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Elric Galad

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Everything posted by Elric Galad

  1. You don't have to be the absolute master of something to worth something. Druid can do something like 90% of wizard's job while providing some support. I think this is about as good. And no, Cipher's spells are not that great except Amplified Wave and Mindweb, which both empty your power pool. Cipher spells are nice, but I won't name any in my top #5 list. But hey, I love cipher for their versatility. Rogue is probably still #1 single target DPS and that does not save him from being inferior. When you are a one trick pony, you need to do your trick more than 10% better than anyone. Some people here also think rogue single target DPS is okay, but they should have other tricks (like striking from invisibility, better riposte, deceptions...) or at least better DPS burst. Relentless Storm is also the best CC spell in a number of situations, for example when ennemies are not packed. Given that wizz have awesome CC, he simply does not have a tool like this in his weaponry. It's like saying pal are inferior because they are a compromise between fighter and priest... In my parties, I have no room for absolute specialist which takes an entire slot for doing their stuff just a bit better. I'd rather take another character who can do this about as well and provide other major benefits. And druid party survivability buffs are noticeable enough to worth trading against wizz. But of course, everyone has his own playstyle. And you have to remember that for me the greatest competitors for rogues are rangers (druid single target DPS is great, especially early on, but too unreliable for me)
  2. Druid are not part time caster and part time melee damages. They are full time casters that has a melee damages hobby for their off-time. Their casting is not significantly inferior to other casters. Wizz are a bit more specialized than druid toward CC and AoE damages, but they don't have the awesome support capabilities of the druid. Priests are unparalelled support class anyway, bur their CC is poor. Cipher can't just chain class spells like druid do. They just don't play in the same league for this reason. Cipher spells are very good, but I see no Cipher CC spell on par with Relentless storm. Druid is basically a "jack-of-all trades, master of most".
  3. Sacred Trasher. Coordinated Mindwave. Heart of Relentless Storm. Sneak Charge. Deathballs. The possibilities are infinite.
  4. Just got it. I forgot it scaled with level. But NPC don't get bonus scaling (to replace dispositions) as Paladin NPC get scaling bonus defenses...
  5. Advice #1 : include a druid in your party. Casting Form of the Delegan each fight will ultimately remove the need of an armor (durganized unique robe/padded/naked martyr pants are ok) Advice #2 : use reach weapon. Advice #3 : flanking and using fast CC (whisper of treason) is usually enough to avoid getting slaughtered.
  6. You should retry your maths with Sacred Immolation. Sacred immolation works with combusting wounds.
  7. I didn't even know it scaled with level... Basically an endgame priest NPC has the same holy radiance as a 5 points favorable disposition, isn't it ?
  8. Shadowflames + Shadowflames + Shadowflames is usually a great combo. What I mean is that wizards are very strong and usually don't require combos to be played effectively. They are slighly hard to use at low level, even if a well-placed chillfog is devastating. Simple combos like Eldricht aim + offensive spells work well, and Reflex debuffs + AoE damages are great too.
  9. Yes it does work. Elemental talent does not work on status-like DoT like Dragon Trashed. But they do work on DoT that periodically triggers on an area like Sacred Immolation.
  10. No The same for Paladins NPC (who do get a defense buff based on level instead).
  11. Optimal Sacred Immolation only requires 1 talent to work anyway, so investing other talent for FoD won't hinder it. However, I agree that they are overrated. People just want to turn paladin into a damage class that they are not really. It works okayishly so why not. Alpha snipping is quite satisfying Intense flames feels ok to me because it doesn't require to choose a specific order and works with Scion of Flames. Rakhan field is slighly less rewarding unless you go the Bittercut route for these reasons.
  12. I yet again agree with you that rogue needs some minor tweaks. Many times I was considering taking a rogue in party, and every time he was denied a spot, simply because there was some other class that could do the same job plus be more versatile. On PotD, as a rule of mine I use: every of the glassier companions should have at least some emergency hard crowd-control ability to stop his other mate from being swarmed. Ciphers, Wizard, Priests, even Druids have it. And they all can dish out considerable amount of damage. Hard CC is the thing that rogue lack for me. This leads to: - make Sap available earlier (for example starting from lvl 5 or 7) because that stun is needed. - buff Smoke Cloud. Add a stronger cc to it. E.g. instead of Distraction, let it inflict a random of [Distraction, Blind, Confusion] rolled for each affected enemy separately. - using Coordinated Positioning could provide a short duration buff to rogue's reflex and deflection (let's say +10 for 8s or +15 for 5s) Plus I strongly agree on the suggested: [...] While I specifically disagree on: Good suggestions here. I would argue about Rogue Health that Health is not meant to increase survivability in battles (12hp/lvl and 15 base Def should stay as there are) but through several battles. This won't really help rogue's tanking. It is more for day to day convenience for rogue player than a true combat buff for me. But you might disagree of course And Endurance×5 on chanter would certainly be suitable !
  13. Well, the point is that rogue should be way better than druid to convince me. Druids has other cards in its play such as Relentless Storm and Form of the Delegan (8 stacking physical DR for party, fast cast and ultimately per encounter...). And you should also compare Rogue with Ranger. After all, Druid DPS is limited in duration. (Reloading Spiritshift with the scepter requires attacking with it several times until it procs, so I usually prefer switching to spells at this point of the fight.) Ranger (and pet) single target DPS is another big competitor. In my opinion, this is even more critical than comparing rogue with druid. But good luck !
  14. Two great ideas here. As I was reading backer's story, it remembered me of Planescape where there was such dialogues with Dead people, Memory stones or your own memory. I was a bit disappointed because it was not that much used in the gameplay. I like the idea of a Tyranny Conquest introduction replacing a Save Import. That is basically the only good way to make Imported Game having an impact that you can't emulate with a new character (leading to missed content for new players).
  15. Sorry if this "trust us" sounded a bit pretentious. It was more a lazy answer than anything. I've found the link you were asking for about Druid vs Rogue damages. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/84749-whats-wrong-with-druid-shapeshift/page-2 Happy new year 2017 to everyone by the way ! Best wishes to you and your families !
  16. Vampire level is more annoying than difficult. 1 vampire per encounter is not really dangerous but getting a character charmed is always frustrating.
  17. Honnestly speaking, getting to this point at level 4 is pretty wll played. Get out from underground, have a walk outside and come back later. Od Nua is not meant to be completed at this level anyway.
  18. Hey Aarik, I had the same problem today, and I did what you recommanded (except there was not CurrentGame folder). It worked fine after a computer reboot (Not sure it was completely necessary but it did not work after a mere game reboot). I still have the zipped TempSaveData in case you need it. Cheers, Happy new year 2017 !
  19. Yeah, no offense, dude, but you should trust the veterans here. Especially because they are rational and change their minds if you demonstrate they're wrong. So they're likely not to speak without taking into account past discussions and conclusions. Which might not be the case on less comitted forums.
  20. Problem 1 : I don't agree with your suggestion about light armor. Rogue are a DPS class so they're already incented to use light armors. With current system, you can still build a heavy armored rogue, it's usually not optimal, but there have been some good roguse build using heavy armor on this forum. This is one of the basis of PoE design to enable the use any armor or weapon from any class. I don't think it would be good to change this, especially when most rogues already wear light armor due to min-maxing. I never found that Rogue survivability was that much a problem by the way. They are surely not tanky, but when used with caution, they are able to survive pretty well. The problem for me is that they don't get enough rewards compared to the risks they take. Problem 2 : I don't agree neither for similar reasons. It's nice to have any class being able to use any weapon. Full Attack system favors dual wield, so I don't think two handed are favored at all for rogue class. Furthermore, when you start stacking +% damages like rogue does, small weapons tend to become better that medium ones, because they have a higher DPS apart from DR. When damages per hit rises, DR becomes less significant, eventually making light weapon superior. However, DR Bypass abilities could be nice. Stacking Bypass would be a very nice high level ability. And adding raw damages per hit is exacly what Deep Wound would do if made stackable ^^ However, I agree that there is a problem for Backstab and Final blow. For these, I think small weapons should get a better multiplicator. Problem 3 : Good idea even if I don't think we will see it for PoE 1. Sorry for being pessimistic
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