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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. And i need to be in a videogame sub-forum to discover that this exist... Culture +1 for boeroer I've been living in Central Asia for three years - you can find marvelous things there ("Plov" for example). And a lot of nice people, too.
  2. Doesn't matter if it sounds awful. What matters is that you can recite two chants at once! Well, not really. You still have one mouth. So while you can produce limited doublestops, adding lyrics to it is a different story entirely:-) You can do some nifty counterpoint though! If there's something weird in your video game ♫ who you gonna call? ♫ Fantasybuster! ♫ I ain't afraid o' no realism! A polyphonic chanter singing two chants at once ♫ who you gonna call? ♫ Fantasybuster! ♫
  3. Doesn't matter if it sounds awful. What matters is that you can recite two chants at once!
  4. See, that happens to all enemies of the Polyphonic Overtone Singer, hahahaha!
  5. Polyphonic Overtone Singer (like the mongolian or inuit throat singers do): can recite two parallel chants - but has no invocations. Check this out: Lyrics could be better...
  6. Yes - it's the earliest weapon that comes superb and will boost your perfomance a lot just because of that. Most of the time I don't even have an exceptional weapon at that point. Same reason why Concelhaut's Parasitic Staff is so powerful in the early game: a lvl-1-spell that gives you a weapon which is exceptional and has very high base damage.
  7. There is no particular reason - no trick or secret or anything. My other party members already had shocking, burning or corrosive lashes on their weapons. If i'm not forced to enchant with a particuar lash, I tend to put certain lashes on certain wepons because they fit the color of the weapon or the lore. For example I like to put a corrosive lash on Tall Grass and a shocking lash on Shatterstar. I can't enchant things like the White Spire with a burning lash or something like that. Just doesn't fit. Tidefall would be shocking or freezing for me...
  8. A reason why barbs can't hit well with Carnage at lvl 1 - but from lvl 6 on can hit better with it than with their main attack (if they also took Accurate Carnage). Also a reason why some people who try out barbs think that they are bad...
  9. I think one of the bog dragons is immune to charm and the other one to prone - if I'm not mistaken. Those are the only ones. Still works of course: charm one and the other will attack him. For me that fight seems to be easier than Concelhaut. Don't know exactly why, maybe because Concelhaut and his minions have too many immunities and I don't like supertanky characters. Bad combination...
  10. Another requirement for the ska-chanter is madness...
  11. You mean Intense Flames I guess, but yes: that is a very good proposal. Same with Druid + Wildstrike or Monk with Turning Wheel + weapon + burning lash (or Lightning Strikes + weapon's shocking lash) and so on. Why should they be calculated seperately if they hit the same spot? The other two are also good suggestions. And I guess they are quite easy to fix...?
  12. Seems to be right. So... Gravesinger? Or maybe something that's more focused on weapon damage. Like a Whirling Dervish or something. Or a subclass that focuses more on mind control.
  13. Boar with wounding is good against high DR. Most dragons are not immune to charm and prone. With Munacra Arret you can charm the dragon while taking out the ads. But do that at the start of the fight, not later when the dragon is already injured, because charm heals a bit (might be intended or a bug).
  14. Scatman! "Yap-dadiddi-da-dadiddi-da-dapp-doo-dapp"
  15. Eh? The last one MaxQuest already did.
  16. The problem is that the enemies in the tower have so many immunities.
  17. I'm currently doing a 5 rogues/1 cipher run just to test 5 different rogue builds at the same time. One is a rogue with Tidefall and 1 INT and 1 RES (via Ultimate Hat of Alluring Affection). MIG and CON maxed Even though his strike abilities are not supernice, because he won't do fancy Full Attacks like a dual wielder would do, and even though he has no Veteran's Recovery because of the low INT, he is amazing. Highest damage count of all party members although he never engages first. He only uses Crippling Strike and Runner's Wounding Shot as special attacks atm (lvl 11). I put a freezing lash on Tidefall and put him in Wayfarer's Hide. With Runner's Wounding Shot + Tidefall he usually kills the target (can reach 200 damage with a crit plus Deathblows, no Backstab). Because is damage is so high he also drains a lot of endurance and is quite sturdy for a rogue. I can even use Escape to reach the enemy's backline and wreak havok. A dual sabre or battle axe rogue is also nice - but I simply like this extreme approach.
  18. Yes, the tower itself is very hard solo and you'll have to split-pull I think.
  19. Right. And it was said that interrupts are now stronger than in PoE and not everybody does them automatically anymore.
  20. I would like to see the "dark themed" stuff of the PoE chanter to go into a subclass. Come Sweet Winds of Death, White Worms, Harbinger's Doom, Wilting Wind, Boil the Flesh and so on. A Gravesinger or what you wanna call it. A bit like the weird Death Godlike chanter "Gramrfel the Wayfarer" you can meet at Magran's Fork in PoE1.
  21. Venomblood is very powerful. What's also powerful is Rot Skulls. You can totally build a really good druid around that spell (Dangerous Implement, Marksman, Boots of Speed and so on). Its base damage is great and the AoE is also very nice. And its not considered poison as far as I know. I did several bounties solo with such a druid - not a whole playthrough, only console-magic, just in order to test the usefulness of Rot Skulls - and I was really impressed. Because of that I then made a party with an implement wizard (Kalakoth's and stuff), an implement druid (Rot Skulls), implement cipher (Grudge-Keeper + bonus damage when enemies are flanked) and implement rogue (GOlden Gaze and max DR bypass). Went really well. Maybe that's not suitable for a real solo game. But the spell itself is really nice if you just want to spare some high level spells and still do a lot of AoE damage in an encounter. The AoE/DoT damage stacks by the way. I wonder what a PoE2 wizard/druid with Rot Skulls + Blast would be like...
  22. They are still great against Ogres. But yes, there's better gear. Little Savior has the same enchantment by the way and is a better shield by itself. Blaidh Golan is especially nice since it reduces the prome/stun duration. This helps a lot. If your defenses are good and you're also wearing Fenwalkers (best defensive boots in my opinion) then grazes from prone, stun and paralyze are very, very short - sometimes they don't even apply.
  23. Psychic (and Brutal) Backlash would be very cool if they would trigger every time your will gets attacked (take that, drakes, dragons and banshees!). Would even be ok if they nerfed the stun duration or accuracy and the damage then. It would be a different kind of retalation which would really make sense. And it wouldn't be too powerful, too. I mean nobody complains about Barbaric Retaliation or Rooting Pain beeing too powerful, so...
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