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Everything posted by vaxen83

  1. Which was mentioned in K2's chronicles and hardly related to its story through character dialogue.
  2. Welcome to Obsidian forums. You could sort of look at it as an ending which Obsidian had barely enough time to finish off. Two projects are currently being worked on: M4-78 and The Sith Lords Restoration Project which will involve finishing mega patches for K2. So far the TSL team has worked through quite a few things on their part.
  3. Handmaiden could also be interesting.
  4. It is a marvellous invention you have.
  5. Finesse is also fine. Use any skills that you have to craft emitters, cells and lens for either your double lightsaber or single lightsabers, whichever you prefer. Try to look for a Pontite crystal and an Upari crystal which you can obtain from some of the shop vendors on Nar Shadda to increase lightsaber damage.
  6. Well, there are always other ways of looking at it, aren't there?
  7. Kashyyyk might have been a shadier version of jungle wilderness.
  8. Perhaps Korriban might have had another darker name in past times that might be revealed through a legacy of True Sith in K3.
  9. EH crash onto Malachor's surface might have knocked party members unconscious for quite a while.
  10. She is probably less concerned about any means involved than an outcome that she hopes to achieve through your PC in K2.
  11. Hope bond effects don't really become part of K3's story.
  12. Sith Assassin might be interesting together with a Consular class.
  13. Handmaiden and Mira. Both have varying strengths and limitations and their stories have their own place in K2.
  14. For skills, assuming you are using Sentinel as your starting class, you could have points inside Computer Use, Security, Persuade, Repair, Stealth and around 15-18 points inside Demolition. Repair and Persuade are skills you will want as it determines how efficiently you can break items down into components and turning conversations towards your choices. You won't really need to have all skills listed above, just include Stealth, Repair and Persuade along with another skill you prefer. Demolition can also be one of your main skills if you like disarming and laying mines as traps for any opponents. Useful againt Jedi Masters like Vrook. Have Intelligence at around 14 points. Keep raising strength and have constitution between 14-16. You could use Critical Strike or Flurry and also go for two single lightsabers. You might want to have starting Wisdom at around 14. Charisma is not exactly necessary for additional force points. 14 points into Dex might suffice. The personal crystal you get from Dantooine's crystal cave will add bonuses to Charisma and a few other attributes. If you level your character up to 24, bonuses from the crystal will be at least around 4 points for a few attributes.
  15. Another reason how K1 was interesting was Revan's identity being revealed only towards a middle part of its story with a simultaneous capturing of Bastila. More like paying a price for knowledge on part of Revan's story, I feel.
  16. Would not mind K2, except that Peragus could have been placed at a later time in its story. It was a bit rushed.
  17. If there is anything I can think of concerning a hole in the force, would be something similar to black holes in SW universe. Have yet to see any of that mentioned in SW stories though.
  18. Would have liked to think about what would have had happened if those Jedi Masters were not killed instead, as much dialogue could have been added in further. Kreia could have knocked them out together with your PC unconscious using Force Wave, rather than draining them empty of life. Also, that concept of a wound in the Force for PCs remains yet to be explained clearly.
  19. Master energy resistance, master force barrier with force immunity will help in most fights for LS PCs. Insulated gloves can also reduce cold and fire damage.
  20. Well, if we are going to argue that there is conflict in terms of how dialogue relating to K2's story does not synchronise with what K2's chronicles says,we might as well consider that it was due to an overall tight timeline. Back to an earlier argument mentioned before.
  21. Would hope to see Vash sometime soon.
  22. Welcome to OE forums. Well, K2 does feel slightly different and probably not really what you thought it could be. Think that having Kreia's arms cut off and leaving her being able to wield only a single-handed lightsaber was also a slightly lame idea. Anyhow, feel free to take a look at a K3 discussion thread under the Star Wars universe forum and discuss about other SW ideas.
  23. If there were a few important flashbacks apart from dialogue (not same as visions in K1) in K2 to progressively introduce what happened between K1 and K2 that were interweaved thoughtfully into TSL, including how Jedi fell to DS Assassins on Katarr, much of what remains unknown would not be such a mystery anymore to PCs.
  24. Well, with a mask, Revan's identity could already remain a mystery.
  25. Kind of liken Mira's wrist launcher to some kind of techno device reminiscent of a digital watch which is usually used by some secret agents in movies as a remote to control some kind of vehicle like cars. An example of a secret agent show Tomorrow Never Dies.
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