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Elric Galad

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Everything posted by Elric Galad

  1. Single class assassin and its up to ~30s (50s with Empower refill) god mode were quite good before megabosses were introduced. For these long fights, at least Rogues (MC or SC) have deep pockets.
  2. Druid's Entropy could also be considered a way to decrease AR, but I have not idea how many times it is supposed to apply...
  3. I doubt it's related to Might, becose... UPDATE. Tested Deep Wounds. Metodology: Frienfly target, Health 247 vs. Weapon 100-100 dmg. Attacker have 10 pt. in all Attributes Hit should apply 100 + 20 Raw Damage for 6 sec. Target's Health should be 127 after attack. Test 1: Hit (100 dmg) + 20 pt. (20%) Deep Wounds damage >>> Health = 116. 247 - 116 = 131 total damage. Test 2: Graze (50 dmg) + 10 pt. (20%) Deep Wounds damage >>> Health = 182. 247 - 182 = 65 total damage. So DW deals 30% of Damage as Raw. Value in statuseffects.gamedatabundle is 0.2. So it's clearly a bug. sorry i should've been more clear. What I meant was that of the known buggy issues directly related to applyovertime, it's "just" might scaling being much lower than usual versus your latter claim that intellect scaling isn't working (see the linked thread). I wasn't trying to exclude this other thing about 30% vs 20% (which I speculated in the bug thread was the game ignoring the on-hit initial tick damage). But what is the effect of Int on DW and Wounding Shot then ? Does ot increase the damages done above 30% ? 30% is fine IMHO, especially for Wounding Shot. 20% would be to low.
  4. But how intellect affects first tick ? With 20 intellect, wounding shot duration would be 9s, so maybe 6,66% damages per tick (20% / (9/3) = 6,66%) If the initial tick is also 6,66%, it means Wounding Shot with high intellect would only deal 26,66% damages, lower than the 30% from your calculation. 30% damages isn't ugly as a lash effect for a lvl 1 ability. But if Intellect is detrimental, then pffff...
  5. Yep, that's the idea : using One-Handed style and Borrowed Instinct to fish crits (and avoid misses), and Monk's additional attack on Crits and Increased attack speed to get more attack. It won't be as effecient as AoE, but it will work against single foes. The plan is ultimately to be able to repeatedly cast ectoplastic echo every half second against powerful single foes.
  6. Chances are 5% for 5s cascade since 1.1. It used to be 10% for 3s. So yup, this build would have a random factor ^^
  7. What I'm currently planning is a Nalzpaca / Ascendant using Scordeo's edge. 1. If I manage to trigger blade cascade (random factor is part of the fun ^^), it will last for about 10s (5s base since patch 1.1) with high INT and Duality of Mortal Presence. 2. No recovery will enable to reach Ascended quickly. (Bonus Option) Once ascended, Blade Turning can be activated, 3. A priest can cast Salvation of time. 4. Casting Brillant on the priest would enable repeating the combo for infinite No Recovery + Infinite Focus (+ Melee Immunity). Many Cipher Powers have low cast time so Infinite Focus + No Recovery should be very powerful. Nalzpaca / Ascendant is a solid multiclass on its own so I expect my character to have decent ceiling strength even if the full combo isn't triggered. Do you have any suggestion or remark about this idea ? EDIT : I should call him "the Ascending Anitlei"
  8. Helm of the White Void + Ring of Focus Flame + Bleak Walker FoD It should be possible to build around that. A skald maybe, or some crit based weapon maybe ?
  9. While I take the point of your post, the difference is that FF (ability) doesn't cost resources. That means you're using it a lot more frequently than you might other offensive abilities (primarily because there is no opportunity cost except for time), which creates a very different gameplay loop to Mule Kick, etc. You can and should use FF so often that it notably more like an auto attack than other abilities (speaking from experience). Exactly what I wanted to point. FF even "generates" ressources, and with the right stats, also heals oneself a bit. Still its design makes it worse than auto-attack for Barbarian, Rogue and Cipher. Which restricts multiclass quite a bit. I just wanted to make sure one isn't gimped when using it instead of a normal attacks, at least in most cases. However, it is true that it has an opportunity cost since it prevents the use of another ability. The design is weird, but favors Shield users, which is nice because few melee builds favors shield (unless pure tanks) and because it is consistent with focus on Resolve. It makes FF the most "defensive" of the Monk kits subclasses.
  10. "So, how did you train to become a Reverse Engineer ? - I was a PoE powergamer. - You're hired."
  11. How ? Does it stack transcendant suffering scaling PEN bonus with ability PEN scaling ? Damages seem to scale quite well too. Ok, this requires actual testing ^^
  12. Anyway, with high Res, one should ultimately use more FF ability and less weapon attacks. Since FF isn't a weapon attack, weapons you carry won't matter that much, except for their passive effects, which makes shields more interesting in general. As you said, it also makes Cipher (no soul whip), Barbarians (no carnage), Rogue (no sneak bonus) and to a lesser extent Fighter (no weapon mastery) a bit let interesting. But how does this compare in term of DPS to standard attacks (I don't think stacking curses worths it most of the time) ? I except FF to benefit more from Might than weapons (since there's no enchant bonus) and to benefit much from PL. Since Might also buff self-healing from the curse ending, High Mig + High Res seem a good choice. EDIT : Since its base damages were nerfed in 4.1.2, I don't think FF ability is that great to deal damages. Being a spammable ability that benefits from PL scaling is probably barely sufficient to make it better comparable to auto-attacking... a bit more if you carry a shield and your auto-attacking has a lower DPS.
  13. How is Tuotilo's palm compared to dual fists an usual fist & shield ? I'm always suspecting the worst when it comes to bash shield... I understood it scales as fists but with a lower base damages basis, both dual wielding base bonus and talents do apply. the overall value should be above Sword and Board style given its low base damage, but still lower than dual fists. Fists avg : 16.5, Tuotilo avg : 9, mean : 12.75, 12.75/16.5 (mean damage withfist only)= 77% but the increased attack speed of +15% EDIT : it's +30% for dual weapons +15% for TW Style should compensate and put it higher than Fist + Shield. However, Tuotilo final enchants seem to shift the balance in its direction...
  14. Bumping this thread now that Forbidden Fist has been buffed/debugged quite a bit. I think that the main interest of the class is to provide a "free" source of Tier 3 Constitution debuff (which only level 19 Single Class Rangers and Woedica Priest can do conveniently), which is quite nice to improve short CC effects or as an utility agianst self-healing foes. IMHO this is a very nice. The drawback is that wound generation is going to be unreliable and quite low, so I won't excpect very active builds. I think FF needs a bit of Resolve or maybe even maxed Resolve (to lower a bit the curse and gain a bit more wounds), not too much Int (for the same reason) which can be a problem since many builds rely on Int. Various ideas : - Wound spenders aren't going to be very effective and Duality's Int might be detrimental. Why not going high AR with Iron Wheel ? - Crucible of suffering can be activated very reliably. It might be a good idea to stack it with paladin's faith. Steel Garrote/Forbiden Fist for tankiness and CC ? - Beguiler and Rogue could benefit from free debuff too. Beguiler Single Target CC might work well with FF fist affliction extending... Even if FF is a bit redundant with Toxic Strike, extending its duration might worths it. Other ideas ?
  15. The funny thing about this sentence is the "One reason". Because PoE1's priest indeed had several reasons to be the strongest class ^^
  16. Completed. And thank you for all the work ! If I may ask, I had released a thread on PoE1's forum about an hypothetic balance patch. (which was a kind of follow up of PoE1's Rogue & Barbarian Polishing Thread / Poll...) https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/106798-trying-to-design-a-balance-mod/ It didn't have much success (actually zero success ), maybe because I admitted it was mostly hypothetic, maybe because people were more interested by PoE2 at this time, maybe because it was too long or maybe because because it was simply bad for some other reasons . If by chance, you could take a couple of minutes to have a look at it. My apologizes for hijacking your thread with my request. Feel free to ignore.
  17. So, it's been a while now that AoE Weapons do not apply Afflictions in an AoE anymore. I'm currently planning my next party and it's quite a big problem to not know when it will be fixed, and even IF it will be fixed. We can't even be sure it is not a Silent Nerf. Honnestly, this is quite annoying. Being able to apply status in an AoE was quite nice and added some diversity to Martial builds. However, I can see why they would want to prevent this. Even if I don't agree I could at least understand and plan my builds accordingly. But it hasn't been confirmed either... I think we deserve an official answer about this.
  18. Do multiple DoT from multiple unique weapons stack ? If yes, I wonder if Black Jacket could be a good idea, so you can instantly rotate various DoT weapons to apply various DoT. Not sure it worths the trouble, but the "I know 100 ways to make you bleed" concept could be fun.
  19. But you can​ spam spirit tornado... in RTwP. TB only makes more apparent some strong features already existing in RTwP. I recently found a reddit post about how convenient Black Jackets are becaus eof instant swapping. But this isn't a new feature from TB.
  20. Sun&Moon Flail could be considered the best weapon for a Skald because it is a fast weapon one-handed weapon and it has 2 heads (the damages are about the same, but it generates twice the number of crits). Also it boost either Fire attacks (FoD) or Frost ones (Eld Nary, Seven Nights). Flails are also a bit better with Turn-Based rules. However, Fast Weapons aren't currently great great for Turn Based given that you'll get only 1 Attack per turn anyway. It might change. Turn-Based is still in Beta state and balances change are needed. So it's hard to advise anything for the moment, because Attack speed is important Skald and Attack speed is currently poorly balanced.
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