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Everything posted by vaxen83

  1. It might help if quests were related to each other in some way. Basicaly, overlapping in terms of storyline that shows some commonalities across various quests in certain parts of the story. So, an example might be if a PC were to descend from a level to another to search for something as part of a main quest, between those two points, there might be something else of another quest that has to be initiated, something like a side quest, but which does not need to be completed. This allows an opening of other story alternatives rather than merely linear advancement. Just an idea.
  2. Thanks for being elaborate with K2 responses. So far, I think my ideas about K2 are almost dry beyond further thinking, so I leave this topic to anybody interested in continuing this discussion further.
  3. If you did save your game previously before rescuing , you might try reloading. So far, I can only think of that.
  4. Well, this topic means prestige classes in K2: TSL. Hope it is not so confusing. Don't really have any preferred prestige class but I might choose Jedi Master if I took a Jedi Sentinel. Makes for an interesting game.
  5. Purple. Both DS and LS PCs can use it.
  6. Somehow Jediphile's explanation makes sense, especially since it is hard to look at Nihilus as a physical being.
  7. Whatever path a K3 story takes, concepts of choice and responsibility might be a means to advance its story. I find it hard to imagine a K3 PC without considering how choices, either through LS or DS, can be a story that is predictable in advance. That is what KOTOR games have which other SW games might not include.
  8. This is only my opinion, but it is possible that Nihilus might have been OE's conceptualisation of nihilism itself although I think it is basically interpretive.
  9. To some extent, there will probably have to be some common themes being advanced from the first two games in the third. Something like in Episode V: TESB where a Kenobi vision appears before Skywalker. However, the adoption of the Yoda art as a model for Master Vandar in KOTOR I was really ripping an idea directly out of an original SW story.
  10. It has been a while since I have been browsing about the forums. Sorry if Mandalore's name was not in this poll. In any case, it is more like a poll/discussion together rather than a vote-only option. Feel free to use it for K2-related stuff...
  11. Check the automap as a form of reference. There are four bomb sites. Go to the site that you have not been to before after obtaining a proton core from the missile bay. Depends on your PC alignment. Are you playing as light side or dark side? And also class type.
  12. Critical Strike for the stun effect.
  13. I would not mind getting a third game for Kotor, but I would observe how it turns out instead of holding initial expectations like the ones for K2.
  14. Some of the events in TSL were hardly synchronised to be in tune with the game. It is hard to understand why Sith Assassins would bow to a PC before entering the Trayus Academy. (No mention of involvement in a fight with them)
  15. There was hardly any measure of seriousness within the story boundaries of the second game.
  16. Not exactly sure if this might work, but there is a kinrath spawn in the game. On Dantooine, after entering the crystal chamber in the kinrath cave, swop one party member to another before running out of the chamber. If it works, each time you do so, kinrath hatchlings will appear. Repeat as often as you like.
  17. True, even with K1.
  18. Perhaps it could be ascension or succession.
  19. So his exchange with Kreia on Dxun does not count as that?
  20. With regard to walking the path of LS/DS, Juhani and Revan.
  21. And Master Fury amplifies lightsaber damage.
  22. Or it could be that you have yet to play SW Galaxies.
  23. Sort of like Mandalore and his background, although much of his story may not be directly related to the Force.
  24. Green for an LS single lightsaber. Purple for a DS single lightsaber.
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