Well, at least for LS PCs. However, seriously, there was not much of a reference point, and the idea of killing off Atris for DS was way too convenient, actually. Seemed to be a constant focus on the death of the force. If there is going to be death, there has to be some life also.
By the way, here is something to think about for those who played as Jedi classes followed by LS prestige classes: My PC was LS and there is a part in the game on the Ravager where Mandalore and Visas follow to confront Nihilus. Even though my PC was LS, Visas, after meditating in her chamber, comes out, having embraced the Dark side! Not too sure about this happening with LS alignment, could be that I chose more DS force powers than LS force powers for her, maybe. (As if there isn't enough darkness) Don't see much of a difference between how she dealt with Nihilus as DS/LS though.