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Everything posted by Boeroer
It's 1 use per encounter. The spirit has to be of lower level than you in order to get destroyed. Else it only gets 65-75 (base) raw damage (like Redeemer basically). It's nice against stuff like Battery Sirens - but of course it's a quite circumstancial ability. If you take this you could also take Ghost Hunter, Sanctifier, the Redeemer and the Bartender's Ring and be the party's dedicated spirit- and vessel-killer.
The Adra Dragon was one of the bosses of the original game which was capped at lvl 12. So if you're lvl 16 it's actually pretty easy to kill. You can enchant everything with the usual enchantments like fine/exceptional and lashes. You will get plenty of resources and can afford to enchant somethin sell it later. Lashes are very powerful as well as accuracy. Accuracy is actually the most important thing in PoE.
Buy Outworn Buckler from the smith in Gilded Vale. It's one of the best shields in the game but is for paladins only. I know you have a dps paladin, but honestly there are no dps paladins. When we speak about combat stuff, paladins can be great with burst damage and/or defenses. You shouldn't skip this shield, it's too good. You can do a hybrid build for good burst damage and great support as well as ok tanking: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/89995-class-build-counselor-ploi-charming-paladin-supporter-tank/ Your dps fighter can go full offense and will still be sturdy enough most of the time. I like dual war hammers or great swords. But it doesn't matter too much what you use. Dual wielding is great with Knockdown! Disciplined Barrage is a great ability a well. Blunting Belt is very good. Enchant your weapons with a lash asap. The early game is the hardest part, especially with hirelings because those lack one level compared to the official companions (don't believe it when people say that the official companions are weaker). Raedric is pretty hefty as well. You should use doorways in a way that you position your three melee guys in an arc so that only one enemy can pass the door and can be attacked by all three. The rest should stay behind and cast AoE and fire. Use Mind Control like Confusion and so on. It's always powerful. Did you do the Eothas Temple? This should be pretty ok at lvl 5/4. The general rule of thumb to make this game easy: 1. buff your accuracy (Zealous Focus, Blessing) 1.b buff your defenses (Zealous Endurance) 2. debuff the enemy (Chillfog, Binding Web and so on) 3. deal damage to the most dangerous enemies (casters mainly), ignore the sturdy ones until they are the only ones left Always heal in advance, not when it's too late. A bit of overhealing is nothing compared to a character going down. Use things like Consecrated Ground or Lay on Hands before the endurance falls but rather use it when you expect somebody to get hurt. Don't spare your spells. There are plenty of camping supplies - in fact there's an endless amount and they are cheap. Use Veteran's Recovery on your front liners (not on fighters obviously because they come with Constant Recovery). It makes them a lot more sturdy in the early game. Paldins can skip this when they have Lay on Hands. It's very powerful. One key spell of the wizard that works really well with doorways is Chillfog. It's one of the best spells in the game because it causes blind in a quite big AoE while also doing damage periodically. It pulses with ice damage and blinding every 3 seconds. BLind is a very good debuff. You can even stack this spell. A great ability/talent of the priest is Inspiring Radiance. It gives your party +10 accuracy and stacks with everything. Perfect to cast it right at the start and then do your debuffing with enhanced accuracy. If it's too hard, use food! It's cheap and very effective. Let your rogue shoot at casters and kill them asap.
It's basically the same - for Runner's Wounding Shot I took Prestidigitator's Missiles. The Mad Hornet was "themed" around damage over time (DoT) effects, so I took Runner's WOunding SHot although it's not good with fast, light weapons (but great with heavy hitters like guns). Prestidigitator's Missiles however makes the early game a lot easier and later on gets a boost with Deathblows - so I would say that this approach is better, yes. It also works great with Penetrating Shot and Ryona's Vambraces (an item you can get later on which gives you additional 3 DR bypass). If you choose hunting bows (Persistence, has wounding) then I would dump INT and skip Envenomed Strike and pick something else (for example Fast Runner + Shot on the Run). If you pick war bows (Borresaine, has stun on crit) I would keep the talents like this and max INT. With ranged rogues you usually lower CON and RES and max the rest. If you lower INT (for hunting bow Persistence) as well you can put more points into the other stats obviously. But your strikes' afflictions (Crippling, BLinding and so on) will not last as long as with max int. I think I personally would go wood elf with Borresaine. Stunning is fun. Borresaine also has draining which means it leeches endurance for you with each hit. THis will make your rogue a bit more sturdy since he will heal a bit with each hit he scores.
Deathblows works for spells too
Boeroer replied to Madscientist's question in Pillars of Eternity: Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!)
Best feature of high level rogues. -
Barb with Shatterstar + Godansthunyr (1 sec interrupt + 0.75 sec interrupt), Interrupting Blows (+15 interrupt), high PER (+45 interrupt at PER 25, assuming 21 starting value + 4 from cloak), Arthek's Cord (+21 interrupt), Mourning Gloves (+15 interrupt), Thereatening Presence (-3 oncentration from -1 RES) and Barbaric Shout (-12 concentration form -4 RES), then a chanter with Thick Grew their Tongues (-10 concentration) and Zephyr (-20 concentration) followed by a wizard with Expose Vulnerabilites (-10 concentration) and Miasma (-18 concentration from -6 RES) and last a druid with Insect Swarm (-10 concentration) and Plague of Insects (-20). Maybe I forgot something. Don't ask me what stacks and what not. Not too many things I guess But it lead to a lot of interrupts while I tested it... It was enough to completely disable all Ogres in Elmshore all the time - but of course the stun also helped a lot. The best interruptor with not too much fuzz and without complicated party synergy is actually a druid. Give him all those interrupt bonuses and then use the Wind's Arm (with Zephyr) as weapon and cast Plague of Insects and add a lot of Tanglefoot and Wicked Briars, Wall of Thorns and all those pulsing spells. They all have 0.5 secs of interrupt and they do it with each pulse - and have big AoEs, especially Tanglefoot. Enemeies don't even reach you because they get slowed down and do hickup animations all the time.
The Custom Portraits Thread
Boeroer replied to Namutree's topic in Pillars of Eternity: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
Good job! And you are def. getting better at this. Especially with the hair which can be tricky. -
Deathblows works for spells too
Boeroer replied to Madscientist's question in Pillars of Eternity: Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!)
Why would you do that? Spells on Deathblows is the only thing that lets the rogue keep up with the rest of the classes in the late game. -
Hi, 1. It depends what you want. A rogue with guns, using multiple weapon slots and switching guns after each shot for example can be very effective. Make sure the target has an affliction or two and then fire. Here also Backstab and high stealth can make sense. +150% damage with an arquebus is no joke. Lots of burst damage that Dan instantly take out dangerous foes - but also lots of micro and timing. A rogue with Persistence doesn't need to bother too much about DR or timing - just shooting away with auto-attacks is good enough, no matter the target. 2. I would only take stealth if I'd want to avoid fights (solo run for example) or if I wanted to use Backstab. You don't need it for anything else. A gun rogue with very high stealth (10+) can wait in the second row for the enemies to engage the frontline without getting detected. He can even wait until his companions caused two afflictions and then fire from short distance with a gunshot that has Sneak Attack, Deathblows AND Backstab (+300% damage) and he can do this out of invisibility as well. A bow rogue doesn't need stealth nor Backstab.
The last one is not true. At least not entirely. There are DoTs that profit from higher INT, like Envenomed Strike, Deep Wounds and DoT spells like Shining Beacon and so on. Those do X damage per tick (every 3 secs usually) - and more INT adds more ticks. So the amount of damage is higher with mnore INT. Here, MIG will raise the damage of each tick. There are others like Wounding, (Runner's) Wounding Shot and Enduring Flames where the amount of damage is not dependend on INT. Therefore, adding INT just spreads the damage over a bigger timespan (which can be especially bad if the DoT effect has to overcome DR an is not raw damage) and surely lowers damage per second. Here, MIG will raise the overall damage so to speak. The rule of thumb with INT is that it affects everything that has an AoE and/or duration. And generally more INT is better. The only exceptions are the things I mentioned above.
It's not only Prestidigitator's Missiles - it's like that with all damaging abilites (including spells) that ar not bound to weapon usage: they all don't work with Sneak Attack, but with Deathblows. Apprentice's Sneak Attack and Sneak Attack don't work with any spell-like ability, only with weapon attacks. Deathblows works with every damaging effect. Maybe it's a bug, maybe it's intended, I don't know. Stormcaller is very nice, but it doesn't do an AoE stun. Returning Storm only hits one enemy when it procs - and the version of Stormcaller only procs once - not like the druid spell that looms over your head and fires several times. It may proc twice or more per shot (because with Twinned Arrwos and Driving Flight you can theoretically get 4 procs per attack) and then hit different foes, but usually you will experience one proc resultung in one stun (not necessarily the target you hit with the arrow). With stunning shots this isn't too fancy - but the additional shock damage from Returning Storm is still nice. It can't have a lash or any other custom enchantment and it can't be durganized though. On the upside it has two damage types, it works with any weapon focus (so you could use an arbalest with Weapon Focus Soldier for an alpha strike and then switch to Stormcaller), it works with Heart of the Storm and has that neat -6 shock DR enchantment. It depends on the enemy and on your playstyle which bow is better for your ranger. If you want to deal the best dps against single targets and do tremendous damage with your pet I would use Persistence - if you have other party members with shock attacks and/or want to spare durgan steel and other resources needed for enchantments I would use Stormcaller. I once had both in my party and they did equally well. Borresaine is indeed very nice for a rogue. Too bad that Reckless Assault only works in melee.
Without the pet there are no stunning shots by the way. Ranger's animal companions are awesome now. With the woundig hunting bow I mentioned above (called "Persistence") you can keep up a DoT effect all the time and your pet will deal +50% damage with Predator's Sense all the time. It's very powerful against enemies with high DR. It hits slowly but like a truck (with the right talents). So you will have both: a damage dealer that can take out high DR target (pet) and a damage dealer for the squishies (ranger). The best part about animal companions is that they don't have a health pool. So if they get up after a knockout they are as good as new. Very good for triggering traps (if you can't disarm them) for example. Also great if you combine immense healing (Moonwell, Consecrated Ground and such) with pet tanking. It can't die from low health, and as long as it has endurance it will be up and tanking. But this requires a lot of micro. It is true that a ranger requires more micromanagement than a ranged rogue due to the fact that you have to control two characters instead of one if you want that things like Stalker's Link and Stunning Shot work properly.
Yes, it does. It also affects the durations of scrolls. It also affects those spells and other effects that come from items (items with overbearing, stunning, spell holding, desiccating, spell binding, spell striking, spell chance and so on). Also auras that are on items (Zephyr, Herald, Harbinger and so on). So it besically affects everything that has an AoE and/or duration, no matter if it's your character that has the talent/ability/spell or if it's any item that gives you said ability/talent/spell. Basically (code wise) the item will add the talent/spell/ability to your character, so it's all the same.
Bows and implements have higher dps than guns and crossbows/arbalests because the don't have a reloading phase but only a recovery phase. The damage per hit is lower of course, but they are a lot faster. However, reloading weapons on rogues can lead to pretty satisfying results (one-shots for example). So I'd pick the weapon that I like best. Since you don't like micromanagement I would go for bows. Guns and the like require delicate timing and a lot of pausing - just to shoot when it's the right time. With a bow you can just fire non-stop and don't care for timimg an micro too much. If you still like the heavy hitters, take Runner's Wounding Shot! Implements (wand, scepter and rod) seem to be weaker than bows, but they all have two damage types which makes up for the lower base damage. So they are great as backup-weapons, too. Also there are nice unique implements. One of them comes pretty early and has a speed enchantment which is one of the two best enchantments for dps (the other one is wounding). Implement-rogue could look like this: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/86156-class-build-the-sorcerers-apprentice-twisted-sneaky-dps-scroll-user/ Hunting bows are fast. They are great against targets with low damage reduction. And there's a very good unique one quite early in the game (Endless Paths) which has the wounding enchantment (basically a raw-damage-over-time-lash). Wounding ignores damage reduction, so that hunting bow takes away the disadvantage of normal hunting bows: it's also good against high DR foes. It's the ranged weapon with the highest dps if your might is high and your intelligence is low (weird mechanics of wounding). But even with high INT it's good if you combine that with other damage over time effects like so: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/83378-class-build-the-mad-hornet-dps-ranged-rogue/ War bows have higer base damage but are not as fast as hinting bows. This makes them better against enemies with higher damage reduction. And there is a early war bow that causes stun on critical hit. Most rogues at least do a critical hit every second shot, so this weapon is excellent for a rogue. Stun is a very hefty affliction and it's always good if a rogue can cause some afflictions for his sneak attacks by himself rather than be dependend on his party members. Here high INT is benefical. As for talents/abilites I personally would use: Talents: - Prestidigitator's Missiles (don't work with Sneak Attack, but are great in early game and with DR bypass and like crits a lot. They have a HUGE range. And they work with Deathblows = double damage!) - Envenomed Strike (great in the early game - but only if INT and MIG are high), if INT is low go for Runner's Wounding Shot. Even in late game it's good against annoying but squishy targets (wizards, priests and so on). It's very good in the later game if your priest casts Cleansing Flame on a target and you shoot it with Envenomed Strike + Deep Wounds at the same time. THis talent is good against any kind of enemy with high DR who is not immune to poison. So, vessels and most spirits don't get any damage from this. - Vicious Fighting (also works with spells like Prest. Missiles) - Weapon Focus (fitting your weapon of choice) - Marksman - Outlander's Frenzy (more speed and MIG, this counters the speed loss of Penetrating Shot down below) - Penetrating Shot (esp. with hunting bows) - Scion of Flame (if you have a burning lash on your weapon - else take the corresponding talent for another elemental lash) Abilities: - Crippling Strike - Dirty Fighting - Deep Wounds - Blinding Strike - Withering Strike - Deathblows - Sap - Shadow Step But this is just me. There are plenty of other things you can take and make it work - for example Fast Runner and Shot on the Run. It depends on your items mainly. For example a rogue with Boots of Speed doesn't need to take Fast Runner.
Soul whip focus generation bugged
Boeroer replied to nstgc's question in Pillars of Eternity: Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!)
He plainly added the numbers of Soul Whip, Biting Whip and Talisman I guess. -
The Custom Portraits Thread
Boeroer replied to Namutree's topic in Pillars of Eternity: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
No no - I meant that the second attempt with beards was better than the first, but even the first was fine for ingame use. Because the resolution and size ingame is not very high you wouldn't notice some minor smudges and so on that you can see at the moment while the pictures are bigger. -
It's because the sequel "PoE II: Deadfire" is now in development and there was another crowdfunding campaign for that. Prior to that there were some special offers where you could get PoE plus the two extensions White March I and II for a decent price. Don't know when the next sale will start.
The Custom Portraits Thread
Boeroer replied to Namutree's topic in Pillars of Eternity: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
That was not what I meant but never mind. For me it's 2 and 2.5. -
The Custom Portraits Thread
Boeroer replied to Namutree's topic in Pillars of Eternity: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
Nice! Better than the first attempts with pale elf+beards. But those would also have been fine in smaller size (like in game UI). -
"They use these stories and legends to stir the memories of the dreaming lost souls and soul fragments that surround them. The spirits respond by creating magical effects, essentially playing their part in the recreation of the legends. In this way, chanters act as directors of supernatural actors playing out momentary plays for the chanter's benefit." That's how they do it.
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- Chanterphrases
- brisk recitation
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