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Elric Galad

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Everything posted by Elric Galad

  1. France here. But what is the right answer for France in this poll ? Middle Europe ? It would be more Western Europe for me. Middle Europe would be more Germany and/or Poland for me.
  2. Kraken seems to have more HP than other bosses of the games to compensate for its lower DR. I think it is nice to have powerful monsters with low DR as it makes some weapons (fast low damages) more useful against them. Maybe poor kraken just lack even more hitpoints and/or really powerful attacks. And a couple of DR points against some damages could have been more realistic. Seriously, kraken, 0DR against cold and you live in a frozen lake ? By the way, kraken should be a beast, not a primordial. Primordials are supposed to be plants, mushrooms and cell colonies (slimes). A kraken is just an inverterbrate much like vermins who are beasts. (But ok, "it's magic" )
  3. While I think it is a good balance change, I believe it is a very bad news for rogues. Rogues are already limited in what they do to single target DPS. While it could have been ok, a twin-arrows ranger plus pet are already close to equal them. Double Sabers were one of the few ways to make rogue DPS shines. +20% damages is totally unsignificant for them. Saber changes seems good but it should be compensated by a little Rogue Buff in my opinion.
  4. I suppose there is a high correlation between having finished the game more than once and posting on this forum
  5. I think none of PoE gods is basic. Eotas is the god of hope, but when he turned to Waidwen, he became an over-zealous warmonger. Remember the lines when Eder didn't beliebe his god could have done what Waiden did ? Skaen is the god of treason. But during the Skaen priest speech, he seems to be acting for some kind of subversive morality. It is not the purest way to act, but it is still about morality. Woedica turned from god of Justice and Oaths to god of tyranny and absence of changes. Rymgard is about everything coming to an end... eventually. But he seems to despise forced destruction. Galawain seems to be about wild strength, but his motto emphasizes will over brute and savage force. They all seem to have a kind of twist . Consequently, it's hard to find them equivalent in more traditional settings.
  6. Chanters are definitely the most powerful damage dealers if specced for Dragon Trashed. They are also good tanks and have a lot of other cards in their games. They are a bit passive for main characters. So if you hesitate, you might pick a chanter henchman or Kana on your party rather than play one. Ranger's pet are very far from being weak. They do bring very relevent additional damages and tank quite well during late game. Ranger with a wolf is a great choice. Barbarian are good in 3.03. Monks have always been and should be very fun to play if you don't mind being hurt. Ranged Rogue are meh IMHO. But viable for sure.
  7. Not being the favorite class does not mean not being loved. For example, support class like priest rarely come on top, but I think they are really appreciated. But you may select only one as favorite. Paladins have always been very popular in CRPG, maybe for role-play reasons. PoE version is quite good as well as very interesting lore-wise (not being restricted to lawful stupid is nice). PoE druids are just well done. Maybe they are tree-huggers and bee-lovers, but they will hug you with big claws and their bees do hurt a lot. Monks do have a good design, but they just don't fit my playstyle.
  8. Yup. And I also remark druid class is currently leading.
  9. Druid currently choose a form and ranger a pet. This could be seen as subtype. The content for different pet or form (and also deity and order) could be expanded.
  10. Another idea would simply to change the "level design". If there were more areas with limited or no resting (like act 4), or Quests limited in time (like in PnP) vancian casters would be more limited. You'll still appreciate having a few ones, but you'll need other characters. Time limit for quest could even be a mode like expert mode that could be removed for more casual gaming. Limited rest could be an issue for health too. But if food restored a bit of health, that could solve the problem.
  11. Confident Aim bug should be the top priority. For game balance, well... Maybe a slight level 7 druid rebalance ? Remove the useless black oozes from call of the Primordials would be just enough, add maybe add 5-10s to Weather the Storm duration ? But maybe balance patches are over, and I think it was very satisfying overall. So just fight the bugs !
  12. I'm in favor of an option for PoE that would replace the current 4 per rest cast (+1 per encounter mastery) by : - 1 per encounter - +1 at high level when you currently access mastery So caster would not totally be OP during boss fights. And I would totally remove any per rest abilities from non-casters as well. People don't like it. Obsidian noticed it. There was almost zero per rest abilities introduced in WM I&II... (exactly 1 : pet revive, and sworn ennemy and Heart of fury were even turned to per encounter). I developped this idea a lot on this thread : https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/88307-class-balance-and-class-system-review-for-poe-2/page-2 (sorry to summon this from the realm of forgotten dead threads) I also noticed from reading all the threads about this topic that there is close to no consensus on the matter. That's why I think an option would certainly be the best solution to make everyone happy.
  13. But how you know which ones stack? to me bonus from dex is exactly same thing OK, let's be a little more helpful than my previous sarcastic post. I you really want to get in this attack speed stuff, the best source of information apart the dev themselves (or maybe including the dev themselves) is following thread : https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/86684-mechanics-the-big-attack-speed-conundrum/ If you manage to fully understand all this, you'll win your powergamer degree.
  14. Most of the class system shall be Adragan-gazed. The lore and tone are excellent too. And WM was even better than the original game for this.
  15. Fighting Styles apply only to summoned weapons corresponding to this style (2h or ranged for most summoned weapons, dual wield for reaping knives and long pain).
  16. Summoned weapons counts as universal and benefits from any weapon focus by the way.
  17. I've played both melee and ranged ciphers, and I found melee ones to be more efficient, more fun and more in line with my playstyle. Melee weapons does more damages. That's the basis. You may loose time due to positionning, you may loose DPS because your stats are a bit less min-maxed, but in the end of the day, ranged weapons do something like 60% of melee ones. More damages, more focus. More focus, more fun. The only exception are firearms. They don't do more damages, but they allow a big spike at the beginning of each battle, especially if you use quickswitch (which I find annoying). Big spike damages means big spike focus, which can be incredibly handy. But noone would stop your melee cipher from opening with (a few) alpha strikes with firearms. Ranged damages are a great tactical advantage, ranged cipher are great but I just prefer melee ones. You don't like "psion with a bow" ? So why not "psion with a two-handed sword" ?
  18. Check on Character build forum section. There was a thread about class tier in 3.03 maybe one month ago. Most people didn't put Cipher on top tier. Wizard, Priest and Druid were on top tier. The rest was argued. Cipher had a coupled of broken spells in 1.0. Most have been fixed now. Even then, they hardly compared to the other casters named above. But Ciphers were (and still are) incredibly convenient and handy in trash fights, that's why they were seen as powerful.
  19. Do you mean zealous endurance is like being drunk all the time ? Now I finally understand why those goody paladins always refused alcohol...
  20. No, it doesn't. I remember Boeroer stated it. It works with blast and rot skull. I wonder if it works with minor blights plus blast by the way.
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