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Elric Galad

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Everything posted by Elric Galad

  1. That was indeed my point. If we're talking about balance, I think Dorudugan needs a bit of care. Not to make the fight easier, but just a bit less dumb. Also I'm not very fond of fixed amont of ressources for Brillant because it would render its duration insignificant. IMHO, Brillant is mostly OP on casters, especially with SoT involved. Without that it would be a very powerful but not broken inspiration. Also, Ancestor's memory would be really bad with such change.
  2. Making Brillant less abusable would make Dorudugan fight even more stupid : you would absolutely need some regenerating ressource class to fight this dumb wall of HP.
  3. 15% action speed and a bit of reflex never hurts, especially with such a long duration in my opinion (unless you play TB which isn't balances enough for my taste). But the best part is 100% movement speed from tier 2 dex inspiration. It sounds really convenient for backrow character such as Cipher, Druid or Priest or offensive frontliner such as Fighter or Rogue, or even Paladin himself. All these classes have few Access to Dex inspirations and their mobility abilities (if any) cost ressources.
  4. Yes, but is sacred immolation good enough as AoE DPS compared to any other AoE a Multiclass can bring to the table with much less inconvenience ? I doubt so. Light of pure zeal is good enough as a panic button or situational DPS. I also like SC paldin ability to apply Nimble instantly for a long duration on any party member and of course the auto rez just in case. With an Infinite zeal supply, spamming garrote (DoT loves PL) or White Flames should be good enough. Sacred Immolation seems too much of a hassle in comparaison.
  5. I guess they could receive Sworn Ennemy as a starting ability, since Berath is often about hunting down the ones that cheat death. Maybe with an on-kill effect for this reason (but there is already a On-Kill refund upgrade for Sworn Ennemy so maybe not). Or maybe with a Healing Receive debuff (such as -50% Healing received) independant from CON affliction to emphasize the part about making sure no one lenghten one's own life by unatural means. But this would look like a bit like Bleack Walkers' Sickening FoD.
  6. Congratulations ! For a while, no one including Obsidian really knew whether it was actually possible. I think that was quite a Gamble for Obs because it would have been a bad advertisement for them if no one succeeded. But it is a good advertisement that it took a while !
  7. Yes it is. Except this is about a specific group of modders who are quite recognised for their deep knowledge of the game. They also consolidated their change list with a community poll.
  8. Note that all non-weapon abilities are not spell. Since I remember that you want to build a Driving Roar based SC Barbarian, Griffin Blade won't work. Spells are only Druid/Wizard/Priest/Cipher active abilities and Chanter Invocations.
  9. Soul annhilation is added damages, so it doesn't really matter what style you use, Soul Annhilation would buff your attacks about equally. However, as a Single Class Cipher, you may want to use Time Parasite to buff your attack speed so much that other attack speed buffs (such as dual wielding ones) become irrelevant. So I think Two hander would be the best Style in this case. Why do you say that Beguiler has to go ranged ?
  10. It is mostly a Gamebook 90% of the time. However, the combat (and character building) is somehow a bit complex and I can't say I totally hated it. The best word to qualify it is "unfinished". They have put a lot of effort and rules into something that is only a minor part of the game and doesn't feel good. And as I said before some of the main (unavoidable) encounters that were meant to be epic are actually very very very very bad.
  11. => 5. I would not agree, because it would basically remove the only specifity of Single Class Druid for auto-attack. If anything, Wilstrike frenzy should be tuned a bit. There might be appropriate tuning to add for martial druid, but the community patch buffed Martial Druid because elemental talent now add PR to corresponding Wildstrike (because they added keyword).
  12. Bumping this thread. I really Wonder if there is a point to have several summon abilities on a chanter (especially beckoner) build. I tend to stick with weapons. Wyrm for focus fire ? Ogres for AoE attacks ? Spore for Charm Spam ? Or just to have Something with a lower Phrases requirement ? Weapons tend to be a bit annoying to use due to requiring using their abilities for maximum profit and that their IA is inactive by default...
  13. I think it depends on your build. Twinned Shot shots synergize extremely well with some weapons with on-Hit effect (such as Frotseeker or Watershaper Focus).
  14. Why do you say Beguiler is unpopular ? It's arguably the most well rounded Cipher Multiclass. Trickster / Beguiler sounds like a very very reliable pick. Be reminded that Beguiler refund also works if target becomes afflicted by the spell itself. So if you cast Eyestrike on a non-afflicted target and it hits, you'll get refunded too. I don't know where from your 20% + 20% shoul whip bonus comes from. It's only 20%. Biting whip is too weak to be picked instead of Draining whip (which doubles focus generation with attacks). I would consider Mind Plague with a Beguiler, Dazed is a good debuff. Borrowed Instinct + Defensive illusion spells + Shield is a good combo to stack defenses. I don't get why you take Tuotillo's Palm : without Monastic Training, it isn't very good (and can even decrease your DPS due to how Bash shield works). "Best Defense" is a better shield for non-monk.
  15. What would you think about adding Adra Ban to a merchant inventory ? I think it is the only non-buyable component.
  16. OK, it's up to you whether you want to keep your party as it is and give it a try or not. If you don't, a Multiclassed Chanter / Druid / Paladin (2 out of these 3) instead of one of your wizard would be my advice. And feel free to replace Fighter with another class (or a Fighter Multiclass) if you're not satisfied by its late game.
  17. Then it is hard to tell whether you'll have troubles later on. As I said, the relative weakness of Priest and maybe Barbarian may explain why you have trouble now. But this will change. I'm a bit more concerned about the lack of constant party healing I suppose you have Serafen, Eder, Xoti, Aloth and youself as a wizard ?
  18. T:ToN is a category by itself. I played it, I'll remember it, I didn't regret buying it but I won't play it again and I would have troubles giving it a grade. It was really a one-time experience, unique enough to worth it. There were so many mistakes made with this game. The 2 main battles were some of the most horrible experiences in my Gaming Life, and the simultanneous console port was beyond idiotic (=>lamest interface ever). So many time, money and hopes wasted with this game... The old Planescape had kind of "good" combat. It wasn't very interesting but it was nice changes of pace with AWESOME MUSIC and it made you feel powerful thanks to all the experience you gathered from dialogues.
  19. Single Class Priest are weak in the early game due to meh Tier II spells, but they eventually becomes good AoE damage dealers. SIngle Class Barbarian started to pay off when I got Spirit Tornado and ultimately shined with Driving Roar. Single Class Wizard are good too, but overall your party relies quite a lot on on spells, and you don't have that much resssources in the early game. Single Class Fighters are good early game, but you have to know what you're doing at higher level to optimize it. High level single class fighters are mostly about abusing weapon effects with upgraded Clear Out AoE. Your party seems a bit weak on early level, but all classes except maybe fighter are considered very good in the late game. What you will miss the most is constant regeneration from Paladin, Druid or Chanter. Priest are okay healer but not very good at that. You don't have many party buff, but your priest can do it by itself. You don't have Multiclassed characters, which makes it more difficult to have characters for each role and a bit of redundancy. What difficulty do you play ?
  20. Sicken and Shaken are easy to avoid. Resistance and Inspiration would remove them permanently. In addition, adding a Positive effect (corpse eater only) or negative effect (non corpse eater only) would be about the same for modding effort.
  21. Why not Berzeker / Forbidden Fist ? I presume Berzeker rage proc FF wound generation and Enfeebled would help proccing Crit through Brute Force.
  22. @Boeroer Buffs : 1) Transmuter : I wasn’t specifically referring to giving Form of the Reckless Brute 0% Recovery, but to have its overall level of power close to Spiritshift. However, I checked a bit Fearsome Brute stats : - 7 base armor, +100% recovery, +2 vs crush, -2 vs slash (Better than a Medium armor, except for Recovery of course) - +4 MIG, +2 CON, -4 INT, -2 DEX, +1 Engagement- + - 13-25 base damages, 6 PEN crush/pierce, attack/recovery 1.0/4.0, no Modal, 1-handed. It's basically comparable to a sword, a tad bit slower with higher base damages. Overall it's only 12% more DPS than a sword. Even with 0% Recovery, Form of the Fearsome Brute would not be better than Spiritshift (a bit more DPS except vs cat Form, a bit less armor). My proposition is the following : - Set PEN to 7 and attack speed to 0.7s/4.0s, so it would do around 19% more base DPS than a sword with +1PEN but no modal. - Set Recovery to +20%. Ogre wears an armor so 0% recovery won't be suitable. - Set to +3 Engagement limit. This is the trick : better to give Ogre something Unique than raw power. That much Engagements is hard to get for non-fighters and non-barbarians. Overall this would give Form a level of Power comparable to Spiritshift without Wildstrike and the various Forms bonus, but with a lots of Engagement, spell casting disabled and long duration. So it would be nice early game and situationally useful later. Conjurer : Familiar gives a +1 stackable general PL as well as other random bonuses, which is great enough IMHO. However, I would advocate giving familiar nearly insta-cast (as Ghostheart pet) or fast cast (3s, no recovery ?) so it would be more easy to use. 2) The reason why I was specifically advocating for Corpse Eater PL bonus is because it was the easiest change. Everybody can eat Kith meat. If you give a generic PL bonus (or any other bonus except Corpse Eater PL), you have to find a way to prevent its application on other classes, which I thought would add some difficulty to the actual modding. It would also give a “Bellower feeling” to Corpse Eater, which sounded good IMHO. 3) What I like about Debonaire is that even if the class is designed for Kith encounters, it still has some feats (especially hit to graze conversion) against non-Kiths. Debonaire is arguably worse against non kiths, but not strictly worse. (I remember you even pointed it in another thread) For me, it is a good design to have this kind of minor advantage that applies, so you don’t feel totally gimped for half of the encounter. You still get this little something Also I admit I don’t like the randomness of spell resistance, especially with beneficial effect . Nobody liked it for BG1’s Viconia. Side-note about randomness : What if Wild Mind became a Modal ? AoE Spell Disruption : why not, but spellcasters don’t usually clump in tiny packs so I don’t really know if the buff would be so great. I have also seen a Carnage-applied beneficial effect reduction from another mod proposal about Mage Slayer which I also found very tempting (especially because it would apply to non-spellcasters… cough cough fighters). 4) Yeah, I think that +1 PEN is good enough to justify the subclass, but still feel a bit limited compared to… let’s say Devoted. That’s why my suggestion was more about unique “tactical” advantage than raw power. Raw power is currently... Okayish ? Nerf : 1) Not sure about the precise way to nerf Troub. I only suggested the easiest one for modders. Just a comment : More starting phrases isn’t actually more ressources since all invocations cost more. The “+1 Phrase trick” is mostly applicable to Skald and Beckoner whose penalty doesn’t apply to all Invocations. “+1 Phrase” SC lvl 20 Troubadour is able to cast 1 Dragon or 2 Shield Cracks “+2 Phrases” SC lvl 20 Troubadour woud be able cast 1 Dragon or 1,8 Shield Cracks But 4s Brisk Recitation may be better indeed. It is probably the most OP of the 2 modes of the troubadour. Even with this, I feel that both modes could have been passive effects for 2 different chanter subclasses. The free switchability makes Troubadour even better. I wouldn’t mind a small passive Recovery penalty (10% ?) for the troubadour to compensate for the added flexibility. This would reflect that Troubadour is a Chanter "more dedicated to chanting" than other chanters. => So for me it would be : 4s Brisk Recitation, +10% passive universal recovery EDIT : Thinking twice, this recovery penalty feels a bit unnecessary. 2) Agreed 3) Agreed
  23. Missing Ectopsychic Echo, great with Ghostheart. Biting Whip is bad unless using Community Patch Mod. Draining Whip doubles focus generation. I would go Mental Binding instead of Phantom foes, especially if you go Eyestrike. Maybe pet damage buff if you like them ? Predator Sense is tempting with Recall agony and Disintegrate. Not 100% about the rest, but it sounds good.
  24. I meant Marked Prey, Stalker's Link and Survival of the Fittest (+20/+30 stacking accuracy). Marksman also stack, but only with ranged weapons. Hunter's Claw may be an option too if you go melee, but I don't use it so I can't tell how convenient it is.
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