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Elric Galad

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Everything posted by Elric Galad

  1. I'm personally a big fan of Wael. Yeah, Skaen gives you a baby sneak attack, but I think people may underestimate how good reach weapons can be; (Wael's incomprehensible revelation talent gives you +10 quarterstaff and rods). Skaenites might do more damage, but a priest of Wael can do that damage safely. Just stand behind someone with good engagement (fighter, or some other melee fighter with hold the line) with a good quarterstaff (hint: steal Durance's; Gromnir is right, it's pretty good, one of the better quarterstaffs in the game), maybe put up that Holy Power aura (+3 might, +7 resolve in a tiny area including your priest) and you can do alright early on (and buff your tank in the process). Sneak Attack applies to ranged attacks as well as melee ones, however. You won't have that +10 ACC, which will hurt early on, but the extra damage will outweigh the ACC in most cases later In order to get +10 ranged attack with Skaen priest, you can use the soulbound scepter. You might get it quite early.
  2. About everything that scales in this game scale on Lvl 1 + 3x. From transcendant suffering to Brisk recitation and Ranger's pet.
  3. In my experience, playing without a priest is a bit like scaling up the difficulty level
  4. The last sentence confuses me. I can only fulfill your powergaming perspective by soloing with a priest? :D Sorry the confusion. I meant : if you're powergaming, you should have a priest in your party. Unless you're powergaming solo, then you might not have a priest.
  5. Well, perception is indeed really good at low level on classes with natural average Acc. Once your priest dings level 7, perception is nice but not critical anymore. And if you don't have a priest in your party, and you don't play solo, you shouldn't even speak about powergaming in the first place !
  6. I don't think the guy who posted is from Obsidian. He's not Sking but Skirge ^^ For sure it is really annoying for people on GoG.
  7. What I found really memorable in PoE : - The Tree with Hanged corpses - The encounters with Lurker, Pwgra and Wild druids in Engwithan ruins. When nature feels actually dangerous. - Stalwart, the remote settlement and its lovely music (including bard at the tavern). - The whole Abbey of the Fallen moon with amnesic monk, Maneha subquest, conversation with Ondra. Probably the best part (and hardest...). - The moment Sagani told me she has been the mother of five. - Durance scream when he realized Magran has betrayed him. As a whole, it was a bit inferior to all old IE games when it comes to memorable scene, except IWD1. Music is very good, but only Stalwart tune was memorable for me.
  8. Yup. That's a better version of what I said about Acc addind around 2% Damages and being worse than Might. About being "Fast enough" with no recovery and investing in Mig instead of Dex... I guess it's where it's interesting to speak about the classes. As I said above, Rogue DPS is never "too high" and he/she has already so much damages modifiers than investing in Mig seems a poor choice. So for Dex... On the opposite, paladins have limited special attacks and damage modifiers, and they have healings and Immolation so Mig is far better. Etc... So my per class Dex : Wiz : 10 Druid : 10 Priest : 13+ Chanter : 10 or Dump Cipher : 15+ Ranger : 15+ Pal : 10 Fighter : 13+ Barbarian :13+, more for interrupt or proc build Rogue : 19+ Monk : 10+ (because of limited wounds and suffering benefits more from Mig) (I don't like to min max too much) As you see, it is far from my favorite stats but it is good as it is.
  9. For sure, you'll get diminushing return for stacking Dex itself My point was that Dex is as interesting when you have no recovery as when you have some. It will be exactly the same DPS multiplier in both cases. And yes, when I wrote it I knew I was neglecting a bit inter action delays.
  10. You're not getting diminushing return by stacking Dex and recovery because Dex is a multiplicative factor for DPS. You would get diminushing return if they weare additive. For Per... I doubt it is stricly better. Per is like... 2% additive Damages per point (it depends a lot on situation) ? Worse than Might. It is only valuable to avoid misses or for crit builds. But as long as you have a priest to buff Acc, it will be important but not so critical. There are builds for which Per is far better than Dex of course (crowd controllers) and a few for which Per is irrelevant (like a buffer/healer).
  11. You're not getting diminushing return by stacking Dex and recovery because Dex is a multiplicative factor for DPS. You would get diminushing return if they weare additive. For Per... I doubt it is stricly better. Per is like... 2% additive Damages per point (it depends a lot on situation) ? Worse than might. It is only valuable to avoid misses or for crit build. But as long as you have a priest to buff Acc, it will be important but not so critical. There are builds for which Per is far better than Dex of course (crowd controllers) and a few for which Per is irrelevant (like a buffer/healer).
  12. Even if it's not false I don't get the point of comparing non-mutually exclusive stuff. Also it depends on how much Dex you compare. 10 Dex is better than speed gauntlet of course. 5 Dex may not be, unless you already have no recovery. Dex vs Mig vs Per is the real question here. I tend to raise Dex for Characters who already have big damage modifiers such as Rogue or Cipher. For fighter, I tend to balance Dex and Mig. For Buffing priest, Dex is the second best stats after Int. Mig might be raised for healing or damage so Dex and Mig could be balanced. For a versatile character, Dex is good because it applies to every action, from weapon swing to CC or buffs. Its drawback is limited ressources...
  13. Dex makes you act (1+ (3% × Dex)) faster, with few exceptions (mostly movement). It is obviously useful and quite straightforward. So it's more DPS, more buffs, more CC. The most interesting is for DPS as it is basically ANOTHER MULTIPLICATIVE FACTOR that stacks with everything. Its interest might be more limited for characters with limited ressource. But that's its only limit.
  14. Dragon fights have been among the easiest : - Priest raises up the group accuracy using Devotion for the faithful, Inspiring Radiance and Protection against fear (to avoid the big Acc penalty from the Dragon Terror Aura) - 1 of the chanters uses the Anti Beast chant for a +20 Accuracy bonus. - Camping for +10/+15 Accuracy against beast on your Crowd Controllers is also helpful. - Druid and Wizard used their crowd control abilities to neutralize the dragon. Unless you are really unlucky, you'll get at least a Graze. Watch its duration carefully, and re-cast it when it is close to wear off. From this point it is easy. To be a bit more specific : Against the Adra Dragon, you have to be VERY quick because her various AoE attacks are devastating. Fortunately, she is not immune to Paralysis. So, the Druid Hold Beast spell works very well. It is fast cast, so you can spam it. Shadowflames also works very well, and can also neutralize those annoying Adragans. Don't underestimate the Adragans, their petrify and domination spells can remove several party members from play... They take a few seconds to reach the battefield, buying you enough time to be buffed when they arrive. A well placed-Shadowflame and Relentless Storm will win the day. Alpine Dragon traditionally takes a few seconds to reach you by walf if you are well placed and his breath, even if it is powerful, does not seem to have the level of one-shotness of Adra Dragon's. That's enough time to let the priest raises everyone's accuracy. He is immune or resistant to most hard CC EXCEPT petrify. So Gaze of the Adragan and Embrace the Earth Talon work extremely well. I used mostly Gaze of the Adragan this time because my druid was busy casting Relentless Storm, Moonwell and Form of the Delemgan. I killed the 3 dragons (including the upscaled sky one) on my first try. I have not beaten Llengrath yet. My ranger uses good old Stormcaller. My Rank #1 killer is one my two chanters. Damage are less significant because the game does not count Dragon Trashed Damages (only its kills). Two Dragon Trashers is extremely destructive. My chanters kill so fast that rarely have enough time to use their Invocations. It has been said previously that the strongest party was ~1 Priest + 5 Wizards (not easy to use by the way). I came to the following conclusion : - 2 Vancians Crowd Controllers (druids or wizards) are enough. Maybe 3. It's better to be versatile so at least 1 druid is better than only Wizard. Druid support spells Form of the Delegan and Moonwell play in the same category as priest buffs, and Relentless Storm is better than Wizard AoE CC in some situations. - Even Vancian casters can hardly match the level of Damage of chanters, especially because of its level of convenience (Friendly very big AoE). Chanters also bring their tanking to the table. So the absolute strongest (endgame) party should be something like : - 1 Priest - 1 Druid - 1-2 Wizard - 2-3 chanters, or maybe 1 paladin instead. - 0-1 Something else. Ranger seems quite nice because this composition slightly miss reliable single target DPS. Another option is another priest. For the hardest fights, it is extremely convenient to be buffed QUICKLY. Priest AoE DPS is quite good at high level, so they can switch to Fires Storm, etc... when they have finished their buffing.
  15. My current party was meant to be the most efficient I ever had... and for now it succeeds. 1 Druid 1 Priest 1 Wizard Because these 3 ones combined have a magical answer to almost anything. 2 Dragon Trashed Chanters Best damage AoE dealers of the game with great tanking potential. Hide behind a thick metal skin and shield, poke ennemies with weapon and let the world burn around you. 1 Ranger with wolf Very reliable single target damage dealer. It was what the party was missing a bit(e). Priest (and druid a bit) pumps the stats, chanters and pet tank well enough, druid and wizard control everything. Druid venombloom + Wizard Freezing pillar + Double dragon chant melt everything around (no friendly fire involved). Ranger finish off what remains.
  16. Most of them affects casters when he got caught in the arera. However, some of them are "emitted" by the caster so he will never be in the area of effect. I think the wizard spell equivalent of Sunfire cannot affect caster, as well as all line and cone spells (fan of flames, minlance and OVERWHELMING WAVE of course).
  17. Just to be sure : are you using it against vessels ? Even when it procs against Domination immune ennemies, it does not count. However, using it against teamates DOES COUNT (except against Devil of course...). It's good way to test it and/or to upgrade it !
  18. Wouldn't it be better to align Riposte proc on miss with proc on graze ? Currently Riposte chances follow a strange curve with a maximum at +50 Deflection/Accuracy. It's hard to figure what it means lore-wise. 30% on graze and miss won't be too good, I think.
  19. I found where I have read where cape of master mystic didn't work with backstab. Which is strange when I think twice as I remember the bugged one constantly triggered backstab...
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