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Elric Galad

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Everything posted by Elric Galad

  1. She's immuned to half of the game's status including all that nasty mind-control. I doubt you could ever find an armor with an enchantement on par with this. But it's right her stats are weird. Does someone know which stats were buffed for 3.02 ? (as it was listed she gets buffed.) Too bad I sacrified her to Skaen and I can't check now
  2. Skaen Priest for me. So you can use Skaen Talent and Ruffian focus with a ranged weapon. Ok, I didnt answer your question. I'll say Druid. Having an extra Spiritshift is priceless. Moreover, if you want a good auto-attack with a Wizard, you can use summoned weapons.
  3. I think they have reached a too high level to just continue with these characters. Starting with characters who already have immolation, Gaze of Adragan or crazy number of Rez would be weird. In BG2, you started level 7-8 (up to 10 with tales of the sword coast depending on your profession?) I don't see which nice story could fit such a level ? Fighting armies and dragons, or even dragon armies ? Sounds more weird than epic. It worked on Throne of Bhaal because it was just a short expension, but I can't imagine this for a whole game. I always loved this part where you are a peasant armed with a rusty dagger frightened because of too many goblins However, PoE2 endgame could be a little bit higher, something like level 20.
  4. Does someone have a complete list of weapon with Higher interrupt than normal ? I know about : - Mosquito (0.75s instead of 0.35) - Vile Loner (1s instead of 0.5) - Strike Hard (1s instead of 0.5, is it right Boeroer ?) - Godansthunyr (0.75s instead of 0.5, is it right Boeroer ?) Of course, there's also all Moningstars and Abydon's hammer, but that is their weapon type inherent property.
  5. Another weapon set possibility is Mosquito and Daenysis rapiers. Their interrupt values are slightly lower than Vile Loner and Clad, but they are also faster so it is pretty much the same. (Both should be lashed, refined, enchanted of course). Mosquito brings endurance drain to the table (you can also do this with Clad) and Daenysis brings speed enchant that is very good with your build. You could even grab vulnerable attack or bigger armor. I'm not claiming it's better, just that it should work too. Noble weapon using barbarian open interesting background possibilities.
  6. In my opinion you can also grab Cold Wild Strike to fit theme. Electrical damages talent is mandatory. Take also the cold talent. It's not only damages:+5 DR against cold is incredibly useful against spirits. So you take electrical and cold talents and you'll have a kind "Weather Druid". Be sure to take Winter Wind, Blizzard, Returning Storm and Hail Storm for spell mastery. Hail storm is crush damage with ice lash. I think cold talent will only increase the lash damage, so it will be only around +5% damages.
  7. Sure relentless storm isn't straight forward. You cast it without aiming and it wins the battle for you But you're right. Especially at high level. I think they wanted druid to feel really different from wizards.
  8. Usually bonus from items stack with chanter's chant... since 2.0. Boreal dwarf got a bonus against primordial... at least this is wgat is written ib the tooltip.
  9. Primordials and Wilders shouldn't be underestimated. It includes stuff like Ogres, Adragans, Vithracks, WM paralyzing amphibians and those annoying mushrooms. There's not that much challenge with most Kiths except perhaps some bounties and a few individuals Priest of Woedica or bog-loving wiz. For me +15 against Kiths worth as much as +15 against 2 categories. Not more. Your suggestion about Mountain dwarves is good. I have no preference between your idea and mine
  10. +15 accuracy against beadt AURA ?? That a gamechanger as Dragons are beast !
  11. The funny thing is that I just discovered that Feign Death ACTUALLY REALLY WORK like this. The 6s invisibility isn't currently cancelled by anything so you can chain backstab for... well... 6s. Given that the prone part is 10s, it is still quite bad, but the change to make it decent seems a bit slimer. Don't blame me, blame the tooltip.
  12. Yes, thank you so much for releasing this game !
  13. You can still go to melee with a cipher, and retaliate will still do a lot of damage thanks to Soul Whip ? (Or not ?) I just doubt Sura Supper plate worths it now...
  14. So, anyone checked which stun is applied ? 3 enchant point for it is not awesome, overbearing provides a better effect for 2 enchant point...
  15. If only the Druid's Call of the Primordials could summon an adragan... probably my favorite PoE creature.
  16. OK, I could try this. Probably this week-end. Before trying a "request for balance", I would like to submit to the community another proposal. It's a proposal about Race Balance Being able to choose any Class/race combination without feeling gimped would be nice IMHO. For me there's excatly 3 races I consider noticeably UP : Mountain Dwarf, Death Godlike and Nature Godlike, the latter 2 because of the unability to wear helmets. I think this opinion is shared by many players. My proposal comes from the "Best Race" topic, so it's not really new. But what would you think about the following : Mountain Dwarf : resistance to poison and illness is a why not, but I find it much more circonstancial and less critical than Aumaua resistance to Prone and Stun. I would count it as an equivalent to one of Coastal Aumaua resistance. For me, mountain dwarf should get +20 to poison, illness AND petrify. Dwarf resistant to petrify does sound good lore-wise Death Godlike : Their ability is thematically nice but rather weak compared to the loss of a helmet. I would add +15 Acc against Kiths. Now that would be a death emissary. Bane of their own kind. We would understand even better that they had troubles to make friends at school. Nature Godlike : I would simply rise their bonus so it would become really significant. +5 to Mig, +3 Con, + 3 Dex when under 50%.
  17. Probably something like Druid + Monk + Chanter, the latter being a Drake Emissary. I think this 3 classes are very flexible and can do a lot of stuff. That would be a big advantage for a Trio run.
  18. No but she is an excellent sniper. Few casters can resist Wrath + Alpha Strike FoD. Basically, it is a good trade.
  19. If you look at the initial thread, there is a lot of abilities that I tagged "maybe not so great but you can build around" so, yes, I took into account the build possibilities when I reviewed abilities. The point is : there isn't exactly a huge number of abilities per class in PoE. It is an excellent game, but ability system is not utterly complex compared to Guild Wars 1 (I take this example because I actually played it a lot). This is even more noticeable with barbarian who has a lot of either crappy or circonstancial abilities. It is hard to make an efficient build with this. Moving an ability from "very circonstancial and anti-synergetic" to "circonstancial" gives some fresh air without removing the necessity to think about your build. By the way, now that the topic has been reviewed a bit, I'll be happy to have advices about how to make the devs read it.
  20. You're still great Boeroer !Obsidian doesn't have the power to nerf you, and you shouldn't refer to yourself as it
  21. That's not fair. In 1.0 paladins were useless, rangers were inferior to ranged rogues and had useless pets, chanters scaled poorly, fighters were immortal dudes relying solely on defender, spiritshift was useless and ciphers had a lot of crappy powers and spent their life spamming amplified waves. Now, all we have are 2 martial classes that lack a bit of woooh!! at high level. This thread is called polishing, not reworking
  22. The problem with Dragon Leap and Echoing shout is that they are not that much better than Barbarian basic attack with a good weapon
  23. From the very beginning of RPG, Paladin are looking for their own destiny beyond being a priest/fighter hybrid. PoE didn't completely succeed at it. Immolation is for me the only ability that sounds completely paladin. And maybe sworn ennemy. The rest is mostly "priest stuff variant". That does not mean class is badly designed in PoE by the way. That's more a reccuring pb in the whole RPG planet. They are quite ok as they are. Furthermore, lore-wise, their background in PoE is really excellent.
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