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Elric Galad

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Everything posted by Elric Galad

  1. The blind does not last long enough to be still applied during you next firearm shot. Or maybe with tons of speed stuff ? Does the modal stack with Swift Aim ?
  2. I believe people are going to try to build a character around this bug. NEVER REMOVE THE SHIELD... Did you check if 2h talent and shield talent with this setup ? Or worse, 1h talent and 2h talent may apply at the same time... ?
  3. It seems strange for me to hear that status stack. I thought only the greatest might (-10) and fortitude (-20) would be applied. Debuff should be non stackable, be as buff. That's my recurring question...
  4. Which pet ? When stacking pet talent and level, pet will soon become almost an additional teammate.
  5. You may also take a bit of Mig, Per and Int for a bit mox Dex. Dex is really good for a Cipher. They already have a bunch of damage modifier from their class ability.
  6. 50% to cast healing chain twice per rest seems a bit erratic. It might trigger for no reason at the beginning of the day... But 50% chance of what by the way ?
  7. By the way, when you use blunderbuss (or twin arrows) with a condition inflicting attack (blinding strike, runner's shot) does the condition applied by the first bullet (or arrow) count for activation of sneak attack, deathblow, apprentice's sneal attack, etc... for the other bullets (arrow) ?
  8. No, your Paladin just needs to smack them with his weapon and it'll instantly remove the condition. You even have a reason to use dual fist without suffering as weapons. When all you party except pal got dominated : "Now, it's slap time !"
  9. How about feign death ? From what I understand it is a per encounter mix of play dead and invisibility ? Is it fun to use ? Can one get benefit from the extra backstab ? Isn't 10s incapacitation too harsh ?
  10. True. Druid have excellent spells at level 1, 3, 4, 5, decent level 2 and 6. But 7 and 8 are not very appealing. At least in NWN, you had metamagic to correct this...
  11. New paladin's ability is about spirit (and summon). There's a chant against beast. An entire race anti wilders and primordials. And a spell to change kiths into pigs. But yeah, anti vessel is a bit more frequent.
  12. It didn't work on spiritshift claws by the way. But... shift claws are peasant weapons so...
  13. A fully unlocked hammer doesn't have any slaying powers? Yup, but a bit of anti-vessel racism
  14. Summoned weapons are considered universal, which means that it'll work with any Weapon Focus and any weapon specific abilities and talents. But yes, Reaping Knives is incredible. Too bad the only character in my current party who benefits from it is my Skaen Priest... of all characters =/ Does that mean novice suffering work with summoned weapon as well ?
  15. Abydon's hammer is nice on a caster by the way. +4 might means it is even good for healing Probably not optimal but...
  16. "Old siec would not rest 'till his hunger.." is a lvl 4 chant. The lvl 1 chant damage endurance but does not steal anything
  17. Mercy and kindness basically double the effects of the endurance stealing chant. And of draining mode, etc... Now with brisk, you can have both active at the same time. I think it can be a life saver against some hard and long battle like the Alpine. Especially now that chanter has a low level healing chant.
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