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Elric Galad

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Everything posted by Elric Galad

  1. The good thing with War Caller is that you can use weapon modal + clear out to debuff a defense in an AoE, then use one of the Invocations targeting the same defense on the same AoE, such as : - Flail + Thunder Rolled/Seven Nights, - Club + Killers Froze, - Morningstar + Eld Nary. Obviously, Black Jackets make it even more convenient and the use of Offensive Invocation leans toward Skald (but Troubadour is always a good option).
  2. By the way, Eder can equip Ooblit pet, which add 3s to each Unbending shield. So he's indeed best meat shield indeed.
  3. I guess 2nd World War ending also depends on the alternate reality one lives in. Maybe in this one PoE2 was released sooner ?
  4. Depending on where you live, the public holiday for 2nd World War ending in Europe also changes. Not sure wether it is aligned with PoE2 release date.
  5. Then, you should wait for 4.2 for the latest updates, create your own thread to introduce it yourself and ask it to be pinned. I'm sure a lot of people would support it.
  6. https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/227477-pillars-of-eternity-ii-deadfire/faqs/76599 It seems accurate on so many topics that weren't fully clear for me, such as the Unbending scaling formula or how Interrupts actually worked. I wouldn't be suprised if one of you was involved in it, since there aren't so many place on the web where one can find accurate information about the game mechanics. EDIT : It indeed seems to be Thelee work. In my opinion, this should be pinned.
  7. I never really paid attention to experience I gained from ship combat. So it basically means "infinite gold", but not "infinite xp" ?
  8. They probably plan to have an out-of-beta turn-based mode before releasing it on console, in order to have a wider potential audience.
  9. I remember a similar experience in PoE1 when facing Thaos. Eder was the last man standing and eventually prevailed. It was before Defender modal and constant recovery nerf. Thaos simply couldn't kill the ever generating fighter.
  10. Wizard + Beguiler should be nice. With Chillfog => Secret Horror => Mind Plague => Mental Binding you can debuff all 6 attributes and ends up with possibly more focus than you initially had. Plus with Llengrath Grimoire, you have most of the necessary Tools for a spellsword build including Spirit Lance and Alacrity and save Ability points for the Cipher side and passives. Wizard are almost a martial class. The best multiclass for Psion should be priest since it has the least martial potential and it is the class that can benefit the most for Cipher's low level CC. Priest also wants high Int, so there's a bit of synergy there.
  11. Ah, that's sad. Still a good subclass. Probably a better Psion than Psion overall, even when combined with a semi-martial caster (Wizard, maybe cat druid).
  12. Indeed, but not something as critical as doubling attack power when you have 18 Dex or a duration increased 2->3rd when having 23 Int, especially when the whole Attack speed system has been designed for continuous increase. Penetration is the big exception, but it depends on foes so a specific character build usefulness would be an average of performances against them. Still ATB or action points would have been better I'm too concerned about balance to be interested in TB at the moment. Still, it is an additional mode which can draw new audience to PoE, so why not.
  13. Thresholds are heresy. We need a Leaden Key to seal these abominations from the D&D realms from where they should never have escaped. We had this marvellous game cleansed of all thresholds, not requiring these infamous "threshold tables" for minmaxing. And TB is suddenly reintroducing all this, threatening the balance of all things. We should pray Lord Josh from an ATB system, this is our last hope now. (or simply forget about this TB system since it's free content anyway)
  14. Anyway, Dorudugan being so annoying, I would consider changing my homerule of always keeping the same party just for him. I Wonder how he deals with my MC and 4 Ghosthearts/Tacticians.
  15. Which should be a valid strategy ! Currrently, you can lock bosses with summmons if spec for it. This wouldn't be worse. There are plenty of ways to make bosses difficult to interrupt while still making them interruptible : - Starting Concentration - Regenerating Concentration - Why not "Interrupt resistance" ? : Immune to Interrupt, but Prone are only dowgraded and cause Interrupt. The problem here is the tremendous difference between somthing that is harder to do and something that is impossible to do and simply deny the player a big part of his abilities. However, I fully agree on your point about HP. This only makes thing boring.
  16. Resistance mechanic has been a huge step in the right direction, and affliction upgrade/downgrade based on graze/crit would have been excellent too. Immunities are usually OK in PoE 2. It's only when a boss is immune to everything that the problems start. Probably only Dorudugan is concerned. I killed Giant Cave Grub by taking advantage of its vulnerability to Intellect affliction, dominating it with whispers of treason when too many larvas were spawned. This was definitely good design.
  17. This is bad design in my opinion. Once upon a time in PoE1, there was no such thing as immunities. Any build could work against anything. Crowd Control was OP then, but mostly because hard CC duration. Then they started introducing bunch of immunities in the game, and now we are here, standing by a colossus of ability denial. Hauani O Whe is probably close to the limit of what is tolerable about immunities. IMHO, Dorudugan should have been : - Resistant to Perception instead of Immune - Interruptible (but starting with a lots of Concentration) - Have maybe half less HP - Have a bit less Resolve, maybe around 32 (-66% duration) so your detrimental effect can still be a bit efficient. - Receive some other bonus (maybe some summons) to compensate a bit.
  18. The problem is : as a druid, you're likely to go "spell mode" most of the time, so is spending 3 ability points on Wildstrike worths it just to get an on-death effects ? (maybe yes because SC druids should have Spare ability points ? There are not tons of mandatory spells/passive for druids). And to begin with, are you a better spell caster while shifted ? Spiritshift armor is among the best armors of the game (basically a +5 AR robe, +7AR if going bear, up to legendary quality, and it has no weakness to any type of damages). However, you can't use a shield while shifted, so that's a big downside. You trade Def, Ref and various passives from special weapons/shields/armor for AR. Other than that, lifegivers and furies do have special benefits when shifted, so it might worth it for them.
  19. Contrary to PoE1, two weapon style does apply to both recovery and reloading time. As for pistols, I would include Scordeo's Trophy. Reducing reloading time per hit is really good because it will help casting more once ascended. It synergizes well with high INT and Driving Flight helps building charges. Maybe 1-handed style with Scordeo's Trophy and modals ?
  20. Does anyone has ever used Druid's Entropy ? Guaranteed Crits sound like a good way to improve PR, but as usual, description is vague.
  21. "Subversion, the scapegoat cousin of Justice." Skaen priest in PoE1
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