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Elric Galad

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Everything posted by Elric Galad

  1. Yup, Single Class are strictly worse at level 1. I wish Single Class could receive a bonus of some sort at creation, such as higher ressource pool (and maybe extra PL 1 casts for casters).
  2. To be honnest, if Obsidian manages to achieve a ruleset that can switch from Turn-Based to Real-Time with pause WITHOUT REQUIRING HUGE MAINTENANCE BUDGET TO KEEP THE COMPATIBILITY, it would be great. In this case, they would basically enlarge their market without requiring more investment, which will cause PoE future to look brighter. If the rulesets are too much different, they would have to choose one. It might be turn-based, and this would cause the original gameplay to be abandonned, which makes me sad. Given the current status, I'm not 100% confident.
  3. Yup, going Single Class Paladin just for Divine Retribution along with various summoner (especially beckoner + skeleton chant) is not exactly a new idea.
  4. Dear Obsidian, I honnestly think that the current 1 action per turn is going to be incredibly complicated to balance given the real time basis of your ruleset. In my humble opinion , it is probably better to implement a turn-based system closer to Final Fantasy X or Heroes of Might & Magic V (as examples) where there is no "global turn", but each character act one after each other and recover more or less quickly for next action. That's just my 2 cents of hasty advice, so feel free to ignore
  5. I don't know. Enfeeble is a pretty rare status (you need either PL IX or the cumbersome Perishing Strike) to inflict and FF basically gets it for free. +50% Hostile is great for DoT and hard CC and cutting foe heal is situationnaly excellent. You're basically trading most of wound spending for a very powerful effect. Not worth it for Single Class but I don't think it is that bad for multiclass. I think the subclass would be used for some builds once fixed, even if it is more niche than Nalzpaca and Helwalker.
  6. Yes and no. Light of pure zeal is vessels and spirits only for damages. It would still trivialize encounters against these ennemies. However, it is a MASSIVE HEAL so your actual party member would be incredibly hard to kill. Invincibility is a nice feature too, especially since paladins can slow burn all ennemies with Brand Ennemy. Ring of Focused flame, Magran's Favor, Sun and Moon + Infinite FoD is quite good too. Infinite Sacred Immolation is nice too, but isn't auto-resurrect limited by injuries ?
  7. Hehe - taking it to the limits. If you have the Chillfog Enchantment it will trigger a Chillfog and summon a creature. I didn't test either but I believe (based in the bahavior those weapons showso far) that the imp enchantment will indeed produce one imp and one other creature then. In case of Ancient Brittle Bones you would then get 1 imp + 1 creature +2 skeletons. Now you add a single class paladin (+2 zeal on downed ally) who spams light of pure zeal to keep your party at full health since he would have basically unlimited powers.
  8. The current 1 action per turn is impossible to balance around given the real time basis. They need a system closer to FF10 or Heroes of Might & Magic V (as examples) where there is no "global turn", each character act one after each other and recover more or less quickly for next action.
  9. why? How does it work? Continuously summon skeletons. Kill them yourself with Grave Caller. Recover immediately and increase your action speed with bloodthirst/lust. Generate either foe-only chillfog (most popular variant) or an infinite army of imps.
  10. The only non-subclass specific self-buff is Minor Avatar. However it is quite strong. Given that it comes pretty late, probably require a billantizing cipher backup, I wonder if it is worth going priest multi for this reason (along with priest party buffing duties). Rogues, Paladins and Rangers have few self inspirations it would provide a relevant buff for them. +20 Secondary défenses is quite nice, especially on a paladin.
  11. Dragons are beasts by the way. So having a Single Class Chanter and an Ancient in a minion party should be quite nice. What's better than a dragon ? 2 dragons say the beckoner. A bigger dragon say the Ancient.
  12. Believe it or not, I dreamt about eating some weird stuff called "marmite" yesterday. It looked like porridge in my dream for some reasons.
  13. So, are Beguiler Bonus damages and focus regen working as intended against afflicted targets ? (+20% damages by default, +30% damages with biting Whip, +20% damages and +100% focus gain with draining whip) Or is there still some kind of glitch ?
  14. 5 bear rangers. Possibly all multiclassed with bear druid. 5 helwalkers, flagellant cult. Quite challenging. 5 corpse eaters. Cannibal corpse.
  15. On the other hand, DW Devoted can pick a non-crush weapon type with single damage, and pick monastic training so they have a backup type of damages. A stalker/devoted with Scordeo's Edge and Tarn's Respite can achieve a stupidly high level of accuracy. Devoted bonus to crit would like it. I'm not sure what to do with that much crits. You can also pick Slayer's Claw, not use it for fighting but for receiving Champion's Boon at the start of the fight, so you'll be Energized and able to interrupt on crit. But that's theorycrafting.
  16. I was thinking about a similar build, mainly because of Clear Out + Sun & Moon + Flail Modal (debuff reflex) into The Thunder Rolled (that attacks reflex). The other option is Black Jacket (because I'm fond of the class concept). Sun & Moon is a superior weapon for auto-attacking with a Skald (except for Crush resistant foes, but Crush is a good damage type), so I'm looking for a total of 3-4 weapons (1-handed mostly) with interesting instant switch so that Black Jacket worths it. 1) He would be able to switch to Sasha's instantly for Empowered Invocation or party passive buff, but I'm not sure refilling half of discipline pool isn't a better way to spend the Empower use. 2) I'm not sure whether Magistrate's Cudgel marking works for other weapons once triggered (+10 Acc for a Skald sounds even better than Devoted's extra PR) plus Mace modal is good to have somewhere in a party (especially good combined with Clear Out). 3-4) Mmm, other ideas ? Rapier for extra accuracy against high Deflection foes ? Or maybe I could add 2-handed weapons too, so I could take Willbreaker and Wahai Poraga too. That would be a good diversity of debuff and attack modes.
  17. What are the HP and duration of beckomer summons by the way ? I thought 50% Hp and 2/3 duration but I'm suddenly doubting.
  18. Bellowers have reduced chant AoE and a bonus to invocation. I can't see any synergy with Dragon Trashed chant. A single class Skald can start battle with 2 upgraded eld Nary, 4 with sasha's and an empowed point. ~50 hits of jumping interrupting tornadoes sound pretty offensive for me.
  19. Ben Fidel upgrade -10 all defenses should stack with Mig, Con & Fortitude debuff for a -55 Fort
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