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Elric Galad

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Everything posted by Elric Galad

  1. Frightened may be the weakest of all status, and 12s, even with Int is not that much. Terrified is not that better. Basically the duration and range are ok. Per rest is really annoying by the way. Also there's a bunch of ennemies immuned to both. Basically, I don't like barbarians trying to do casters'job in a less versatile and powerful way. Threatening presence is nice because it's a passive with no time limit. THAT is something casters can't do. Fast casting shouts would be nice as an unique advantage.
  2. And a bit more deflection. Yes, I think it's rhe idea. What shows this is that the top level 8 spell, avenging storm, seems to be designed as a spellsword spell.
  3. Dazing like a lvl 1 wizard and weak shouts (too long to cast) don't exactly makes the class good. I already quoted threatening presence as a good ability. But that's about it.
  4. I don't think barbarians require more single target DPS. But just a bit of alternate utilities as endgame abilities would be nice. Currently they... daze about as well as a level 1 wizard. And as I said I don't think this is such a huge problem.
  5. Also the mystic cloak now working could be seen as a buff. I didn't want to use the cloak because it breaked the game. Now, it simply enables an extra backstab.
  6. Perception for damage dealing is rather inferior to might. Perception starts getting better for CC/debuff or interrupt Per should stay at 10 for paladin.
  7. The bash DPS calculation gimme headache. You're never sure you're not gimping yourself.
  8. I suspect avenging storm on stag druid to be the lolest combo of the game. Primordials from level 7 seems to be good meat shield. Ice ooze triggers petrify on death. My main problem with druid summon is that they are random. Nature's bounty is good but frankly annoying to use. Basically druid tier are not equal : Tier 1, 4, 5 are awesome. Tier 2, 3, 6, 8 are ok. Tier 7 is not very good. A single very basicacid storm at level 7 would have been nice. It seems that the devs thought druid should not been nukers anymore at high level.
  9. Well maybe. For some reasons I like knockdown. But as I said in my previous post : that's subjective.
  10. Paladin and chanter have similar purposes with different abilities. A bit like monk and fighter, or ranger and rogue. Chanter has better damage potential by the way, due to fire lash and dragon AoE damage chant. They are also a bit more versatile, especially for crowd control.
  11. The other problem is that rogue is not completely adapted to the rest of your party. Fighter, monk and cipher are 3 single target DPS ! They might be inferior to rogue for this, but they will surely do the job. Rogue work best with 2 tank and 1 offtank (or just another guy that takes some hits). Maybe by putting Durance with a shield, average armor and hid beasty resolve on the frontline, you'll have less problem to make rogue work...
  12. Immolation for AoE damage and constant healing. Best single target heals of the game (lay on hand and reviving exhortations). The above are their main unique advantages. They also have increased resistance compared to chanter (or anyone). Sworn ennemy make them compete with cipher or fighter for weapon damage, but only against 1 ennemy (I think a support character does not have to kill more than 1 ennemy to provide ok contribution). Other picks depend on your tastes. Also have a look at paladin's order talent.
  13. You might have lacked 1 melee guy to share risk with rogue. You'll still need 1 more melee guy to protect your squishies. I'll say paladin or chanter indeed. Listen to your heart and go chanter.
  14. By killing a kraken, dude. There's one in WM II. It has 2 eyes. Just follow the main quest.
  15. Barbarians face another problem with similar cause : no really good endgame abilities. Barbarian is a class based on carnage. That's cool, provided you like it. They are specialised in fighting hordes of ennemies : nothing wrong, it happens all the time, especially on PotD. The problem is this is a bit situational. Not too much however. But what makes things worse is the absence of good endgame abilities : from lvl 1 to 16, carnage stays the unique premium ability they have. There's a couple of nice ones like threatening presence, but nothing to really justify picking barbarian except carnage. They are just small bonuses. My point is : carnage is a bit situational. Nothing that wrong. The absence of good abilities (especially engame ones) makes you rely a bit too much on it. Having a couple of other good tricks would make barbarian nicer to play (even if he still relies on carnage, because it's his defining trait). I want to add that even barbarians and rogues are not bad. But they are a bit UP precisely because other (martial) classes were a bit UP too and were buffed later.
  16. Totally agree with the later post. Currently the rogue's power problem is comparison with ranger. Ranger and his pet both do about 50% of (melee) rogue's damage. Ranger does it from distance which is a big plus, and has lower risk cause only pet is on the front line. Rogue is basically more at risk without greater reward. I have no problem with rogue and ranger doing comparable sustained damage. But I think rogue should have more tricks to generate spike damage. That would be a True Difference. Shadowing beyond/backstab combo should be expanded. Backstab could be like x2 multiplicative melee damage and ×1.5 ranged from stealth (no distance restrictive). Multiplicative. It should work better with dual wield (attack from stealth could be automatically upgraded to full attack or invisibility could wait a few s to be broken... boosted by Int to allow smart rogue.). Shadow step could cause invisibility to allow backstab. Feint death auto-prone could be shortened. That would become true endgame abilities. I persist : current rogue problem is comparison with ranger. Ranger got a crazy good endgame with twin arrows while rogues chained crappy abilities in WM I and II.
  17. So the consensus seems to be that Vancians have top potential, barbarian and rogue could have a bit more wow, and classes are globally rather balanced.
  18. If bonus are the same, that means this bonus is the generic spell bonus, not the weapon bonus. I didn't say weapons provides a spell bonus. There's 2 Acc spell bonus: the one listed on the tooltip and +1/lvl generic one, listed nowhere. This one is added to any non-attack action, and added to the regular +3/lvl base.
  19. Mmm Crown of faithful... ? Provided you have a Priest, concentration should not be a problem for major battles. (And you don't cast Crown just for this reason) I'm starting to wonder if high Resolve has any use. Well, I suppose it could if you buffing up deflection with stuff like Crown of the faithful...
  20. I don't say they're bad Just that they are in contradiction with what I expect from a fighter. Totally subjective. That's why I was happy to discover that critical defense works against every attack, so I can let down Vigorous defense. Minor problem is that vigorous & disciplined don't stack with some spells like circle of protection and galant focus. They're better than these spells, but it reduces their interest. Unbroken, Immunity and Recovery don't have this problem by the way.
  21. That's strange. In PotD I feel that rogue wins most 1v1 fights. Blinding strike and Sap helps your everyday life and Casters CC helps too. Ah, and my rogue is a moon godlike, which helps. And my paladin runs zealous endurance...
  22. Mine is Strike hard & Unlabored blade / Twin Stings. Good stacking speed bonus, utilities, debuff and AoE proc. Cost only 1 dragon eye and 1 durgan refinement to be optimal.
  23. Pay attention to the logs. Spell like ability has an intresic bonus in addition to base accuracy equal to level. That may be the reason why uou see a higher Acc than base one. Do both accuracy bonus are the same ? Do they change when you use dagger indtead of styletto ?
  24. That's what I was speaking only about passive bonus. And disciplined barrage is not suitable for a fighter because fighter point is to last forever on the battlefield. Ciphers don't save abilities cause ciphers don't have abilities in the first place. Ciphers and fighters just have separate levelling. Cipher biting whip is totally imbalanced as a talent ; for me it's just another class defining trait, it shall not be compared to other talents. Fighters and ciphers are just 2 decent martial damage dealer. Fighter's point is to be nearly unkillable. Cipher is a "casual" spell caster specialised in crowd controller.
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