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Elric Galad

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Everything posted by Elric Galad

  1. Thank you for your help. About Spark the Soul of the Righteous, as the damage are indirectly done by affected allies, are all damages affected by the priest's talent, or only the priest's enchantement is affcted by the priest's talent ?
  2. I suppose I can understand your point of view. It's probably the same for the ones who love DPS Paladin. Probably even more frustrating because Paladin is not weaker (well, not after 1.06), he/she is just more defensive. Playing a Ranger PC and being simply weaker in exchange of an extra companion does not sound very good for "role-playing self-esteem". One's personal incarnation should kick ass, at least as well as his/her teammates. And what about a talent that would make the ranger STRONGER when the pet dies ? Something like "Enraging grief", that would open the path to "almost petless" build where pets would still be a kind of "bonus meat shield". This would be quite realistic to develop without totally changing the class, and could still lower the frustration of people who just don't like pets. By the way, anyone wants to brainstorm about pet mechanics ? I'm reading a lot of thread in this forum discussing about pets, trying to determine whether they are weak or okay. IMO, Ranger are weak, or at least not rewarding enough for the risks you take. Or maybe they lack a purpose in a party (compared to Tank Fighter, DPS Rogue, Support Priest). What is your opinion ?
  3. Hi All, I wanted to make a list of spells affected by elemental talents for Wizards, Druids and Priests to plan my next builds. I think it could be a good idea to share it. If you see anything that isn't true or something missing, don't hesitate to correct me. ??? means that I'm not sure. I also assumed summons are not affected by Elemental talents. Wizard Spells : Fire : Fan of Flames (Lvl 1) Combusting Wounds ??? (Lvl 2) Ray of Fire (Lvl 2) Rolling Flame (Lvl 2) Fireball (Lvl 3) Flame Shield (Lvl 4) Wall of Flame (Lvl 4) Torrent of Flame (Lvl 5) Corrode : Concelhaut's Corrosive Siphon (Lvl 2) Necrotic Lance (Lvl 2) Concelhaut's Draining Touch (Lvl 3) Noxious Burst (Lvl 3) Death Ring (Lvl 6) Ice : Chill Fog (Lvl 1) Kakaloth's Sunless Grasp (Lvl 1) Blast of Frost (Lvl 5) Ninagauth Bitter Mooring (Lvl 5) Ninagauth Freezing Pillar (Lvl 6) Lightning : Jolting Touch (Lvl 1) Crackling Blot (Lvl 3) Chain Lightning (Lvl 5) Special : Kakaloth's Minor Blight (Lvl 3) : summon a wand with a random element. Druid Spells : Fire : Sunbeam (Lvl 1) Burst of Summer Flame (Lvl 2) Firebrand (Lvl 2) Boiling Spray (Lvl 4) Firebug (Lvl 5) Sunlance (partial) (Lvl 6) Corrode : Autumn's decay (Lvl 2) Rot Skulls (Lvl 6) Ice : Winter Wind (Lvl 1) Blizzard (Lvl 2) Hail Storm (partial) (Lvl 4) Lightning : Dancing Bolts (Lvl 1) Returning Storm (Lvl 3) Relentless Storm (Lvl 5) Nature's Terror (Lvl 5) Priest Spells Fire : Divine Mark (Lvl 2) Searing Seal (Lvl 4) Shining Beacon (Lvl 4) Pillar of Holy Fire (Lvl 5) Cleansing Flame (Lvl 6) Lightning : Warding Seal (Lvl 3) Spark the soul of the Righteous ??? (Lvl 6) And that's all for the priest ! Apparently, PoE gods like fire. EDITED ON 30/05/15
  4. I agree that D&Dlike Ranger with a few spells like in previous IE games could have been cool. The same is also true with Paladin. But I don't think Obsidian is going to change this now. Or maybe they could make it an ability and merge it with stuff like binding roots ? The same is true for pet removal. In PoE, Rangers are probably going to be more "Beastmaster with a bow/gun" than anything else. They will not change this in a close future (maybe one day in an expansion ?). By the way, if you just want a ranged warrior, I think a Rogue dressed in green could be OK ? They even have DoT and crippling shot for the "ranger" flavour... Honnestly, I like the "Beastmaster" way they did it, because it is quite unique. I admit I love unique features more than the flavour of the "old IE ranger" without animal companion. About pet talent they would get by levelling, I think that it would be less interesting than a way to actually "build your pet" like you do for your ranger. Being able to build them as off-tank / DPS / Utility without sacrifying completely your ranger would be cool.
  5. So... 1.06 was "about Paladin". If we assume that Obsidian listens to its community, the next update could be the other class which received the most complaints... Yes, I look at you, Ranger ! In your opinion, what could be this patch ? For me it could be quite different from what they did with Paladin : boosting its abilities. In my opinion, many of Ranger's abilities are pretty solid and appealing : stacking accuracy abilities, stunning shots, driving flights... Some may be subpar, but any other classes has subpar abilities too. IMO, the ranger's problems are of 2 kinds : - Its defining trait, the pet, is not that great. Sure, it has its uses. The most complaints come from the fact that it keeps dying all the time, leading to a big malus to Ranger's abilities. The problem appears especially in boss fights and harder difficulties... exactly when you would like your party members to be the most effective ! - The other problem is that Rangers do not really have a critical purpose where they would excel : rogue is better at ranged damages, the pet itself is a weak melee and a poor off-tank. The requirement to have your pet in melee simply cancel the advantage of a ranged hitter. Currently, its "2 in 1" nature makes it a passable filler for a party, but it is hard to imagine why one would use a ranger to fullfill a given role. The solution should be about what makes ranger unique : their pets. Pets have indeed some cool traits : - They are infinite pools of health (something I think only melee wizard with "Infuse Vital Essence" could be ) ) - They have 2 engagements (which makes melee ranger the class with the maximum possible engagements, equalling fighters !) Pets could work as meat shields... if only it didn't trigger sadness ! (not to mention the lost abilities like staker link) And currently, nothing is more frustrating than loosing a pet in a fight, especially due to the rarity of resurrection powers... and no second chance for your pet ) So, what I would find really cool : - Pet overall buff, especially at high level (classic) - A pet resurrection ability !!!! something like 1x per encounter (with a nice buff like "Unbroken". A short duration and important buff to "revenging" pet damages would be a really cool "trap" to use.) or maybe 3x Rest (which would address the problem of boss fights. - Suppression of the sadness malus - Defensive Bond modification : I currently find it far too situational to be attractive (even if the idea was cool). Something like a boosted deflection and / or reflexes when the pet is close from its master would be more appealing, especially for melee ranger build. - Applying some Passive Talents and/or abilities to both Ranger and pet : Superior deflection, Interrupting blows, Aiming skills, etc... This would remove the need to "choose" between master and pets at each level up, and would enable a better scaling for the pet. (IMO this would be cooler than an overall buff... It would be far more interesting to build ) Not sure it would really address the "ranger purpose" problem though. But I'm pretty sure a "per encounter resurrection skills" by itself would make it far less frustrating to play. Do you have any other ideas ? PS : And one minor thing would be cool : let pet damages be counted as Ranger damages ! Currently, it is not the case, so this "heavy hitter" damages appear to be even lower than what they actually are !
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