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Elric Galad

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Everything posted by Elric Galad

  1. Escape can be used as an offensive rush. Spelltongue + new escape sounds good by the way.
  2. Ahah Sul bug ! I found it yesterday. The workaround was to rush to be the one that killed th beast. Nice for chanters. Never thought about that but it was indeed strange.
  3. Kamikaze Devil of Caroc + Escape, Riposte could be a nice consort for your Bile Stomper Jump in melee, don't care about poison.
  4. Riposte and Withering Strike being upgraded slightly favors average weapons compared to fast for example. Don't understimate the number of sick combo people here can set up with a couple of new rules
  5. 20% does not come from reckless assault but from Dirty Fighting and related talent. 100% might not ne necessary, especially because it requires some suboptimal weapon with on crit effects, instead of stuff like We Toki that prone on crit. All the previous stack by the way.
  6. The puzzle on the wall is not a bug. You got to get a "command word" from the current abbey to use it. It is not very clear, I was puzzled too, but it is not a bug.
  7. Deathblow does apply to anything. Sneak attack does apply to nothing. (Except apprentice sneak attack which apply to Wrath of the Five Suns. Small detail but good to know given how good this ability is.)
  8. Other pro of ranged Paladin : - at least on par with cipher to snipe the priority targer because of Sworn Ennemy. (and of course FoD) - Easier control over coordinated attack. Even more fun with a marking weapon. - Shielbearer special FoD does not apply to paladin herself (or himself). So it might be even better on a ranged character. - Backrow offtank. Help when circled. Another idea : ranged paladin with dangerous implement. At least it makes use of paladin endurance and health. The Hazel wand with Jolting on crit (FoD combo) and Marking could be a good candidate. Implements are not so bad, especially because of the number of pierce-proof ennemies...
  9. Duplicating a weapon seems a bit of a waste IMHO. There's a lot of excellent weapons in this game, and few are unique enough to justify this choice (I do understand the choice of the fireball saber by the way.). Just pick another one, refine it, enchant it and you won't need it. Like Purgatory/Resolution for example. My choice would be Little Savior (Made legendary and refined). A party with Double Little Savior (+Outworn Buckler) would be very well protected !
  10. Unique rare components to improve magic weapons with other abilities than quality and lashes. Like "Fampyr Lord Teeth" : Add Draining.
  11. A caster gaining ressources to cast from casting spells ? Sounds either a deadlock or an infinite loop ^^ Of course you could have spells generating ressources, and other spending it (a bit like chaner's phrase and invoc'). Mmmm, why not ?
  12. I think a paladin with Crossbow, Arbalest or Firearms could easily fit the holy witchhunter cliche, with all the protection against magic stuff, FoD and Sworn ennemy. By the way, if I understand well, marking and coordinated attack only works if your closest ally targets the same target as you. If he targets something else, it becomes useless. That's why it seems easier to achieve with ranged characters ^^
  13. Interesting. It's true you can crazily stacks accuracy buff for teamate on a paladin. Just wondering about a "laser pointer" build focusing on Pliambo per Casitas (marking, disorienting), coordinated attack, darcozzi, maybe zealous focus... Yeah +51 accuracy for teamate, mostly stacking with priest's buff. Sounds fun.
  14. Totally agree. Both paladins and chanters excel in this role. But a chanter dedicated to dragon slashed will out-DPS paladin by far (and pretty much anyone else). Chanter wins for DPS, summons, CC and versatility. Paladin wins for sturdiness, martial power (not by far, both are mediocre), and healing capability.
  15. 2 chanters are the backbone of my current party. I can certify that are not inferior to priest. It is well known how well chanters can turn into tanks. That's how I use them. Dragon Trashed deals incredible damages. Really. High level chanters specced for it are among the top damage dealers. At high level, they will be able to cast a very powerful Friendly AoE spell every 4s. It is also incredibly convenient and easy to use. The fact that graze lasts almost as much as hit due to chant mechanics also makes it incredibly reliable. Chants, in general, are great for action economy. You can cast fireballs from scrolls or items WHILE chanting your Dragon AoE. I doubt anything can match this. So they're at the same time my main tanks and main damages dealers while having a lot of other tricks in their bag. However, my party has a priest. And I know I can't replace her. Basically, chanters have their own place, it is just that they are not able to properly replace a priest.
  16. Pet has exactly the same speed as a 2 hander, except for bears ans lions (see MaxQuest attack speed thread). People often takes bears so they see pet as slow. They biggest problem is that they can't decrease their recovery...
  17. Chanters are a nice class design. They surely need a bit of balancing with their chants. And probably a few class talents to get some invocations a bit faster, but that's about it. They're meant to be passive. Monk are great too, even if their design is really a matter of taste. Some just don't like requiring being hurt. The worst class design is currently the priest. Not by itself of course, priest are extremely strong. But there are just no good alternative to priests currently. It's less about healing than buff and immunity against affliction. Add more party buff to other class and pb will be fixed. Still ok for PoE1 by the way.
  18. **** happens. Good luck guys, and thank you for the information.
  19. I've finally found an advantage to Skyward Kick by the way. Duration is low, it's a single attack, Knockdown is worse then Stun... But at least the "fly" part is only linked to Initial hit, not fortitude roll. So you're pretty much guaranteed to have the ennemy controlled for 1-2s. That's not great, I won't pick it instead of Stunning blows, but at least it is not strictly worse
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