven't even done operations, just the flashpoints... Have seen many a ragequit... and that can be problematic. Especially if you wait 2 hours to find a flashpoint in the first place.
  19. While I don't think the game will do get that deep mechanicly, it could add a positive twist, more empasis on recon (rogues). Also, more varried tactics and stategical thinking. Ie. more variety even more in combat. Since it's not "invade a camp of gnolls, all armor x, weapon x" and adapt to that but you need to adjust to the conditions of that moment ("that gnoll has a sword? That's a task for Warrior 2" and thus even each invasion of a single enemy type camp can be more varied, even between games. I think it's a better game replayer than random loot (which isn't that great) now that I think about it
  20. Yeah, some of the complaining if you aren't in "good gear" or perfectly doing your 'job' or something surprise me... where did fun go for some people?
  21. If you knock down everyone (E power button) without being seen you still get the "ghost" bonus and get to explore the whole map on your own leisure...
  22. No. If a gnoll only drops some gold, it doesn't matter if he uses a halbard or a sword. Except for graphical difference. And maybe underlying tech (slashing instead of stabbing). But you now have a difference that not all of that species use the same look (halberded), brining a bit of variety to having a whole camp of them, like in BG1. Of course gear should be somewhat locked (no wizard robes for the fighters), also to allow some of the flashier high-level items to appear on elite or boss type of enemies, aside from their distinct different look. While this would be true for red/green/blue armor sets I don't think it holds true for PE, since it's aiming for a more realistic palet and look of gear, rather than green/purple and bright yellow and whatnot WoW uses. That should inherintly make matchmaking easier. Tinting, slight scale changes etc. sounds good too. But I figure if they spend so much time making gear for the PC, why restrict it to what only the PC will wear. Use it on enemies. Allow it to make thugs look different from each other. I rather don't want clone NPC's. We should really break that in this day and age.
  23. http://www.gog.com/promo/digital_game_factory_weekend_promo_110113 Interesting sales... commandos, constructor...
  24. Didn't read the whole discussion, but yeah, near-ly flooded dungeon sounds neat. Better than another sewers. The more diverse areas the better...
  25. So, while difficult with sprites (needing to make many different sprites), 3D models will allow variation on the spot. The suggestion is simple, instead of making certain foes (gnolls, kobolds, etc.) have a fixed look, allow them to use different helmets, armors, boots etc. Thus helping reduce the clone syndrome. This however doesn't mean the enemy has to drop the item he appears wearing though. It's just to add graphical variation to the opponents, not a random-loot on enemy system (although I suppose that could work too in a way). Thoughts, yes/no? Any insights why even if this is possible many modern games still don't do it? All welcome...
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