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Everything posted by vaxen83

  1. Leviathan also has its own alarm system and had emergency doors so that negotiating through it would not be too difficult.
  2. Sith Soldier: Damn you old man! If I ever get out of this cell... Jolee (Leviathan) - Then I'll be sure to never let you out. Goodbye, sonny.
  3. Randomly generated items, even for crystals which are found, can make gameplay a bit tedious.
  4. And with a PC crystal, bonuses to strength stack together.
  5. Unknown world might have been a bit reminiscent of dinosaur times.
  6. Might try reloading. Save your game before your PC encounters Visquis.
  7. Also, would not mind seeing more of Coruscant as a core planet which was mentioned in K1 but hardly featured as a playable system in either K1 or K2.
  8. Trust me, I had to fight Visas on EH 20-35 times through multiple attempts at reloading, and more than half of around 25 times, I was getting either short lightsabers or double-bladed ones while I needed another single lightsaber. (Was already using one but wanted to have two single lightsabers for my PC)
  9. Barely between 2-4 days for K1 and almost a similar time with K2.
  10. Whether it is DS or LS prestige classes, by around level 24 to 32, would be able to have sufficient force powers from either side assuming that most of them are non-universal powers apart from Master Speed or perhaps like Battle Meditation.
  11. Would take Handmaiden. However, the Handmaidens took like twins rather than having any variability in terms of character or even appearances.
  12. Zeison Sha armour and Matukai Adept robes allow Force powers to be used. The latter adds bonuses to Wisdom.
  13. Beast trick was barely relevant towards Malachor fights with Sith.
  14. Leviathan had a few levels with its elevator that made it look slightly like a negotiation through a building. The Harbinger was more like a passage to get through to some other place.
  15. Would have chosen a lightsaber that had a purplish hue about it, if it was included in this poll.
  16. What about Episode V: TESB? Fair enough, K2's ending might not be exactly similar to TESB, but there are some themes that relate in some way to darkness for both stories.
  17. Do it before boarding EH.
  18. A Kotor game that does not have randomly generated items like K2 tended to have quite often.
  19. A few reasons to play Dantooine first: Get your PC crystal from the cave Kinrath spawn is available apart from Hississ in cave. You can also get some lightsaber crystals from the old lady in salvager's camp. Save your game before speaking to her, and if her inventory does not have items you need, reload and try again. Items in K2 are often generated at randomed.
  20. Just save your game before your PC and Kreia encounter Atton together then.
  21. Have to agree with some of this. K2's story was bordering around boundary limits near to ambiguousness.
  22. Mission feels more like a character with some slight streak of rebelliousness in her, though not quite resonant with a fatale personality.
  23. Think that Sith might probably be included as K3's background, at least to some extent concerning its beginning. How its story will evolve is quite subjective, I think.
  24. Something close to a Force disturbance.
  25. Iridonian sounded quite ok.
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