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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. That is def. a viable setup. I did it with a wizard in combination with Expose Vulnerabilities (lowers AoE DR by 5). Other good options would be cipher with Body Attunement (-7 DR single) or fighter's Sundering Blow (-8 single). You can also dump Devil of Caroc into the Blood Pool for another point of DR bypass. I know no vids of this though. With the wizard and Combusting Wounds (and Runner's Wounding Shot) it was a very powerful setup against single targets because Blunderbuss generates 6 hits at once which is awesome with Combusting Wounds.
  2. The Redeemer is very strong on a barbarian with Blood Thirst - when it's used against groups of vessels. The reason is that with Carnage there's a big chance to destroy a vessel with every swing. Destroying a vessel with the Redeemer's enchantment counts a kill and Blood THirst will trigger, reducing your recovery to 0. This can lead to a situation where you can swing the Redeemer without recovery as long as there are enough vessels around. The Grey Sleeper is ok for rangers (Twin Stones has an awesome sideeffect with Driving Flight) and also for barbs beause a barb can proc the spellchances a lot more often. It's also nice for any priest because it works with the priest's weapon talent (+10 ACC to certain weapons). Nightshroud can be good if you want to stack as many uses of Shadowing Beyond as possible (for example for a Backstab based rogue). I would not use it as offensive weapon though. Of course Abydon's Hammer is very strong. The Dragon's Maw is great on barbarians with Heart of Fury.
  3. Then you must've missed the parts where he speaks about orlans.
  4. If I'm not mistaken you can only access the stash in towns and while camping when playing expert mode. It should have nothing to do with the difficulty setting.
  5. You'll have all the time in the world. You will decide when you face him. The soulbound scepter's spellchance for dominat works with wizard's Blast. It helps to proc the dominate effect more often. On the other hand the souldbound scepter also works nicely with any weapon focus and also with any of the priests' weapon talents (like Magran's Inspiring Flame that gives +10 ACC to sword and arquebus). That's because it's in the "universal" weapon group like all soulbouds and summoned weapons. So it's up to you. If you plan to use Kalakoth's Minor Blights with the wizard a lot then I would give the soulbound scepter to the priest.
  6. But a genetically abnormal one who could grow facial hair I guess. Seriously that's the main reason I seldomly play male aumaua(s?) - they lack a beard for complete and utter badassery.
  7. Are you doing Expert Mode or Trial of Iron?
  8. An Island Aumaua (sadly no beard at all) could even carry 8 pistols into battle. Maybe he could grow some dorsal hair and call himself "Backbeard".
  9. Depends which abilities you take. The perfect placement of Torment's Reach requires some micro, but other approaches like using Turning Wheel don't require any.
  10. Yes, exactly. As usual a very helpful answer. I want to add: Also things like one handed weapon use (+12 accuracy) will get applied to the main attack (of let's say Knockdown), but the fortitude roll that actually sends the target prone will not have +12 accuracy. I guess it's the same with all attacks that have two (or more) rolls. Look at Interdiction and Painful Interdiction where you add a weakening roll to the initial dazing one. The daze roll will profit from things like Empowered Interdiction (improved accuracy) but the weaken roll will not.
  11. The healing of Holy Radiance is neglectible. It's much more beneficial to start your CC wave with +10 ACC. If you don't have Inspiring Radiance then of course it makes a lot more sense to use Holy Radiance as a quick healing later during an encounter.
  12. Yes - they start even weaker when it comes to damage but can go really wild once they get access to the right spells.
  13. No it doesn't. At least not reliably - for example Dragon Thrashed doesn't get logged and Come Soft Winds also didn't, but maybe that changed. Does your chanter have more DEX and/or lighter armor than your paladin? Or maybe more MIG or PER?
  14. Oops - totally forgot to test it, sorry. Well if you say it still works I'm relieved. Thanks for testing.
  15. Wizards often don't lead in the "damage done" section of the char sheet because you will hold them back in trash fights and therefore they won't do a lot of damage in those inimportant encounters (until you get spell masteery and can spam stuff on an encounter basis). But in the important encounters you can then unleash all their spells, making that encounter a lot easier. That is way more important than leading the damage highscore (which doesn't work properly anyways - for example ranger's companion's damage doesn't get looged as well as chanter's Dragon Thrashed damage for example). So don't look at those numbers too much, they say not much about the usefulness of the character.
  16. He meant max starting deflection I guess. It's not completely correct, since fighters start with 30, but a chanter is on par with monks for example (25) and that is the second highest starting value after fighters. Paladins only get 20, but with their ability "Faith and Convition" they instantly get a bonus of +5/+10 to deflection/other defenses and then a bit more automatically per level (companions/hirelings) or if the dispositions are correct (player char). So usually a paladin will have better deflection after few levels - but chanters, monks and paladins start with the same deflection value into the game. But chanters have low endurance and also low health. I guess your "dps" chanter has problems because of that. In the beginning, give him Veteran's Recovery, Ancient Memory and Beloved Spirits asap as well as survial up to 8 and choose healing bonus when camping. Add to this Fulvano's Amulet that you can find in the south of Magran's Fork (on a troll). This should give him nice endurance regeneration. For his health issues you will either have to engage later than sooner so that he doesn't draw too many enemies or give him potions of Infuse with Vital Essence or pick Wound Binding. After some more levels that problem will solve itself once his health pool is a bit bigger. Also put him in plate. The thing is that a chanter will never be a great dps-dealer with a melee weapon until he gets "The Champion braved the Horde alone". The "Last Unicorn" variant was more about aesthetics and also because The White Spire estoc has some nice ice-themed spell bindings and just looks so good with the White Crest armor (which also has nice spell bindings).
  17. And here you go again. Glad that you added "imo" this time. I absolutely depends how you play and how much experience you have with said classes. I'd say that the said three classes (barb, monk, chanter) are the three best ones when it comes to non-casters (chanter is kind of a semi-caster). But that's just me of course, but I guess I'm not alone with this opinion. Saying that barbs are completely pointless (while there is an active thread on this first forum site where Raven D. prayses the barb for being awesome in PoTD solo) is somewhat ignorant. You obvioulsy never played a barb long enough to know the strentghs of that class. Also - some months ago - we told you that barbs can do tremendous things with Carnage and stunning or overbearing weapons (or St. Ydwen's Redeemer). And you admitted that you didn't know this. We showed you the video how Kaylon kills a whole bounty enounter with Heart of Fury (no caster can do that, even at lvl 16). Still today you insist that barbs are pointless and try to convince others about this and call them a trap in character choice. What's the point of that? I mean it's ok that one doesn't like how barbs work, but to denigrate those classes you don't get along with is not very helpful for others who might feel different - if they only get the chance to play them unbiased. I also explained to you how a low level chanter can eradicate all inhabitants of Raedric's castle alone with White Worms while he provides +10 to reflex, fortitude and will and adds +1 move speed to the whole party. Or how his Phantom can obliterate most enemies in the early game with ease (if you're willing to work around the slow phrase building a bit). I can't see how that's not useful. Monks can use ANY melee weapon they wish and all their abilites work with ANY melee weapon as well. Even better: things like stunning and overbearing on "magical items" and even spell chances work with the cone of Torment's Reach - so you can stun whole groups in that huge cone of Torment's Reach with a crit from your war hammer (or cause prone with your battle axe). Not very boring but quite exiting - especially when you add the fact that a monk can also cause the weakened affliction on crit with ability. That means a monk can trigger instant AoE - Deathblows for a fellow rogue with one single Full Attack(!) of Torment's Reach while dealing enormous damage. So they are on NO way limited to their fists as viable weapons. His fists are great weapons too though - and you get them for free. Tl;dr: there are no "traps" when it comes to class choice. Some classes work better with your playstyle, some don't. Some are powerful in the early game and lack a bit later on, while with other classes it's the other way round. Don't listen to people who say that this or that class is weak or bad. There are no deadbeat classes in PoE.
  18. Threatening Presence has an AoE radius of 1.25, carnage of 1.5. Not really melee range, but I know what you mean. Yes, some enemy barbs have Thr. Pr.
  19. Just watch out with the low resolution: you will be easily interrupted when you stand surrounded by enemies. It's not too bad with decent DEX, but it can be annoying against numerous and fast hitting enemies (e.g. Wichts). So in such cases either go flanking or get Holy Meditation from a priest - or get lucky and find Celebrant's Gloves (trigger Holy Meditation by themselves and give you 10% more Carnage range). Later you will find items that give you concentration passively. Against enemies with somewhat normal attack speed it's no problem though.
  20. The Chillfog build can also use Dragon Thrashed until it gets "Mercy and Kindness". Chillfog is a very late bloomer (but then a very powerful auto healer with good damage) - don't be too disappointed. Once you hit lvl 9 a chanter does super dps. Just not with his weapons. Before that he can be very useful, too, but he will be no offensive powerhouse until lvl 9. You can of course give him all the talents that fit your weapon choice and he will do ok dps with weapons, but it's nothing compared with other dedicated melee damage dealers. But that's ok because his chants can wreck everything.
  21. Why do you think that you need a melee cipher in order to profit from Psychic Backlash? I think there is no single melee attack that targets will. So it doesn't matter if you are ranged or melee. If it's just because of a "I'm sturdy and do backlash so I should go melee" thing then ok. Melee ciphers are easier than melee rogues in my opinion. The good CC options (too many enemies? Whisper of Treason! ) help a lot to prevent damage and focus gain is better in melee once you engaged. You can also use Pain Link on yourself and take retaliation items - then you are really backlashing all the time. A shame retaliation doesn't give you focus anymore.
  22. Preservation is heavily bugged atm. It also doesn't trigger reliably if you are prone or stunned (normally).
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