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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. This has been in the bug report section so often that I'm sure Obsidian regrets putting that backer pet into the game.
  2. No, it's not. For your evil playthrough pick a Bleak Walker. That's a Paladin. I never tried to bring Ydwin to Splintered Reef. Any cool reactions from her or the environment?
  3. Usually PL adds damage. In case of "Thrice She was Wronged" it may add more bolts instead, no idea. But PL adds base damage (increases the dmg roll). You can't see it in the combat log as listed dmg bonus. The only thing you see ist your dmg roll is probably higher. It should also be shown in the tooltip of the ability itself - but since you can't use Spellshaping and at the same time look at the Tooltip there is no way to tell how the damage got influenced other than monitoring the dmg rolls. If it rolls higher numbers as it should you know that PL is adding dmg. You can test if PL adds damage to a spell with other PL bonuses as well. Use a Stone of Power and compare the dmg tooltip of your spell before and after.
  4. No. Do you use a little Fire Troll names "Grog" as your pet that you picked up in Ashen Maw? You should really read the description of that pet...
  5. Ok, solo is a different matter because you can't take care of them all at the same time. But with a party of five that fight was among of the easiest in my SSS runs.
  6. My "problem" with boarding fights is: - you start unstealthed and you have to pause manually - your squishiest party member will get focused-fired by guns as soon as combat starts That's annoying. Sure, I can give him a large shield with modal and the problem is solved. Or I skip that and bombard the enemy ship out of the water with one salvo of five double bronzers and spare me one more loading screen.
  7. Further lessons: - use frighting abilites - use terrifying abilites Which might turn the Silent 5 into the Useless 5. I don't recall their resistances/immunites though. Honestly I never noticed them casting Disintegration because usually I bombard the enemy with interrupts and CC like crazy no matter who it is. Just to be sure. Dps is overrated... Give me a guy with AoE Bewildering Blows (e.g. Clear Out) and another one with AoE Body Blows (e.g. Heart of Fury) and most CC options will land reliably.
  8. At the moment you gain the same loot. So: no mechanical/powergaming reason to board.
  9. No, afaik there's no way to force disengagement attacks. I mean besides creating 4 naked lvl-1 hirelings with 3 CON and 3 RES and one tank maybe.
  10. The stuff is inside a chest in your treasury. That room east of the throne room. Where the merchant pops up if you buy him as add-on to your stronghold. Everything you get from stronghold adventures and also rng-stuff that gets generated by other add-ons will be there.
  11. You will lose engagement on terrified enemies and thus get no disengagement attacks when they run away. I did this combo in the beta (where it worked) and it got nerfed immediately.
  12. I'm going for a SC troubadour. Thoughts? Good pick in my opinion.
  13. I guess more because there is no definite "best" class for solo. So that question is hard to answer.
  14. No, only the last post of him. At least there Verde is talking about Diplomacy. Before that there may have been confusion about those two things as well, but Resolve was mentioned more than once. But we also mentioned PoE 1 where Resolve was useful as a dialogue stat. There are also RES checks in Deadfire (but a lot less than in PoE.) By the way you can also save Kali with a lot of Intimidation (scare him away) or simply by not killing him during the fight (will turn friendly after Nemnok is dead and the rest of the crowd is dead, too).
  15. Yes. It used to be +100% - that was worth building around. Now it's just ok but nothing special.
  16. True. But Single Class Priest gets a lot of ability points and has only few passives - so it's ok to pick a few spells that are only situational or kind of special.
  17. Combat focus "only" gives him 1 additional layer of Concentration which gets removed wen he gets interrupted. The next interrupt will cancel his ability he's currently trying to cast. You could add a second layer with the Upright Captain's Belt. That usually helps a lot. Best way to circumvent interrupts entirely is Rekvu's Fractured Casque which will make you immune once you have 1 injury. Getting a fairly harmless injury (Acute Rash) is easy if you cast Necrotic Lance on him until he goes down or to take him down with Fireballs (Serious Burn) right after rest. --> no more interrupts. Works outside of combat. Another way would be to cast a Priest's Litany for the Body on him: long lasting buff that lets him build up layer over layer of Concentration.
  18. @AndreaC: could you maybe add my latest build to the build list? Thank you! https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/106646-class-build-the-cauterizer/
  19. <will insert backstory and picture here > <or maybe not...> =================================== The Cauterizer =================================== Difficulty: PotD -------------------------------------------------------------- Class: Barbarian -------------------------------------------------------------- Race: Fire Godlike (optional) -------------------------------------------------------------- Background: The Living Lands - Colonist -------------------------------------------------------------- Stats: MIG: 19 CON: 10 DEX: 09 PER: 18 INT: 19 RES: 03 -------------------------------------------------------------- Skills: Survival 12 (+2 from Sanguine Plate) We can't use Second Wind from Athletics because you will hit yourself with Battle-Forged's burn retaliation when using Second Wind (bug). -------------------------------------------------------------- Talents (a=auto, r=recommended, !=important) 2: Veteran's Recovery ® 4: Weapon Focus Soldier® 6: Accurate Carnage® 8: Rhymer's Summons 10: Scion of Flame 12: Two Handed Style 14: Apprentice's Sneak Attack 16: Savage Attack Abilities 0: Carnage(a) 1: Frenzy(!) 3: Savage Defiance 5: One Stands Alone® 7: Blood Thirst 9: Bloodlust 11: Heart of Fury 13: Dragon Leap 15: Blooded Story Talents: - The Merciless Hand - Gift from the Machine - Dungeon Delver - Song of the Heavens - Hylea's or Galawain's Boon --------------------------------------------------------------- Items (!=important, r=recommended): Weapon Set 1: Firebrand (!) / some backup Great Sword (Justice for example) Weapon Set 2: some arquebus or arbalest Boots: Shod in Faith ® Head: none (Fire Godlike) Armor: Sanguine Plate ® Neck: Lost Periapt of the Winding Path Belt: Belt of the Ryoal Deadfire Cannoneer (!) Rings: Iron Circle, Band of Union Hands: Forgemaster's Gloves (!) --------------------------------------------------------------- Hi! A late build for PoE since recently the traffic in this forum rose again and I never posted my favorite Barb build since the Deafire Pack came out. The Cauterizer combines two very strong things: Firebrand and Blood Thirst. Firebrand has immense base damage and thus works very well with all sorts of dmg bonuses, including crits. Unfortunately you can't enchant it and so - most of the time - other weapons become better options when reaching the late(ish) game, mainly because of Durgan Steel and its speed bonus. But Blood Thirst helps: it can completely remove the need for attack speed bonuses IF you can manage to kill quickly enough. And nothing kills stuff more quickly (and triggers Blood Thirst with the kill) than Firebrand + Carnage. Add as many dmg bonuses as you can because you want to max out the damage per attack (not dps - dps comes from the removal of recovery through Blood Thirst). So the stuff I picked (Scion of Flame and so on) is there to increase damage per hit. You also want to crit as much as possible because Firebrand has Annihilation. In combo with Merciles Hand and Dungeon Delver you'll do +90% crit damage which is so powerful combined with the high base dmg of Firebrand. Good thing about Carnage: it may start off quite underwhelming because of its reduced damage and more importantly reduced accuracy - BUT: Carnage gains +1 ACC per char level. Combined with Accurate Carnage you will surpass the ACC of your initial hits at lvl 6 already. The more levels you gain the more likely you crit with Carnage. After lvl 6 it's better to attack a low deflection target in order to better hit a high deflection target with Carnage. The best way to use this is to gather the enemies and then hack away at them. Best to not jumo into their midst since this build has low RES (unless you have Heart of Fury). Better jump to the edge of a cluster. Squishy enemies may get one-shotted and immediately trigger Blood Thirst (and Bloodlust) which leads to a cascade of burning death strokes with no recovery. Kills with Battle Forgedalso trigger Blood Thirst - I found that to be a nice addition - also because it works with Blooded and Scion of Flame. Even more speed if you get hit. In game pre lvl 7 you have Frenzy to speed you up and balance out the lowish DEX a bit. With Sanguine Plate you can even get several Frenzies per encounter. Also great for your fortitude, healing and health loss. "But Boeroer: sometimes there are not that many squishy enemies and then I will be left with that very slow burning attacks!" True - that's where Rhymer's Summons come into play. The fun part is that Blood Thirst and Bloodlust also trigger if you kill your own skeletons. Carnage still applies to enemy bystanders. So... only one or two tough enemy left at the end of a fight and you need more speed? Good you summoned those incredibly squishy skeletons and can now kill them for insane attack speed! If you don't like that part of the build (because it feels like cheese or something) just pick Barbaric Blow. At the same time we don't want to go down all the time while we swing around. Because of that we maxed outr self healing potential. 14 Survival leads to a +60% healing bonus which applies to Savage Defiance and Consecrated Ground and Veteran's Recovery: tons of virtual endurance. Health is usually no issue with Barbs, even at 10 CON. But you need some levels to feel the effect. So play it safe in the early levels (like always with barbs). Your biggest friend in the party is somebody who debuffs enemies' deflection and your ACC - for example a druid with Nature's Mark or a Wizard with Eyestrike and a Priest with Blessing + Devotions and so on. You want crits! You also want Holy Meditation because your concentration is pretty bad. This combo is so devastating that my jaw literally (not figuratively) dropped the first time I used Blood Thirst and Firebrand together. He cauterizes enemies in half so quickly that other party members sometimes even don't get them chance to finish a spell. *whoosh-whoosh-whoosh* done. You may not want to use Tidefall as backup because wounding kills don't trigger Blood Thirst. It's too good to use it as backup anyway. You'll have 6 uses of Firebrand per rest (gloves + belt uses do stack!). Usually that's more than enough from camp to camp. That's also a reason why I don't use Runner's Wounding Shot. Enjoy!
  20. One "win button" for a no reload challenge would be to use a chanter, skill him for maxed Dragon Thrashed ACC and damage and give him one single weapon. Then bring a priest. The reasons are: - Dragon Thrashed keeps on working even when the Chanter is withdrawn (Priest spell). - Dragon Thrashed gets +12 ACC from single weapon usage (seems like it's a bug, never got fixed) You end up with a high ACC burning/slashing "totem" which can't get killed and blocks chokepoints. Another one is to bring a Cipher and equip same Chanter with an Preservation item and the Solace shield or Little Savior (which I mentioned above). I don't know if this got fixed lately, but Withdraw is an official "stun" effect and thus used to trigger Preservation, giving the Chanter +100 to all defenses. Then cast Defensive Mindweb. All party members will share the insane defenses of the withdrawn Chanter... Chanter can't get killed and at the same time damages all enemies big time = you can't lose = win button.
  21. Exactly. Binding Roots as well. So a Ranger + Binding (Thorny) Roots + Vion-Ceth works. But also Woodskin (e.g. enemy druids).
  22. "Flanderization" - best new term ever. On the other hand it brought us the Berath's Blessing which allows Edér to equip a pet as well. The only Blessing I ever play with.
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