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Everything posted by vaxen83

  1. Although my vote was for single lightsabers, most of the random lightsabers tend to add to damage without added bonuses to critical damage. If you look at the critical damage from melee weapon items like devaronian edges and sonic cells, the critical damage together gives around 15-20 points of increment to melee attacks, even though items like vibroswords have three slots less than lightsabers.
  2. Well, how would Kreia's goal of seeking to end an existence of the force in a certain time period be considered as being neither inherently evil nor harmless?
  3. Strangely though, in terms of force users and regarding Jedi masters in the Council so far, none of them were actually Sentinels or even Watchmen. Not too sure about how this will be done in K3. Since K2 brought Sith Assassins into the game, then it would make sense for the Jedi Council to have some members skilled in stealth detection based on their own understanding of the Force in K3. And Bastila is not even a member of the Council although she was a Sentinel. Stealth, surprise and detection might certainly enhance K3's story. The Sith Assassins in K2 were almost like usual enemies using force pikes or weapons that were close to being quarterstaffs. Only one Assassin in the Trayus Academy used lightsabers. Some of the quests in K3 might involve an attempt to rescue a few Jedi masters who might perhaps have been besieged by Sith masters in combat. A few examples might include having Jedi being trapped in stasis fields by certain Sith masters and being brought off to certain places while the PC follows from a distance behind. (Stealth would be required to sneak past certain Sith enemies that are left along the trail where the Jedi hostages are being brought away from) For classes like Consulars and Guardians, force powers and fighting will help as it did before. Stealth as a way of following enemies without needing to attack them has yet to be demonstrated through secretly listening in on the conversations of certain NPCs and Sith enemies. It might also help when certain hostages have to be rescued without needing to constantly resort to fighting. So, for example, if a character was beside an NPC, certain lines of dialogue would be heard and when the same character had Stealth, dialogue around the same issue that the NPC was discussing would be heard and with reference to things that would be inaccessible to non-stealthed characters. It would also be a way to allow the PC to have an understanding of how the game is progressing, which is an alternative to journals as a reference for information about past happenings. In other words, journals tell things that have passed, either since early times and also possibly recently. Dialogue from Stealth might either tell what is about to happen, what is occurring presently, and depending on the lines of dialogue that the player has heard, will affect the way in which a sidequest might be completed, or kinds of sidequests that the same PC would be involved in. Intelligence might affect the difficulty with which the PC is able to make out what is being discussed between NPCs and certain Sith enemies after Stealth has been activated. Thus, PCs with a minimum modifier in Intelligence would be able to barely understand conversation exchanges generally while having additional Intelligence points would make listening to dialogue specific and detailed. Dialogue that has been heard by PCs with Stealth and a reasonable amount of Int would be reflected through different quest information for the same quest. Those lines of dialogue where Intelligence checks were successfully satsfied would have detailed quest information along with what other issues it had under the different quests headings in the journal menu while PCs with barely minimum Int would have only general quest information in their journal that is essential to doing what is required. By detailed quest information, it would indicate how additional information about the quest related to certain key figures of the Sith or other people who are involved in a collaborated effort against the Republic and Jedi.
  4. Even the music sounds either slightly chaotic or blandly predictable.
  5. Yeah, give it a try and see what you think about it. Only thing is that character dialogue was not actually done thoroughly.
  6. If Jolee is included in the next Kotor game, things would be involved would be how his abilities have changed since ten years when he was encounted in K1. Am doubttful about how his abilities would be further developed since he was already a consular, unless attainment of mastery of a prestige class like Jedi master is involved.
  7. Probably Bane's former master before Malak might be considered.
  8. One of the KOTOR planets that might be considered would be Nal Hutta. A concept of a system/planet of which crime is presented as a main element would broaden the theme of lawlessness. Since Nar Shaddaa was mentioned in K2 as being a planet mainly under Exchange territory, developing the theme that was used in Nar Shadda through Nal Hutta might be done with an escalation in poverty. So, an example might be how many people (including NPCs) have actually been trapped on Nal Hutta for several years. (possibly even decades) There has yet to be a part of the KOTOR story that is actually devoted to explaining how the activities of the Hutts have affected the operations of its neighbouring planets. (Nar Shaddaa would be one of them) Elements from Sleyheron could be integrated into the homeworld of the Hutts. It would probably be a planet that is reasonably a vast area which is not necessarily as organised as Nar Shaddaa was. The themes of crime, lawlessness and gang activities would need to be closely related to the operation of the planet by the Hutts. Also, the environmental terrain of Nal Hutta would be as close to being swampy as imaginable. (That is, those parts of the planet that are not directly under Huttian territory) And given that those parts are generally unexplored, having monsters or even creatures within the swamps would allow a PC to participate in various sidequests while fighting randomly generated monsters (Like the way rakghouls were encountered repeatedly in the Lower Sewers on Taris) The possibility of bringing rancors into the planet might be considered. Although rancors were mentioned in K1, their habitation tendencies were hardly explained and tended to be transported or even used by other hostile people or NPCs which the PC had to eventually defeat. In other words, rancors might be commonly encountered while passing through the swamps. The environment of swamp-like areas on Nal Hutta could be enhanced through the lack of adequate light from the sun from reaching some of the deep parts of the swamp or even certain caves that lie beyond the edges of dangerous swamp-like terrain. Also, not all of the monsters in the swamps need necessarily be obviously visible. Certain creatures that lurk under the surface of large areas that are abundant with lakes and rivers which are thick and murky would add to the mode of challenge which had not been previously encountered in the previous Kotor games. The difference between water-borne creatures in the swamps and the firaxan sharks in K1 is that the first tends to relate to themes of subterranean origins while the latter involves being submerged deep under water. Trees, as a concept, has yet to be brought into a Kotor game. For example, some sidequests might involve obtaining certain parts of a particular tree plantation, which when obtained, simultaneously attracts the attention of hostile-like creatures that are lurking nearby. Certain slow-moving creatures that glide from one part of the forest to another would present some themes of monsters that are air-borne. Another issue that might be important to include in the swamp areas would be how the breeding of monsters makes the difficulty of getting into, across and out of the swamps considerably challenging. So, if certain creatures were encountered, those creatures might be merely younglings that roam around in groups. (Maybe between 4 to 5 of them together) And as the PC travels across the vast expanses of the swamp, the variety of monsters becomes territorial, that is monsters are almost intensely hostile and harder to deal with. And when the PC returns to the forest in an effort to return to the non-hostile areas where the Hutt lords are, monsters would have regenerated, which would provide kinds of challenges similar to previous encounters in the forest. Beyond the terrain of the forest might be various shrines and temples, of which the possibility of existing cult groups and ritualistic summoning acts of devilry by people who have learned to manipulate different aspects of the Force would make the challenges of the forest pale with regard to what the PC has yet to face in dealing with certain cult-like groups, with at least two of them being at odds with each other. (Nal Hutta seems to be a planet of lawlessness and unregulated evil generally) There could also be bodies of certain people in different swamp areas who unsuccessfully attempted to explore the forest, in which several datapads could be found that might describe their backgrounds and what they might have been looking for.
  9. What I am thinking for K3 is regarding the weapon toggling option if you have two sets of weapons. Weapon swapping tends to work well with PCs that have high Dex and have finesse feats with either or both melee and lightsabers. If K3 could make the feat of finesse lightsabers available to the Watchman/Assassin, it might make for a slightly varied style of playing, given that Dex is a main attribute of these classes. (Weapon toggling can be both irritating and flexible)
  10. Could try to be as manipulatively cunning as (If is in your party, you gain influence with her as well as getting DS points while she says you are learning to create echoes by hitting a critical point) However, she does not seem support all dialogue options or actions that involve DS/LS alignment shifts.
  11. There is a poll in this forum called 'Which was the hardest part in the game?', I think.
  12. It might help to have some small scale battles in K3 (not a war). I will use K2 as a way of looking at this: Kath hounds were transported from Dantooine to Nar Shaddaa. I am not sure why OE did this as there could have potentially been some small-scale battles between the kath hounds and the kinrath, especially given that the kinrath population overgrew their territorial space in their cave. There might potentially have been a boss among the kath hounds. (Not actually a boss, but something like an albino kath hound that had genetically augmented abilities) It would have made for an opportunity to gain experience and made for an additional sidequest.
  13. [quote name='
  14. According to the story dialogue with Visques, kath hounds were transported to Nar Shaddaa. (Vogga has two of these) OE could have left them on Dantooine. A few reasons I can think of why kath hounds were on Nar Shaddaa is because K1 had already used rancors or there was simply no other monster concepts that would suit the fights in Visquis's pit. Actually, horned or albino kath hounds could have been included. The usual ones are not really challenging, even in hard difficulty mode.
  15. Well, repair skill is almost something you will want to have for any PC you are playing, as restarting might mean not necessarily having the same random items in previous game. (I would take Repair over Persuade if I chose only one skill for any character)
  16. If your PC is dark side female, I probably would not try having her on the main screen with the dancer's outfit.
  17. Found it twice (in two games) from the Kinrath matriach. Can try reloading to see what item you get from the matriach. It is almost random.
  18. When you are done with Nar Shaddaa, the old woman in the salvager's camp on Dantooine sells blue lightsaber crystals.
  19. Not much to say in terms of story, but lightsaber crystals can be a pain to look for in K2.
  20. Yes, but Mira takes minor damage from the hounds. (Though only sometimes)
  21. I usually level Mira up, and increase her Con to 14, or 16 helps. Also, keen her blasters, especially if they are Mandalorian pistols. As Hanharr chases Mira, use hit and run tactics by firing and just keep your distance from him. (Onasi blasters, if possible) Run around the pit and repeat till he is defeated. (And by the way, before you decide to fire a last shot that will defeat him, make sure Mira is standing at the opposite end of the door which will open to release kath hounds later)
  22. Certain parts of K2 are actually fairly hard, but not really impossible. I usually have Visas and Atton as Sentinels for freeing the PC on G0T0's Yacht. (You get Atton in any game near the start and Visas before mid-game) Another thing is that Zeison Sha Initiate armour helps for any PC.
  23. Besides looking at the Prestige Class that you prefer, it depends on what attributes that you want to have for your PC. I generally go for Wisdom and/or Charisma, but also try to raise strength. I tried Sith Lord and found that having high Wisdom and Charisma also worked as a Watchman for me. (Since you are using Consular, the +4 DC to your offensive force powers will add to your force powers effectiveness rate)
  24. By the way, Darth Preacher, your posting has been quoted here. Most of what is in your discussion is actually quite general. Not exactly sure about what you are suggesting, though.
  25. Refer to your posting which I have quoted as I am thinking about some things that you have suggested here.
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