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Everything posted by vaxen83

  1. Viridian could also be interesting. It has both green and silver together.
  2. Find it hard to imagine Palpatine as LS. At least not after his Force lightning attack was deflected by Mace's lightsaber in Episode III: ROTS during battle in his office chambers, which made him look old and dry.
  3. Perhaps her lightsaber might be purple, or green. (Not likely to be yellow)
  4. Lightsaber forms will help a bit, especially for DS/LS combat classes. Basically used the Contention form, which helps against lightsaber opponents, as long as lightsabers are used as weapons against a PC. Think it adds around 3 points to attack.
  5. Almost any character might have been ok, but I would generally include at least a female character within my party. Hardly used G0T0. Somehow, find his droid feats a bit weird.
  6. Well, actually the topic is already specific in a way. Remembered that there was a recording of Carth's message to T3 if a PC had enough influence with the droid to actually use repair and computer skills on him. Was interesting to see how it related to Revan's departure. Talking to Kreia would also allow for conversations about how her giving up of her role as a historian led her to where she was now. (Some of this is actually in K2 Chronicles)
  7. There could have been mini-scale battles between wandering Kinrath on Dantooine and any remaining kath hounds that were gathered near the entrance to the Enclave, rather than having some hounds being transported to Nar Shaddaa, of which quite a few were kept in Visquis's underground base. Also, the kinrath could have mutated some kind of additional developmental strain due to any radiation from Malak's bombing of Dantooine, so that they would be of considerable difficulty in terms of being gotten rid of. (Just an idea)
  8. Aggression form for lightsabers extends critical threat range of sabers, with penalties to blaster fire deflection. (Probably will get it as a Marauder, Assassin, Weapon Master or Watchman)
  9. It might soon be.
  10. In a way, having Visas as a party member for the Ravager makes it easy for her to use DS powers with either LS/DS alignment. Raise her charisma to 16, and perhaps increase Wisdom. (Your choice, actually) Finesse melee will work for Visas with her high Dex. Mandalore uses mostly feats, as he cannot gain Jedi levels at all. I tend to use vibroswords for him. (Sith tremor swords and Echani vibroswords are just as effective, actually)
  11. Colour textures in K1 was substantiated, more so than in the second game. In K2, Dantooine's environment looked like the green from its environment had been sucked dry or it might have been that Obsidian did not add enough visual detail in terms of colour.
  12. It is a bit hard to read your posts. Try to include grammatical punctuations so that it is easier to understand especially with full-stops and commas. You have to be a bit specific with topics. Is this about asking what secrets in K2 were interesting to people, or is it about any kind of K2 secrets in its game?
  13. Well, what PC did you take? Jedi or Sith classes? The two Sith lords with purple sabers at entrance to Sith tomb might try to use Critical Strike against your PC, so guard against stun. Atton would have immunity to paralysis as a Sentinel. A few suggestions: Use Master Speed if you have it and adrenal stims to boost your stats. Give Atton a single lightsaber for this fight as double-bladed sabers require additional Str mod. Hopefully, Atton and Handmaiden would have gained enough Jedi levels to use Force powers. Equip them with any items that add to Wisdom to increase their Force points maximum. Give Handmaiden gloves that add to Strength. Power implants also increase Strength. Among them, Handmaiden would probably be effective as a front-line warrior. Use any force powers to boost her stats and cast Master Energy Resistance to reduce lightsaber damage from Sith lords. Even on a failed roll, Stasis Field will slow them down, if unable to immobilise them.
  14. Not exactly sure about Vash's fighting style. Could be Critical Strike or Flurry. However, doubt that it could be power attacks.
  15. Handmaiden as an alternative female character.
  16. There is another upgrade for HK-47 which is a pacifist upgrade available from the Rodian trader directly away from the droid seller Kodin. However, think it is only available when some trades routes have been established with her. Upgrade adds bonuses to Wisdom.
  17. Have yet to come across such conversation lines from Visas.
  18. Handmaiden and her other sisters are almost like look-alikes. Especially if they wear same clothes with hood on.
  19. Actually, would not mind if my PC's portrait remained as it usually is each time a game is started even when playing as DS. That process of physical change for DS made a character portrait look like a grapefruit with furry extensions from it.
  20. Nextor crystals can also keen lightsabers if ankkarres sapphire crystals are not available in a game.
  21. Actually, would not mind seeing some kind of fight in the polar area, except when having to fight without clothes on.
  22. Vash and her story.
  23. Atton and Mira. Handmaiden if using male PC.
  24. Death Field for replenishing life and upgrade Ossus Keeper robes with Biorestorative underlays for life regen.
  25. Concept art of K2 was bare in terms of colour. Dantooine's terrain looked like scenery greenness had been drained from its environment. Would like to have some vitalised sense of trees like flaura which might be something close to Dxun's environmental visual sight.
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