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Elric Galad

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Everything posted by Elric Galad

  1. Probably Brilliant inspiration is broken, not the Chanter ability. There should be a Tier 3 Intellect Inspiration. Maybe the problem the 3s regen speed, especially for casters. Not sure about fighter nerfs. They might be too strong abilities, but not truly broken. Fighter itself is not "broken" at the moment. Even in PoE1, some abilities were a bit too strong but the classes were still more or less balanced. The only issue is Cleave triggered from Cleave IMHO.
  2. Do Sidekicks have subclasses or just the default classes ? I'm planning my first true party so this information would be really usefull.... I've found Sidekicks' classes and companions' classes and subclasses on Internet but not Sidejicks' subclasses.
  3. I know that subclasses are very appealing but I think we should also wonder whether base class are Ok (except for priest and paladin of course and animist is basically druid's base class). For example generalist wizz is arguably better, but base chanter is arguably worse than beckoner (and maybe troubadour) for almost every build.
  4. By the way, do Sidekicks have subclasses or just the default classes ? I've found Sidekicks' classes and companions' classes and subclasses on Internet but not Sidejicks' subclasses. I'm planning my first true party so this information would be really usefull.
  5. Black Jacket does not require a lot of investment. Just pick the ability to get the 4th weapon. You can do whatever you want with the rest of the ability point. It is really flexible. You might also prefer to keep a melee weapon or a bow as 4th weapon. An interesting option is to go Black Jacket / Ascendent. You're likely to be ascended after you gun damage spike...
  6. What is exactly the greatness of Single class Paladin ? Self-revive ? Supa-Hastening ? And Fighter by the way ? +5 all stats self-buff ? -4 Armor ?
  7. Well, in PoE 1, Stormcaller was nice but really not the reason why Rangers were so good. Persistence Ranger, while a bit less flashy, did even more damage. Stormcaller was great because it didn't need many components. The reason why Rangers was so great in PoE1 were : - Twin Arrows - Stunning Shot - Pet Damages - Driving Flight Given that many OP stuff from PoE1 were nerfed, it makes sense that some of the above were nerfed too. But maybe it was a bit too much.
  8. But... why don't you play Rogue, Helwalker, Devoted ? It is not like if it was impossible to play a ranged martial character. Ranger himself isn't even pure ranged since he has even a pure melee ability and even has a "melee subclass" !
  9. Ranger is about pet, deal with it and play a devoted/rogue archer. I disliked playing monk in PoE1 but I thought they were great design. Multiclass Ranger is at its right place as beastmaster + sort of fighter with great ACC. Single Class ranger should be a top tier archer on top of that so : - Make stunning shot actually Stun for 2-3s on crit. - Make twin shot an instant buff that lasts 10s so it works with ANY ranged weapon (with similar bond cost) - Buff Sharpshooter to Ranged Devoted level That's all Ranger needs IMHO. EDIT : Well and maybe the pet has to be buffed too, but i have no high level pet to check. Was it nerfed a lot from PoE1 ? And also prevent Obsidian to add ANY sort of HealPet, RevivePet, HidePet or PetIsDeadNot to the next DLC. We love you Obsidian but enough is enough ^^
  10. What are the good abilities? Gunner and Marksman? I would say that pet has been a valuable asset since it has been buffed in PoE1. Driving flight and stacking passive Acc bonus are good. Binding root per encounter should be okay too but I admit I haven't tested. Same for the dispel shot. It sounds like a valuable perk. Nothing extraordinary, I admit, but still some good stuff. Enough to choose as a multiclass just because one wanted a Lion pet without feeling gimped IMHO, especially for casters who are particulary action-economy-hungry. No stance (especially twin shot nerfed to a mere attack) and Stunning Shot nerf are what is missing to the class right now IMHO.
  11. Right now, if pet scales according to character level and all good abilities are PL 1-7, it means that Rangers are not a bad class. Rangers are only a very bad Single Class. It's quite complicated to find a decent reason to go Single Class. Twinned Shot is really horrible, except maybe with an arquebus, and all other high-level abilities are meh to okayish. And +1 to "Sharpshooters are bad"
  12. Why not Black Jacket / Ascendant ? (sort of Neo from The Matrix) Black Jacket can switch 3-4 guns without realoading to quickly ascent. Then you'll be free to spam mindwave and such.
  13. Maybe Chanter's Old Siec Would Not Rest 'til His Hunger Was Sated ? I don't remember if it works with spell damages, but if it works, one could use recover part of the life lost by dealing damages.
  14. I'm looking at the Wiki for character planning and I can't find the ressource cost of the abilities. I would suppose that higher level abities might cost more, but is there a general rule for this ? Also, is there a table of number of Spells per spell levels and character level for Druids/Wiz/Priests ? Do Abilities improving existing abilities (such as Disciplined Strikes or Mule Kick) cost more ressources ?
  15. So black jacket are now the best snipers/gunslingers, aren't they ? (or maybe Black Jacket/Something)
  16. Blast and penetrating blasts help blight. Any WF (peasant, knight, whatever) helps Blights and any other summoned weapon. Cat shift does 1.5x more damages than other shifts even without taking into account per rest buff. Boar shift does DoT and is comparable to Cat Damage. Stag shift does not add damage but the daily carnage could be sweet.
  17. I can't get the purpose of this minmaxing. Why such high Res and low Con given that both are defensive stats ? -35% endurance is very very harsh and such a low Dex will result in a very slow casting time which is quite bad. Which Aumaua ? Coastal ones are nice for druids, Islands ones are not very useful. Stag Form is cool by the way ^^
  18. Pick up Deleterious Alacrity of Motion as 3rd level mastery and the 2 hander talent. ANY weapon focus will work with summoned weapons, so be sure to pick one.
  19. Best non-priest AoE buffs : -Scrolls -Druid's Form of the Delegan and Moonwell (be sure to pick one as Druid 4th level Mastery, preferably Form cause it's quick to cast). Level 7 Nature's bounty is ok too. Its attributes buff does not stack with priest spells so this spell is actually better if you don't have one. -Paladin auras (and multiclass talent) and a couple other abilities such as shielding flames -Most chanter party buff are meh except Fire Lash chant -Cipher's Mindweb -Outworn buckler/Little savior auras I would pick at least 1 druid and 1 paladin. I would make sure to have 1 char with 12 lore (for scroll against mind control) and a couple other with 6-8 (for scroll of courage and defense). The rest is not essential.
  20. Stag Druid is also very fun. Better defense is quite solid and AoE Carnage, even 1/ rest is the very strongest Druid Ablity when used with Avenging Storm. Sure, it is not as straightforward as Cat or Boar, but you have 2 druid slots, so why not ?
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