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Elric Galad

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Everything posted by Elric Galad

  1. Or more precisely : my ultimate whining about PoE1 Thank you for your work and thank you for listening to the players !
  2. Is there still some backtstab stuff not fixed in 3.03 ? I can't test it myself because I have not Internet yet on my PC. From what I read above, it seems so.
  3. Please, please try to fix completely all stuff related to backstab (including cape of the master mystic if still not okay). Apparently first strike of full attack and cape does not trigger backstab properly. I have no internet yet, so I can't test it myself... Also Riposte current setting is a bit weird because too high deflection decreases its chances to proc... I think it won't be too strong to raise it at 30% proc on miss. I hope this is my ultimate whining here ^^
  4. I came to the conclusion that a rogue does about 133% damages of ranger + pet under following circonstances : - everyone has its endgame stuff - everyone has favorable circonstancial bonus (predatory, sneak attacks...) - neglected crits (better for rogue) - potion OR (frenzy AND gauntlet) not abused - also tested potion abused against DR 15. I'll try to display the table later. My conclusion is that Ranger has more CC, AoE and pet tanking. Rogue has 33% more damages and an edge against high DR. He has tricks too, like backstab, but they are not as good or buggy. Rogues will be fine if Backstab/Invisibility (including cape of master mystic) was fixed. Also Riposte would make more sense if it was 30% of misses too. Now Riposte chances decreases with a too high Deflection...
  5. So you get a free Vulnerable attack too ? Good to know. Does it even depends on the weapon type ? (same for dagger and speed)
  6. Yup, but Stag's carnage works with avenging storm ) The Cladaliath spear is a good candidate for this build too. +4 from coordinating and +5 from spear is really good to pile accuracy and stun effect is even better than prone. I guess a similar rogue build could work, but I wonder if loosing full attacks worths it.
  7. Stupid question MaxQuest : how does full attacks work for attack time and recovery time ? I suppose it is faster than 2 attacks (no recovery between the 2 attacks) but it's hard to figure how much.
  8. Well, it was more or less what I suggested in my second sentence. However, classes have traditional strenghts and weaknesses. Casters are supposed to have a great versatility IN-GAME. That's the whole point of the spellbook thing. I think it is good as it is. For each spell level, having choice between a few circonstancial spells and generic ones sounds perfect for me. Also it is a good way to make room for specialized abilities : if you have to choose between something circonstancial and something generic, you would usually choose the later. Circonstancial abilities, while interesting, might not be chosen at all. The best way to avoid this is to let the player have both and make the choice in-game : that's the point of spell book. Martial class abilities need more care by the way. Because you have few of them, it's better if thet feel unique and fun (yeah, immolation !).
  9. Casters are supposed to be versatile. How to be versatile with 5-10 abilities ? More abilities making a class boring does not make a lot of sense. Although more original abilities are sometimes better than too many abilities.
  10. If I remember well, you're supposed to pick some notes close to the 2 ghosts.
  11. Feign death + Salvation of time/Spelltongue + backstab : potential god mode. Did not work completely in 3.02 as attacks during extended time did not proc backstab...
  12. Retaliate armor does not stack with retaliate helm. (Anyway, battle forged and helm would have been mutually exclusive). But all the rest including Retaliate shield does stack.
  13. Yeah, i love that cape, in my case the bug appaer 2 of each 10 times the invisibility activate, the rest work very good, when the invisibility become permament, i save and load the game, but it still a gamebreaking bug.Weird. Maybe it appears 1 out of Pi times. Maybe cape of the Master Mystic can be used as a way to actually calculate Pi. Maybe it's the first transcendant bug. Maybe it's a tribute to Planescape Torment.
  14. Same question as on the original thread : did Cape of the Master Mystic got fixed ? This bug is so gamebreaking that the only choice is not to use the cape... Really great item for a Rogue...
  15. Did the mystic cloak get fixed ? Currently it is the most broken item of the game, and 3.02 was supposed to fix it.
  16. Stuff like zealous endurance might help a bit ^^ Does cloak of the mystic finally working in a non cheesy way ? And does full attack work backstab ? I mean, does +150% apply to both attacks ?
  17. Still a couple of days to Shadow Step, Escape, use a Smoke Cloud or Feign Death. Would also require boots of speed to avoid the Avenging Storm...
  18. It has always worked. I'm so sad that you didn't notice my posts. I even tried to extend the invisibility with salvation of time, but no one was interested. Curiously, invisibility was extended but backstab didn't work after this extension... I tested distracted too and it worked. I also stacked with other defense debuff(not only flanked). What happened ? I did read it of course and I also found it interesting. I also tested a Backstab rogue build with all the invisibility uses I coud get after I read your posts. But I also noticed that Backstab didn't work well with it and in my case the invisibility also ended when I attacked somebody - not the visuals though - only that the enemy turned and attacked me. I did not develop this further because it was a real pain in the youknowwhat because of the horribly high amount of micromanagement. So my powergamery swiss cheese brain made me forget to post about that... Now I thought that maybe because they overhauled Backstab and Feign Death that it might actually work properly - nom0's post suggested that. Distracted triggering Sneak/Deathblows: Thank you. That restores a bit of my senile self confidence. I would have been happy to test this but I promised my fiancee I won't play till the first part of our marriage which is on Saturday ^^ Ah Ah Aj *Demonic laugh with a typo*
  19. I'm totally convinced by the new barbarian, but I still have slight doubts about the rogue. Still quite limited in he does. Still wondering if he is superior by far to the ranger (and his pet). Given that pet hits like a slow truck, given you can't durganize a pet or its fur, given that it can't have lash, recovery reduction, or upgrade its dex, and attack as fast as an average weapon, I'd say pet (wolf) does approximatively 1/3 of a rogue with deathblow by itself. Ranger itself does about the same, due to ranged weapon doing less damages than melee and twin arrows getting more dr reduction than sneak, deathblow and other damage modifiers. So in best case, rogue seems better, but is it by far ? Not sure...
  20. It has always worked. I'm so sad that you didn't notice my posts. I even tried to extend the invisibility with salvation of time, but no one was interested. Curiously, invisibility was extended but backstab didn't work after this extension... I tested distracted too and it worked. I also stacked with other defense debuff(not only flanked). What happened ?
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