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Everything posted by vaxen83

  1. Somehow, Kreia makes a statement about how Sith are portrayed both K1 and K2 that could deflate importance themes that were associated with Sith. It goes something like: You think all of the droids and machines are that of the Sith? You are wrong, the Sith is a belief, an ideal, etc. Wonder if it is a lack of inclusion of dialogue and content in K2 that made it sort of ambiguous, or was it simply due to Kreia's departing words assuming that the TSL Restoration Project could deliver a mega patch it has undertaken that de-characterised whatever initial expectations that were related to the Sith?
  2. Glow could mean some sort of dark shade and also indicative of brilliance. Only thing about personal crystal is your PC has to get to level 40+ etc which makes game a bit long.
  3. Or multiple Kinrath Hatchlings in Dantooine's crystal cave might be another option. After swopping NPCs, run out of cave to get its effect. It is repetitive as long as the Kinrath Matriach quest has not been triggered.
  4. And then again, those of us who did not have high graphics cards or did not enable buffer effects could actually see G0T0 in person on board his yacht. And also for other holovids in K2.
  5. What you meant in your last question is were rather than where just to clarify?
  6. Might be TSL Restoration Project that could finish early, even with occurrences of screw ups regarding important details crucial for such a mega patch to K2.
  7. Somehow, K2's chronicles might not actually be obliterating K1's story. It might be giving some importance to part of the Exile's story. Put simply, OE might have merely put its own chronicled story for K2 to draw attention towards some earlier events regarding Exile. Again, might be due to lack of time for additional story dialogue to be included.
  8. K2's choice characters are probably like an analogy of unevenness between LS and DS Force powers in TSL. Thanks to a tight time schedule from LucasArts.
  9. I don't usually post here, but what Shadowstrider and few others have said makes much sense. Sometimes, we think we know what we want, then when what looks like uncontrollable passion simmers down to a relative level, we begin to see our own problems without fearing what they bring. Above all, trust your own feelings in whatever you do. That's what I know for me.
  10. Can't help but feel that he looked quite unlike what his name might sound like actually.
  11. Force bonds were illustrated with a double effect of Force powers cast on your PC in K2 that were also cast at the same time on Kreia. If K3 is going to have any inclusion of force bonds, it might help to relate to a story, where visions on a basis of being connected to another force user might allow manifestations of visions that that force user is using to appear within the mind of your PC. Visions might actually provide a glimpse of some possibilities in terms of how K3's story might actually turn out eventually. An example would be like Bastila and PC in K1. Also, find it a bit redundant to include force bonds as a feat as it can be shown within a Kotor game's story without having to be specific about it all the time.
  12. Perhaps by the time when Exile's force bond was severed with Kreia, co-existing bonds with party characters nullified resulting effects of death. Think there was a part for any PC character where Kreia drained the lives of Jedi Masters which involved either Disciple or Visas asking your PC to take strength from others on EH after Kreia leaves for Telos, etc.
  13. There could have been two single lightsabers shown during a scenario when your Exile PC came back from the Mandalorian Wars to face punishment by the Jedi Council which was left out of the game. Instead, it is displayed as a double-bladed saber.
  14. In any case, Obsidian did not even show G0T0 in person apart from holograms of him.
  15. Yeah, it has to be a universal force power. Otherwise, it becomes unbalanced. Also, I would rather have standard characters as it makes for a more varied story. Find excluding certain characters based on any PC's gender leaves K2's story segmented.
  16. Zez-Kai Ell was ok. Master Kavar: He has dialogue with any PC in K2 that has quite a bit of sense almost all the time. Vrook was more like someone who had quite a lot of dialogue directly reproduced from K1, so not much of any difference in terms of his character. Atris was barely developed. Even Bastila from K1 had more substance than her in quite a few ways although I may not necessarily be a fan of hers. Vash was almost omitted from game, so can't really comment on this. (To darth_nocens: It helps to have first letters of ranks for Jedi in capital actually, and even for Sith)
  17. Well, here is how I look at it. Chewbacca is probably somewhere in middle, and he and Zaalbar might flee with Hanharr chasing after them and landing into a trap. (Although Hanharr is hardly that dumb but he seems to take life-debts seriously)
  18. Well, quite a few of its enemies were either stormtroopers or mostly DS Jedi force users. And it sort of looked like so much of fighting and dialogue was restricted barely to objectives for each mission. You might have noticed it while playing a few games. It had only a few missions that could have been played in any order rather than related through some sense of genuine story involvement. Could always play it through again to see if it makes sense at all.
  19. To think of a scene from Episode III where a shift in Force understanding occurs, is when Yoda has some sort of mental traumatic dissonance when Anakin manifests his DS. Not too sure why, but sort of a turn in SW saga.
  20. Han Solo kind of character in some ways, I feel.
  21. You might want to think about whether having G0T0 would be something you would want. Find him a bit hard to consider as someone interesting as other characters are in K2.
  22. Wonder what side effects might be detrimental that would eventuate from such a scheme? Hope there is not some sort of central power enhancing whatever those Sith might already be contemplating on, otherwise it is back to a theory of K1's Star Forge churning out warships again.
  23. We could take it further, and even have some sort of Force power to counter thrown projectiles and objects so that it will return as a potential threat towards whoever cast it as a missile initially, sort of like a counter effect.
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