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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. In solo, it's a great advantage of the monk over the barbarian that he has a cone-shaped attack rather than a circle shaped. It means that staying in corners not only lets you survive more easily, but also helps your damage output (all enemies will line up in a cone-shape) while with a barb it will lead to less damage.
  2. He has a moon crescent on his forehead. He has fins and other aquatic features. Ondra is the goddess of the sea and moon (among other things related to that). His head is covered with some wierd growth. So it's pretty obvious that he is a godlike who's "blessed" by ondra - like moon godlikes are. Maybe just a variant of moon godlike, maybe a standalone godlike version. I think it's the former. Moon godlike racial ability is called "Silver Tide". I don't think they will (or want to) come up with anything more fitting.
  3. The best defense is a scroll of Prayer against Treachery (requires 12 lore though) or a priest with Prayer against Treachery. Your whole party will be immune - which is a lot less fuzz than having to hit your flipped team mates with an Aegis-attack.
  4. Sure. You can get Cladhaliath after Act II, when you travel to Twin Elms, even if you didn't join the Dozens. The dungeon is open for everybody then. Maybe you can get Shame or Glory if you kill Clyver (head of the Cr. Knights). That would mean that you don't have to joind the Knights. Since you can also kill Wenan (head of the Dozens) in order to get Cloudpiercer that might work, but I never tried it with Clyver. If it works you could actually get Cladhaliath + Shame or Glory while joining house Doemenel.
  5. Sounds nice. Although a paladin with a marking ranged weapon might need less running around. Did you think about Cape of the Cheat (if the path is blocked)? Or did you perhaps use Fast Runner + Graceful Retreat + item with disengaging bonus (boots or armor or cape) for a total bonus of +32? He could also use a shield just for the way to his target to prevent hits. Because I can imagine that all the disengagement attacks can be frustrating once there's no open space and you have to run past enemies.
  6. Also works with Shame & Glory + Cladhaliath. Of course you need to clone Cladhaliath if you don't want to join the Crucible Knights.
  7. For me the really nice and "unique" unique items (Spelltongue, Bittercut, Redeemer and so on) with unusual enchantments as well as the (mostly) great new abilites also played a major role. I mean who doesn't love Sacred Immolation and stuff?
  8. Also did a quick test on the barb+carnage+marking. Confirmed: carnage doesn't work with marking.
  9. Yes, he still gets the bonus for target A because he's the only one (besides the paladin) who's attacking A at the moment. Fighter doesn't interfere here. Yeah - this makes a marking paladin (or any other build that uses marking) even more useful. Who would have thought that this idle time after casting (=cancelling the attack) is such a nice thing to have. While casting untargeted AoE spells (doing the animation and so on) the marking is not claimed - the game only checks who gets marking once such AoE spell hits. It's awesome. Maybe a caster will claim marking right away during casting time if he uses a targeted spell (missiles or such). I think he does. So in combination with marking you would want to use non-targeted spells. So spells like Nocrotic Lance, Missiles, Bolts and whatnot and the whole cipher class don't benefit from this "quirk". It's not really a quirk though.
  10. Ha - I know what happened I guess. I tried it with the same character/spell setup that you described and got the same results. So rejoice, you're not going insane or something - and you made no mistakes. However, marking and CA still work as intended. It's just that a caster switches to idle right after his spellcasting. Once the wizard switches from casting to idle, he will not "call for" the marking bonus and therefore the priest will claim it automatically. Then, after tjhe priest's spell hit, the wizard can use the marking again if he's casting again. Only if the two spells hit at the exact same time only one caster will get the bonus. Since this rarely happens, this is great news for casters + marking. Really great. You just have to make sure that nobody who is using weapon (auto)attacks claims the marking, because then it will be "blocked" for all others. He will not turn idle after every weapon attack and thus the marking will not be free to "float around" like it does when a caster attacks and then immediately turns idle. I guess this can be used best when you turn off AI completely (as I always do anyway). Hope you can follow me...
  11. Did you factor in that spells get +1 ACC per character level and have innate accuracy bonuses (Shadowflame has +10 +level, Shining Beacon +15 +level)? I will try spells next...
  12. Made a paladin with dual Shame or GLory and Coordinated Attacks: same result. the nearest ranger gets +30 ACC, the other +0 ACC.
  13. Okay, I did a quick test with two rangers and a chanter with BotEP: only the nearest ranger gets +10 ACC. Can't say anything about Coordinated Attacks, will do a quick test with that now.
  14. Are you sure that this was because of marking? Shadowflame and Storm of Holy Fire got a +30 ACC (marking+marking+coordinated attacks) bonus just for that "marked" enemy? You didn't use Inspiring Radiance, Devotions or had a Wood Elf or active Fighting Spirit or so? PoE currently also has issues with the correct ACC value in the char sheet. It forgets to display WF and some other stuff, but in the combat log it will be correct. I only know that it used to be as I described. I didn't test it with AoE spells though - only with several melee characters and also a barb. That was a while ago as I said (2.03 or something), so it might have changed. OBS changes a lot of mechanics stuff between patches without saying anything about it in the patch notes. The "trick" that a dual wilding marking setup (like Cladhaltiah + Shame or Glory) stacks and the marking of two seperate guys (one with Cladhaliath, the other with Shame or Glory) does not is a recent discovery though.
  15. Hehe - he's an ondrite godlike, too. You could say moon godlike, but since his features seem to be more ocean-themed compared to the usual moon godlike I think he's a variant like "Sea Godlike" or whatever they wanna call it.
  16. Marked is not an affliction or status effect that is put on an enemy. It works for the nearest party member who attacks the same initial target as the "marker" does. It is "on" as soon as you command the marker to attack the enemy with the marking weapon. Coordinated Attacks (paladin) works the same. AoE attacks that target the ground (like Fireball) don't trigger Coord. Attacks, even if you click on an enemy and not the ground. Only attacks that have an initial target will trigger Coordinated Attacks. Same with Marking on weapons: a pistol with marking would "mark" the enemy which you target, but for example Powder Burns doesn't work. Driving Flight also nope. It seems to be the click-to-attack on the enemy which triggers it, not the attack itself. It stays active as long as you attack. If you heal or do anything else it instantly stops. So you can see it's not some kind of hidden affliction with a timer on the target. Last time I checked marking didn't work with carnage, only the initial target from which carnage emanates will be marked for your nearest companion that attacks the same initial target. I don't think OBS changed that in the latest patches. A better way would be to use a disorienting weapon. It's "only" -5 to all defenses, but it works with carnage and all your party members will benefit from it. It doesn't stack with itself anymore. Tl;Dr: BotEP's marking will not work with carnage, only with the initial target.
  17. All damaging phrases stack completely. That's it with the chants. The 30pt shielding chant kind of stacks as well. It surpresses each other but once 30pts are used up the formerly suppressed shield kicks in immediately. Ancient Memory and Beloved Spirits stack as well. They stack with every other healing source, too. 6 chanters with Dragon Thrashed as the only phrase and 6 times Ancient Memory, Beloved Spirits and Veteran's Recovery as well as survival 14 is pretty OP.
  18. Yes. And after each invocation there will be a recovery time in which you don't sing phrases - so you want low recovery penalties from armor and also high DEX in order to keep that recovery short.
  19. Actually it's not that hard. It's somewhere between rogue/fighter and monk/casters. Since you rest a lot in a solo run the per rest mechanics of casters are not limiting. I did finish solo runs with priest, wizard, chanter, druid and monk. I also did partial solo runs with rogue (non-pacifist) and fighter and canceled them because it was too tedious - mainly because they lack AoE. I didn't try to solo with a spell-bind-rogue (spells on Deathblows) or fighter (spells on Disiplined Barrage) though. That might be nice. You can get the Suntouched Mail and the Amulet of Summer Solstice fairly early which would give you 6 Sunbeams per rest. The barb is harder than a monk in Act II because his ACC and deflection are lower and carnage rarely hits. But once you get Blood Thirst and use spells and scrolls it becomes easier. Casting AoE damaging spells with 0 recovery (as long as you kill stuff) is really powerful. Mass-interrupts also help you to survive. Now I'm lvl 11 and I would say he's better than a monk - just because of HoF. At least in the usual fights without bosses (includes bounties because those don't have real bosses). At lvl 10 the carnage ACC is the same as my auto-attacks, so it does good AoE damage and also start to crit every now and then. BUT the ACC bonus from survival doesn't work with carnage. So it's better to go for the healing bonus in my case (except if you have to hit foes with very high defenses - like Cail in the above case). The good thing with a barb is that you don't necessarily have to kite and pull because he can hit most foes at once and can amass huge endurance and health numbers. It makes a solo run less tedious and more fun, at least for me. Act I is a bit nasty though.
  20. Right - or he's a priest of Skaen and uses stilettos of course. I really like Firebrand on a priest of Magran. Not because it's powerful (I mean it is to a certain extend) but because of the whole fire theme. I hope in PoE2 they will allow the priest to pick his ACC bonus from a variety of weapons, not only give them two fixed ones. Priest of Magran in thick armor with a two hander would be nice to play as well - without the need of Firebrand. Or a priest of Skaen with a blunderbuss - or whatever. Don't know why they have such restrictions. You already spend a precious talent point for this.
  21. Phew... that was close: I had to unleash 15 Crackling Bolts on him and his crew (Blood Thirst + mobs + AoE scrolls = awesome), but the fat guy I had to bring down wth an single handed exceptional hammer (+20 Acc) with freeze & beast slayer enchantment (+5 ACC, +25% dmg) + survival bonus against beast (+10 ACC). And I'm running into another problem (also in this fight). For some reason Veteran's Recovery won't trigger anymore in some fights. Encounter starts and there's no Vet. Recovery. I think this is that case when I receive a crit right at the start of combat (fear aura also triggers spell holding even if you're immune to fear from Whiteleaf or stuff) which will trigger Frenzy + Consecrated Ground - and that somehow seems to prevent Veteran's Recovery from activating. Very, very annoying because now I either have to respec (don't need a talent that doesn't work in dragon fights) or find out how to change this.
  22. Yes, I forgot about that. Good point. "Losing" a weapon slot is ok. The Hammer is also an acceptable weapon for Blood Thirst + stuff right after HoF... I guess. I'm still not sure if I should get Arms Bearer. It can be very benefical to carry different weapons (with slayer enchantments) around for special encounters when there's more than one enemy "species". Atm I have a dual hammer set for every monster group. FOr example it was very benefical to enchant Haba's Hammer with freeze and Jarpie's Warhammer with shock and put primordial-slaying on them. The Dweller went really smooth after that. Before, when I tested it with the normal PoTD game, ist was a real chore at lvl 10 and way too risky. Funny how little changes (+5 ACC, + 25% damage and the right lashes) can have such a big impact.
  23. Hehe, yes it is. It also got fixed so it doeasn't stop after the first incovation. Ancient Memory stacks with Veteran's Recovery or Constant Recovery. It's also very benefical to have high survival and get an item with a healig bonus because this can double the healing from Veteran's/Constant Recovery + Ancient Memory. Once you get the Mercy and Kindness phrase (+100% healing) you can sing that first (there will be no enemeis in Dragon THrashed range anyways) and then add three or four Dragon Thrashed uses into the linger time of Mercy & Kindness. This way your party members will benefit from awesomest healing bonuses for ALL healing sources except draining (without MIG, with survival 14 + item + Mercy = +185% healing - also works with health gain from Wound Binding/Field Triage and also Potion of Infuse with Vital Essence) and you can still burn/slash everything (with a slight delay).
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