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Elric Galad

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Everything posted by Elric Galad

  1. This is also a convenient mean to play Slayer, Seeker, Survivor as a stand-alone game !
  2. Depends on Spell Tier. On some spell Tier, there's often a spell that can be used for most fight, so you don't really have to select another (Druid's Storms, Devotion for the Faithful, Healing spells). If you're multiclassing with a class that requires a lots of ability points (such a monk), you may want to do this for a few Tiers. For other spell Tier, you might prefer getting complementary spells to face most situation. Also, there might be a couple of situational spells that you want to pick anyway (such as various resurrection). If you're multiclassing with a calss that does not requires a lots of ability points (such a rogue IMHO), you may want to pick a lot of various spells. Ultimately, it is a matter of playlist, but if you plan to pick few spells, be sure to pick spells that are always useful. Priests and Druids subclasses become extremely relevant in this case. For example, Priest of Eotas isn't the best priest subclass in the general case, but it provides a backbone of Healing spells that can save a lots of ability points for multiclasses.
  3. Classes are already pretty balanced in the original game, and Community Patch already helped a bit too. So now it's about caring about abilities themselves, emphasizes some aspects of the classes that aren't as nice as they could be (such as Paladin's commands). A couple of subclasses also need a little "care" (I already "cared" about Troubadour). Cipher is not my priority for the reasons you mentionned, but I already have a short list of abilities that I plan to change or buff. Haunting Chain is indeed among them. My current plan : - Tenuous grasp -> set to 2.0s recovery, to be used as a chep enabler (eat that quick -20 Will). - Fractured Volition -> Change Weakened for Enfeebled. Enfeebled is a pretty rare Affliction, and I think it would work well as a Single Target Debuff - Haunting Chain -> Duration 20s to 40s (?). It would be an extremely potent Single Target CC. Note that even a Resolve Resistant boss would suffer from it cause Frightened is very strong debuff on its own. Frightened is also easier to actually use in battle than Charmed. - Soul Ignition : this one is basically poor man's disintegrate. Probably going to change target defense to Will for variety, and might tweak it for an extremely long DoT with rather low damages to differentiate with Disintegrate. EDIT : Oh and I forgot to mention I also plan to tweak Wild Mind to something actually usable. Basically turning Miscast into foe-only (nice for Witch builds) but greatly reducing its damages. Not sure Mind Plague or Time Parasite are that much in need of a fix, but it's good to know anyway.
  4. I changed a bit my mind about this. All Tier 3 Inspirations are not equal. Robust sounds really better than Courageous that doesn't upgrade that much compared to Tier 2 Resolve Finally, I changed Robust from Greater Lay on Hand to 10s. This isn't exactly twice the effect of Lay on Hand due to initial tick and worse PL scaling (Greater Lay on Hand is a Tier III ability), but I think it's good enough considering Robust also comes with AR and CON buff. Hands of Light is buffed to 15s. It might not be as universally useful, but still good enough if you want to prevent a frontliner from being interrupted. It is still the only ability of the game that does this. Apart for this, I didn't make much changes, but I had to take time to clean up what I previously did. The Mod files are now much lighter, in order to avoid conflict with other mods. I also corrected the description, but in english only... I don't plan to make a multi-languages mod for the moment. Even if I do, I can only do it for French, Spanish, Polish and Russian by my own means. I had to re-test everything, so I think I will avoid dirty programming next time. It ultimately costs time ! BalancePolishingModBuffs.zip BalancePolishingModNerfs.zip
  5. Hauani o Whe being arguably the hardest fight in the game (provided you have half a priest to trivialize Belranga and Dorudugan), any team member that can be the MVP for this fight is a good asset.
  6. If Turn Based PoE3 is the price to pay to get PoE3, I'm willing to pay it. Provided that the game is balanced for Turn Based of course. Anyway, I need a backup plan for when I'll be old and without reflex.
  7. Given that they are most likely separate effects from original ability, I guess it would be easy to add them the "Imbue" Keyword.
  8. Yeah, same as Boeroer. No opinion on the balance aspect of the stuff, but there's a huge amount of creativity in this one.
  9. Priest is mandatory because of Salvation of Time and Barring Death Door. Even in a normal party game, a single priest (even Multiclassed) basically trivializes Dorudugan and Belranga fights.
  10. As I said, I plan to tweak Salvation of Time to make it as lasting buff that halves the speed for Buff ellapsing for its duration. The idea is to cap Salvation of Time for a given buff to a x2 and prevent the stackability of the current version. It's not even a pure nerf since it will apply to buff cast after SoT and benefit from INT/PL. But even with this (3s base + INT/PL) + (+3s if Ooblit is used) could be crazy strong. Reducing the duration would not work because one can still use Ooblit for a guaranteed "Blade Cascade".
  11. Nobody Mentionned Arcane Archer yet ? For Multiclass, Imbue:Fireball is basically their best Attack ability. With 2 bounces, you'll have 3 fireball per cast, (and even +2 with Kitchen Stove Wild barrage if necessary). That's the cloest I can thing from a Mayhem of fireballs. Not sure about multiclass, but I guess Helwalker would be cool for massive MIG and INT bonus. Once Bond is depleted, you will be able to spam Stunning Blow with high Ranger accuracy
  12. But I really love the idea of an attack ability with 0 recovery Minus recovery would also have non-stacking issues with various abilities anyway. But if I don't manage to fix BT, I will think about your suggestion. 3s would be abusable with Salvation of Time, but I plan to rework it too, so... I've thought about giving BS refund on Crit, but it would make it too similar to Gambit. 1 Rage BS would be okay, but feel a bit plain. Still, it's most likely what people would like, a simple spammable barb attack. So it worths considering.
  13. Jesus Eothas was in front of an adulterous woman going to be stonned. "Let anyone among you who is from a class without sh*tty ability be the first to throw a stone at her." Then a Monk threw the first stone.
  14. Both have 2 effects, but CB version of NegateNextRecovery has no duration. RecoveryTimeMultiplier might have to be removed from BT to reduce the number of Recovery to 1. With a little luck it might cause them to stack since they would use different effects..
  15. So BT adds 2 charges, CB adds 1, and they don't stack. That makes current CB completely useless if one has BT (which most barbarians should take if able - Tier VII are limited for Multiclass). That would make my change useless on kill but still better on other blows. Just had a look at the code. Both trigger 2 effects called "RecoveryTimeMultiplier" and "NegateNextRecovery". I suppose for some reasons (resolution priority ?) BT apply both and negates 2 recovery while crushing blow can apply only one (most likely because attack is still in progress while "RecoveryTimeMultiplier" is applied ?) I'll have a look at this. Maybe some fix is possible, maybe not. Maybe the easiest fix is to add "BT has a chance to negates 2 recoveries" to the ability text ahah ! Thank you for your testing.
  16. Well, I think it works. However, if they don't, it might not be the easiest change to implement. They would only apply at the same time if you get a kill with Crushing Blow. If you get a kill without it or if you use it without a kill, only 1 applies so they would not apply together that often. I agree with your point but I wanted to keep something close from the current effect. Sorry if I didn't answer the first Time you suggested about health tier, but I didn't think it was technically possible. It might be. I can't claim full knowledge of gamedata files. It would surely be complicated to implement. What could work is a partial refund versus bloodied or near death target (state at the beginning of the attack) This would be arguably inferior to Crushing Blow skipping recovery IMHO.
  17. I think yes. Blood Thirst has a duration, can stack a couple of charges and is cumulative with similar effect afaik. I will have to check if this concept design works correctly in game. Barbaric Smath On Kill refund works only on main hit afaik, Carnage don't trigger refund. Unless you use AoE weapons, Carnage won't hit you main target anyway. Your question is valid in this case, though. So Boeroer clarification is good to know. OK, not 100% sure it's easy to do but can try anyway. I think Clear Out & upgrades have a similar problem too, so I'll put both of them on my list.
  18. Hehe, nice to hear that I wasn't the only one to consider St. Ydwen's Redeemer on a barbarian as Concelhaut party's Kryptonite. I think I agree with Boeroer on this : this would have too many consequences, and would most likely break the MC system (Barbarian + Rogue...) I was thinking about adding Crit to Carnage as a part of Accurate Carnage buff (+5 ACC=>+10 ACC, can crit) because of Bood Frenzy indeed. I wasn't sure of the consequences, especially for Slayer's Claw + Berzeker combo (Energized works on every Crit), but it wouldn't be that better than WoEP/Citzal/Wahai Porage + Energized anyway. I don't think Carnage is tagged as weapon or melee so it shouldn't have that many interactions. By the way, my current proposal for Barbaric Blow : Barbaric Blow : No PR and Damages bonus (too unfocused) 75% Crit chance +75% Bonus Crit damages +200% Carnage AoE (approximately taking it to Medium size – 2,5 radius) Meant to be used as a crit generator. Not extremely original, but I couldn't add a push effect cause it would mess with Full Attacks... The Damage level of the ability is lower than Accurate Wounding Shot (if PR is not counted) which is meh for a 2 rages ability, but the upgrade should be nice enough. Crushing Blow No recovery Note that instant damage ability spamming is already in the barbarian Portfolio thanks to Spirit Tornado. I'm not 100% sure that is not OP, but I think this may lead to interesting combo such as Black Jacket's instant debuffing. Barbaric Smash +2 Rage on Kill X2 Carnage damages So in case of Overkill, you still get a benefit from using the ability.
  19. Arguably, the only classes/races that should be added are priest of each deity and indeed godlikes too (but probably not more than 1 type, or it would be too much). I like the concept of Cipher/Corpse Eater : "First, I'll feed my power with your soul. Then I'll devour your body."
  20. That’s funny to hear because I was thinking the opposite way last week : I’m working as an Engineer, but not Dev Engineer. I have some programming to do from time to time, maybe once every 5 years, for simulation tools or stuff like this, but it is rather limited. I have also spent my last 2 years of “personal hobby time” at writing. Which is rather different from coding , except for the “I like doing my little stuff” part. Therefore, when I started modding and managed to get a couple of things working, I thought that it was quite refreshing to deal with some Logical problem solving. That’s why I feel quite motivated for PoE2 tweaking at the moment, of course when I find time to do so (my daughter has just started walking, so micromanaging her is becoming more complex given her soft AR vs Pierce, Crush, Slash, Electrical, Fire, Cold and Acid ; I don’t want to play Hylea’s challenge, it would remind me too much IRL). So if you need a hand for coding some CP improvements, just tell me. Even if I’m working on my own mod, I’m willing to use CP as a basis, so addressing some issues within the CP will ultimately make no difference for me. The trinkets may be a bit above my learning curve for the moment, but I think I would ultimately be able to do it. But, hey, CP has been Phenomenum’s and your mod (and also MaxQuest’s obviously), so it’s up to you to decide what you want to do about it
  21. OK, so you will be able to release it for next version of CP aren't you ? Or do you need absolutely require MaxQuest to upload a new version ?
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