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Everything posted by hilfazer

  1. It's really unfortunate Obsidian writers worked hard only to hurt their game Hopefully, it won't happen in PoE2. Hint: Ignore backer NPCs (gold plated fellas), they are neccessary Kickstarter evil.
  2. Sure it is. But what should hapen if spell increases your damage? Wildstrike, which is a lash, should increase that bonus damage. And Avenging Storm is that kind of a spell. Druid can also add Nature's Terror to the mix. Terrfies lowers accuracy which is very valuable for melee druid, lasts long enough and looks cool!
  3. MIG and PER are subjects to overkill while DEX is not.
  4. Faith and Conviction got nerfed as well. Oh and paladin lost 5 points of base deflection.
  5. @Boeroer, Francis Ironwood Guys, are you trying to say "He's wrong about one thing so he must be wrong about everything else!"? Sorry if i misunderstood You. Also what's bad about Wound Binding other than suffering from high intellect?
  6. Double weapon focus seems to be a bug. Other than that it's a great synergy. It makes sense Reaping Knives count as unarmed weapons - if i open inventory screen my dude has only fists, if i watch attack animation of reaping knives user it's same as with fists.
  7. I think General Discussion is a better place for this thread. What happend to Tornado?
  8. Yup, it used to be located between Battery main gate and watchtower. There's also 'AdvanceDay' command that does the obvious. Also please keep in mind once you check the item it won't be changing anymore.
  9. You call it 'incredibly short' and then suggest to increase duration by only 5 seconds? Consider working as Obsidian designer since they like small to moderate buffs, unless you hate huge nerfs because they like them too. Lvl 2 wizard spell Bulwark Against Elements is single target and has 60 sec duration. Why shouldn't lvl 7 druid spell that does same thing have same duration? It's AoE but it's whole 5 spell levels higher. As for now if i need elemental protection i'd just quaff bulwark potions. Critical Focus - according to math it's effect needs to be tripled Purge of Toxins - it's like Prayer Against X spells with an exception of being SINGLE target. Can't understand design desicion behind this Infestation of Maggots - either i don't know how to use it, it's is bugged or it's actually incredibly UP Woodskin - Armor of Faith, i'll say that much Web - utter trash but i heard they are going to change it's debuff to Stuck (exactly what i wanted BTW) so i'm going to hold my judgement Holy Power - believe it or not but it's AOE is so small you can't make a party formation that would be fully covered by this spell, unless you have inhuman intellect (or use less than 6 ppl) One-handed weapon style - if it's supposed to be talent for 1H weapon users (as it's name suggests) than it's not just UP, it's simply badly designed. Very badly. But if it's supposed to be another talent for 1H+shield users then it's ok Great thread BTW, UP stuff should be discussed more as it's a bigger problem than OP.
  10. Heh, i expected we'll get 1 spell mastered per character level starting at lvl 9 (which is still far less than switch to per-encounter) but it's only one per spell level. I should have known better.
  11. It's cool Obsidian reworked survival because most people considered it crap, but few folks actually found duration bonus useful. If Obsidian wanted to buff survival they should've kept old survival bonus which was IIRC 30% per 6 skill levels, now it's just 20%.
  12. Since Deep Wounds resets every time you hit the target what use is a high intellect that merely extends the duration of the DoT? Might controls the damage per tick and Intellect controls the number of ticks. Or is this wrong? This is correct.
  13. Maybe your browser is simply blocking the content? That was the case with my Opera which is basically Chrome. I unblocked it and could see it just fine.
  14. Get Aloth to lvl 3, learn Bulwark Against Elements and steamroll those shadows who really like to target him.
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