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Everything posted by vaxen83

  1. K2 was made in such a way that you will get those parts necessary for Bao-Dur to craft an initial lightsaber for you whichever planet you are on. So you will find the parts eventually, just need to do some necessary sidequests to obtain them. It is likely that K2's randomly generated item system is a bit hard to grasp.
  2. So far, have not seen any occurrence of romance with Atton. More like he was drained of energy by Handmaidens before Kreia is brought back to Telos after Jedi gathering on Dantooine.
  3. Don't tell me the Exile was created from the Force. Not likely anyway.
  4. Well, hope that DS does not have any genetic link or relation from mother to daughter.
  5. There was a part in Taris where your PC with Canderous and another chosen party member had to find their way out of Davik's estate to get to the EH. And there was a sort of cave-in effect to show Malak's ship bombarding Taris's surface. If there was some sort of shake-up effects at some point in K3, maybe like a plan to eradicate people on a planetary scale to indicate a turning point and twist in storyline, it might sort of guide its plot towards alternative challenges subsequently in the game. Of course, would not want to use it more than once. Would not mind having K3 for Windows Vista as long as it can also operate on XP.
  6. You are a benefactor of people from both LS and DS.
  7. It helps. If one thread does not have an answer to something, the other might. Assuming that posts are replied to.
  8. Somehow, that omission of Atris being related to Traya is hinted in Atris' lines like "I had thought she was waiting there for me.." and she goes on to say that Kreia does what she would have done which involves sacrificing her life through murder.
  9. Whenever you gain influence with him, conversation occurs without having to initiate it through your PC.
  10. Hopefully, not glowing hair like stars of heavenly origins.
  11. Would not mind having something like Force Return where a missile sent forth from a Force user actually is repelled and returned back to its original sender. An example being Yoda using the Force to send back a ripped platform in the podium hall against Darth Sidious from SW Episode III: ROTS
  12. Even anyone who might be effective at writing might take a while to get used to posting initially. (Forums don't really use spellcheckers anyway) (By the way, some words are double-spaced apart in some character dialogue from K1)
  13. Well, one of the words Mojo brings to mind something familiar.
  14. If I thought of it, daughters could also be mothers in turn and who could also be grandmothers. They could also be great grandmothers, although I doubt that age will permit an assuming of feminine roles further than this for mothers in Kotor and SW.
  15. Well, assuming that K3 has yet to come up with a female character that is at least as magnificently glorious as Bastila or unparalled, then it could be yes for now.
  16. This sounds a bit more like an Austin Powers story somehow.
  17. Don't think the Exile's homeplanet was even mentioned in K2 chronicles if I can remember it at all.
  18. However, at what cost would it be to True Sith for an execution of their mega plot?
  19. Bao-Dur is probably easier for LS than DS, provided PCs gain influence with him at least from mid-game onwards.
  20. Hope we don't have to wait too long, like two years from now.
  21. Well. each character mirrors different strengths and weaknesses.
  22. Well, would probably see Revan as being present usually through dialogue between characters. Revan tends to stand out in terms of being understood as a legacy rather than merely as a character. Exile's story is more about personal difficulties which one would be able to sympathise with, especially with a quote from Visas or Disciple mentioning that your PC
  23. Does anyone think that Bastila has as much potential for DS as she has for LS in terms of character?
  24. Both Revan and the Exile could be as equally interesting as they are interpretive of awesome equalness although it might be on an asymmetrical basis.
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