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Everything posted by nikolokolus

  1. OK, that's it, I've changed my mind from fortress. I want a fortified inn.
  2. Classless systems can work, but aren't there enough games with that mechanic nowadays?
  3. From what I gathered in the "where are you from" thread, there are quite a few people interested in the game for whom English is not their native tongue. Translation and VA for multiple languages could be quite expensive, but if there is money for it and it can be done with a high level of quality then I don't see why it shouldn't be added as a stretch goal.
  4. So I take it there aren't too many folks from the AD&D 1st ed. era lurking about here who might have played Tomb of Horrors?, or perhaps delved into Undermountain in a 2nd ed. PnP game? Ah the memories and the dying ... mostly the dying.
  5. I think the general consensus seem to be that most people would like it to be optional too, so people that hate such things can just skip if it they choose.
  6. The need for a tab highlight mostly comes down to engine implementation. If usable objects are rendered in such a way that they don't completely blend in with the background or if there is sharp enough detail (and there should be given modern screen resolutions) then a key press to highlight objects might not even be necessary.
  7. Another thing that could be kind of neat in a big labyrinthine dungeon like is being suggested here is somehow tying in really, really ancient lore about the game world if you delve deep enough, some revelation about ancient history that somehow rocks the conventional wisdom about how the world works or the perception of some long lost people, etc.
  8. Ooh! I love the idea of a companion being recruited/rescued from the dungeon. There are so many things they could do with that.
  9. How about the claustrophobic dwarf or the elf with massive tree allergies?
  10. A sotted gunfighter with a penchant for cheating at cards and and a violent streak.
  11. If you really want this in game I suggest donating at the $5,000 or $10,000 dollar level. Otherwise? It seems like the kind of back-story you could invent for your character, but something that probably shouldn't be a class unto itself.
  12. It sounds like there might be some art assets released in the next week or so. Maybe then?
  13. As they should in my opinion. Once they say something it would be awfully tough to go back on it. Chances are they are trying to gauge just how many people want this functionality (cost-benefit analysis) and just how tough it will be to develop it with their expected budget.
  14. I really enjoyed the campaign mods that people cooked up for NWN and I worked for about a year and half with a group of people building a small PnP style persistent world for NWN2 (mostly as an area designer), but for this game I just don't think it's going to matter all that much to have these kind of modding tools unless the game is built with multi-player support added in from the start. Level and area design with "baked in" environments means using external tools and then importing them as backdrops and that is going to create a barrier for a lot of people. Furthermore, I never really played the co-op mode with Baldur's gate 1/2 that much, but when I did, I found it to be less than satisfying because it just didn't work all that well in a story-driven RPG. And while, I'm sure people would be able to come up with some amazing stuff if given a tool to do so, but I'm just worried that it would serve a very small niche and would be a waste of precious time and money. Who knows, maybe they'll make so much money on the kickstarter that it will be a trivial thing to add a robust modding tool and decent co-op support, but I have my doubts.
  15. Who's to say another world's tech would develop along the same lines as our own? Perhaps gunpowder is extremely unstable in large quantities thus making it prohibitively dangerous to store. In principle I'm kind of opposed to extensive use of cannons in this game. Wheel lock muskets and arquebuses are about as much as I'd like to see.
  16. I highly doubt a story based RPG - like this one will presumably be - will have a "ladder" for comparing exploits, you'll just have to be satisfied with coming to the forum and re-telling your tales of hack-and-slashery.
  17. Mega Dungeons are fun. I still have fond memories of Ultima Underworld and even nethack with a the Falcon's Eye front-end I still play on my laptop on flights and long trips. Somebody help me, what was it, Tomb of Horrors in AD&D from the 1st edition game that was so brutal? Wow that thing killed the hell out of adventuring parties.
  18. All I know is that imperfections help me come up with a concept for a character ... and with point buy, since there will always be weaknesses, it makes it that much easier to tailor the character to a concept.
  19. I think it would depend on the game, and the team developing the game. It would cause a stir, but if done right I could see an Ultima or Wing Commander getting the funding. Do you think gamers would trust EA to assemble a good team to make an Ultima or Wing Commander worthy of the name? They're making an Ultima right now, and their public statements on the gameplay are cringe-worthy. Let me guess, players will have the opportunity to buy magical weapons and artifacts in game for the low, low price of $2 dollars a piece and it's going to have ten times more awesome?
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