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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. That's not useless at all. With low prestige you can get more of the lower-tier stronghold adventures which can give you very useful items for particular build ideas. Higer prestige leads to higher tier stronghold adventures which you don't want to have too soon if you're still waiting for a certain item. At the same time you don't want those annoying attacks on your stronghold. Here, hirelings with high security bonus but zero or even negative prestige bonus are very useful.
  2. Hi, most of the time it's only one class talent that follows one ability. Sometimes one class talent following another class talent. With paladins there can be two follow-up talents for Flames of Devotion that don't dpend on each other. Same with priest and Interdiction (2) and HolyRadiance (3). With druids there are two talents for Spiritshift which are successive and so on. I will try to list them all here (a= ability, t=talent): Fighter: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Constant Recovery (a, automatic)Rapid Recovery (t) Knockdown (a)Bonus Knockdown (t) Defender (a)Wary Defender (t) Weapon Specialisation (a)Weapon Mastery (t) Barbarian: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Carnage (a, automatic)Accurate Carnage (t) Frenzy (a)Greater Frenzy (t) Wild Sprint (a)Powerful Sprint (t) Savage Defiance (a)Stalwart Defiance (t) Druid: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Spiritshift (a, automatic)Wildstrike <element> (t)Greater Wildstrike <element> (t) Wizard: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Arcane Veil (t)Hardened Veil (t) Blast (t)Penetrating Blast (t) Priest: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Holy Radiance (a, automatic)Inspiring Interdiction (t) Aggrandizing Radiance (t) Brilliant Radiance (t) Interdiction (t)Painful Interdiction (t) Empowered Interdiction (t) Chanter: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ancient Memory (t)Beloved Spirits (t) Cipher: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Soul Whip (a, automatic)Biting Whip (t) Draining Whip (t) Phsychic Backlash (t)Brutal Backlash (t) Paladin: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Flames of Devotions (a)Intense Flames (t) Remember Rhakan Field (t, Bleak Walkers) || Enduring Flames (t, Goldpact Knights) || Fires of Darcozzi Palace (t, Darcozzi Paladini) || Vielo Vidòrio (t, Frermàs mes Canc Suolias) || The Sword and the Shepherd (t, Kind Wayfarers) || Shielding Flames (t, Shieldbearers of St. Elcga) Faith and Conviction (a, automatic)Deep Faith (t) Untroubled Faith (t) Lay on Hands (a)Greater Lay on Hands (t) Shielding Touch (t, Shieldbearers of St. Elcga) Sworn EnemyWrath of the Five Suns (t, Frermàs mes Canc Suolias) Liberating Exhortation (a)Inspiring Exhortation (t, Darcozzi Paladini) Bond of Duty (t, Goldpact Knights) Monk: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Swift Strikes (a)Lightning Strikes (t)Ranger: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Animal Companion (a, automatic)Merciless Companion (t) Vicious Companion (t) Faithful Companion (t) Resilient Companion (t) Swift Aim (a)Swift and Steady (t) Wounding Shot (a)Accurate Wounding Shot (t) Takedown (a)Brutal Takedown (t) Binding Roots (a)Thorny Roots (t) Defensive Bond (a)Strengthened Bond (t) Rogue: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Reckless Assault (a)Deflecting Assault (t) Finishing Blow (a)Devastating Blow (t) Dirty Fighting (a)Vicious Fighting (t) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I guess that's it.
  3. Also in my opinion that's the helmet that suits her best. If you don't want to use it because you want another character to wear it with the corresponding armor: the Ethereal Helm also looks nice on her.
  4. Use the tank in a chokepoint of course. The only reason there is a tank in the first place. Concerning your FoD-question: if you don't like it then yeah - don't take it.
  5. Sly Cydrel and Warchief Spickspack are ok. The Dweller is a REAL pain in the proverbial at lower levels. :D
  6. You can use implements. They all have two damage types. Certain implements are quite nice with Driving Flight, Dangerous Implement and Vicious Aim. +45% damage, hitting two foes with one shot most of the time. Also high proc chance with Spell Chance implements like Curoc's Brand or Golden Gaze. Besides that, Engwythan Scepter and later Golden Gaze are especially nice (tested). If you like Apprentice's Sneak Attack and also survival's and item's damage bonus for flanked targets then Grudge Keeper is also very nice. With Appr. Sneak (15%), 20% flanking bons from survival 12 and an item like Glanfathan Stalking Boots (+10%) plus Grudge Keeper's +20% you'll get additional +65% when you attack flanked enemies (which is not hard with your pet and a party member). +110% damage it really good - nearly rogue-with-Deathblows like. Add archer's gloves or CLoak of the Frozen Hunt (again +10%) and Stunning Shots - and your pet of course - and it's quite the show (also tested).
  7. I hope you din't do that just because of this thread...
  8. Smart move with the skill-check-pool. That way you encourage the player to give party members more diverse skill point distribution instead of pushing one party member to the max. This is of course only true if the skill point investment stays the same as in PoE (progressive).
  9. Concerning custom portraits (thanks for making it that easy to use custom portraits in PoE1 by the way): - Will it be possible to also include custom made watercolour portraits together with the usual character portrait?
  10. Totally viable. I find high move speed to be very useful early in the game, especially when it comes to bounties (so much xp so early if you can best them). Did one if you ever use a "one tank for close quarter/chokepoints, rest ranged" party with party wide high move speed (chanter chant or Zealous Charge + Fast Runner) + Shot on the Run? It's hilarious!
  11. Sanctifier also doesn't work with Holy Radiance. The best way to make Holy Radiance one-shot most vessels is to boost your MIG to ultimo. With things like Minor Avatar or Champion's Boon and the right dispositions as MC it's really powerful. Although it obviously doesn't help you at all against the Eyeless. I once played a vessel-slayer-priest with up to 50 MIG and also took Sanctifier and used the Bartender's Ring in order to boost the Radiance's damage - and I thought it worked because most vessels got totally obliterated by it.
  12. I'm pretty sure that the Alpine Dragon will give you Ryona's Vambraces, not Black Sanctuary. In order to get the shield you'll have to kill him.
  13. Yes, that's true. It doesn't stack with several debuffs which lower deflection and/or reflex and gets suppressed. However, it's a good AoE debuff 1/encounter that covers a big area and has a long duration. At the beginning to the mid game there's nothing comparable. That's why I recommended it (amongst others) for the early to mid game and then retrain. Same with Prestidigitator's Missiles. Unless you haven't something like Deathblows or Driving Flight in your later level progression it gets pretty weak after the mid game. In the beginning however it is a very powerful, 1/encounter burst attack. For a ranger with Vicious Aim it's great. the ACC buff of Vicious Aim works with it. And since it has +10 ACC on it's own said ranger will have +20 ACC for that missile attack which leads to crits very often. Even later on with Driving Flight and Penetrating Shot it's worth it.
  14. White Worms needs corpses, yes. If one wants to use it regularly I would turn off exploding body effects in the game options (that effect is stupid anyhow) because it leaves. Corpses don't get consumed by it. So you can use the same corpse multiple times with White Worms. Spirits and some other enemies (oozes and such) don't leave corpses! This invocation is best when you combine it with pulling enemies to a chokepoint. You can clear whole maps this way, including one-shotting whole bounty groups. Come Soft Winds of Death is good in the early game. It deals raw damage, which means that enemies DR is ignored. And don't forget that it works in a huge AoE. It' great against numerous but weak enemies (wichts) or numerous enemies with very high DR (beetles and such). Although maybe one can only appreciate it on PotD difficulty because there are simply more enemies per encounter. I like it on an otherwise very tanky chanter because it's a way to contribute to the party's dps without actually doing anything while you build phrases quickly. Lashes are independent from enchantments like fine, exceptional and so on. Lashes have to overcome 1/4 of the corresponding DR (burning lash has to overcome 1/4 or the enemy's burn DR). If you enchant any weapon with a burning lash then it deals additional burn damage, yes. It works like this (example mace, exemplary numbers, enemy's DR 0): You roll an attack with a mace that has a burning lash. You hit. The roll for the crush damage is 20. Additional burn damage gets calculated: 20 * 0.25 = 5. All in all you will deal 25 damage: 20 crush + 5 burn. Now against 10 DR (crush DR 1, burn DR also 10): Crush damage roll again is 20. DR is 7 (10-3 from mace's DR bypass). You'll deal 13 crush damage. 20 * 0.25 is still 5. But 5 has to overcome 10/4 = 2.5 burn DR. Therefore you deal 2.5 = (rounded) 3 burn damage. All in all you deal 16 damage. Now the same with a lot of damage modifiers (imagine high MIG, Sneak Attack, fine enchantment or whatever, examplary numbers): Crush damage roll is 40. 40 - 7 is 33. Burn is 40 * 0.25 = 10 - 2.5 = (rounded) 8. All in all you deal 41 damage. Dual Wielding will reduce your recvery phase by +50% (so to speak) without any accuracy drawbacks or anything. That means - only by taking two weaoons into your hands you already gain a lot of attack speed without spending any talent points. This only works for attacks with those weapons of course. Other actions won't have reduced recovery. Two Weapon Style reduces the recovery time further by 20%. Rapid Recovery/Bonus Knockdown are both good. Aspirant's Mark is a bit wasted on Edér because he only has 10 INT and so its radius would be rather small. It's much better on characters with high INT. But it would be good enough nevertheless because Edér has good accuracy. I think I would pick Bonus Knockdown first. Aspirant's Mark doesn't stack! Edit: Ooops, took too ling to type this so I got stabbed by a ninja.
  15. Right! Dat huge over sexualization! At least OBS should have allowed to put her in a burqa or niqab. I mean I really get testosterone overflow when I look at her character sheet. And the centerfold level up screens! Holy moly...
  16. Hooray mighty Monsignieur Flufflé! I finally send my submission just a second ago. Hope you can sort it out with the different mail address (same domain though). Sorry for the inconvenience!
  17. Also put on an elemental lash as soon as possible. That is the best enchantment for damage you can apply yourself and it's available pretty early. Normal damage mods only buff the weapon's base damage (so the damage a plain weapon would do without any enchantments and without MIG bonus and so on). Lashes however are calculated based on the damage you actually score in combat - with ALL the damage mods included BEFORE DR gets substracted. So, +25% from a lash can be a higher damage boost than let's say +50% from Sneak Attack. Of course it's best if you have both.
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