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Everything posted by vaxen83

  1. Probably Wisdom and Intelligence. Besides, Intelligence usually does not need to be raised beyond 16, so attribute points could be devoted to other stats in K2.
  2. For K2, would go for single sabers as item randomisation makes finding crystals hard with personal crystal and Pontite crystal along with other lightsaber-related items to increase damage. Would tend to go for two single sabers in K1 as item generation is non-random with crystals like Upari and perhaps Nextor (for extending critical threat range).
  3. Master Kavar. Probably one of the Jedi masters in the Council who could relate to personal difficulties of a PC in K2 and explained things more so than the rest of the masters.
  4. Atton. At least during the first part of K2 on the Ebon Hawk after having spoken to Kreia, where there was a reference to her age and good looks.
  5. Have to say that the first game had some interesting sidequests that could be explored. TSL had just good graphics in terms of its level design and little of anything else.
  6. Actually, a few ion grenades would have finished off the tank droid boss in the military base.
  7. Now, I only said it was optional. Besides, no one is saying that anybody must get their PC to level 35 and above. It was meant to be mere information pertaining to the personal crystal, that's all.
  8. You mean earning a right through some approval from either Sith or Jedi authority to obtain knowledge of the force, isn't it? Would be akin to how influence is gained in K2 in some ways.
  9. Well, you will be able to get almost a maximum bonus to stats from the PC crystal say by around level 42-44. However, it is up to you to decide how many levels you think is enough for your PC. What level is your PC at now?
  10. Somehow, Malak's conceptual image looks slightly artificial. At least Bastila's animation looks convincing in K1.
  11. Well, there could be parts of K3 where there is no force point regeneration, but I doubt it will be used anytime anyway. Suppose I was not specific enough.
  12. Thought this topic was discussed about six months ago, basically the same thing again.
  13. Not too sure why he was given such a name. It is more like a role actually.
  14. Altenatively, if force powers were used, there might be certain effects that could inhibit such an effective use of these, like in SW Episode II: AoTC, Jango Fett wiring Kenobi's hands that dragged him away from his lightsaber. Just a thought.
  15. What about Kreia's plan to send out repercussive effects from Malachor that is described as echoes? It is probably like a silent war that probably hardly occurred.
  16. I feel inclined to agree with Taris, yet if we look at how it was made, it has some sort of resemblance to Bioware's NWN. I leave that to people to decide what they like. Somehow, I find that OE's Peragus shows some advancement in time concerning a KOTOR storyline, although it isn't exactly as substantially exciting as K1's Taris. And it is not just Peragus, but other parts of K2, except for some systems like Onderon, which is reminescent of a glorious forgotten past. After having played K1 several times and leaving it aside for around 4-5 months and then playing it another time, sort of find it tedious to have to negotiate through Taris. K1 is more like a long game where a PC has to travest many obstacles tiringly before being able to deal with Malak in a classic lightsaber finale.
  17. So will we ever see light?
  18. So far, I can think of only those Ossus Keeper robes in the Queen's palace from K2.
  19. This might not happen with every game that is played. Try restarting and see if your next game has errors similar to this one.
  20. You have updated K2 to its latest version for fixing certain bugs and errors in the game, haven't you?
  21. Or number any save games so that they look less confusing.
  22. What is so interesting about Bastila anyway?
  23. Atton and Mira could both be additional people to consider as their Jedi classes are both Sentinels, so both will have immunity to paralysis feats (after gaining some levels) while their non-Jedi classes are different.
  24. I find it easier to begin K3 not needing to have to know substantially what the story would directly involve. Might be a bit like K1 slightly, where a PC chooses any class simply based on likes and dislikes, without having to base it on how K3's story should advance but could advance. Possibilities rather than certainties. Starting classes need not be Sith nor Jedi. I kind of think it would help to have that slightly later rather than as a beginning. So, any non-Jedi and non-Sith classes would lend some sense of variety.
  25. Would probably take LS. Besides, LS PCs can still be involved in a limited extent in DS quests without having to have alignment right down towards DS or to even deviate far from being neutral.
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