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Everything posted by vaxen83

  1. Ever since he was elected, the people in the military have been one having a heck of a hard time with avoiding war and civilian casualties.
  2. Makes sense, after all there has to be something to publish about. And OE would not want to write about things that they might be barely struggling to cope with. Publicity and attention would relate to expectations of getting to know something that is pleasantly accepting. And I think frustation is almost a commonality when problems are discussed about.
  3. Only thing I can say is its slip-shot...
  4. The only other thing that might be possible is Nihilus' link with Visas. OE probably weakened Nihilus considerably by the lack of auto-regenerate feature which all characters usually had. The life drain force power could have been used by Nihilus to sap Visas vit points, and even triple the effect (so he would be recovering around maybe 65-90 points per turn). The fight could also have been broken up into three or four instead of just two, where Nihilus progressively reached the max of his fighting prowess. And going by that, the fourth fight would require all three party members to be alive. Besides, the current impression of him was that it did not need to take the strength of your entire party to overwhelm him. And the other thing was the place where the fight was taking place. Since one against three was probably a losing battle, he could have probably adopted a stance of leading characters and splitting their strength by separating them from each other to even the odds out a bit. (The Vader luring tactic in SW TESB). And Nihilus having full health at the start of each fight. So, first fight with the whole party, second with two party members, third with one party member, and fourth (same as third) except that his abilities are maxed. (Sounds a bit dragged out, though). And this would still be within the relative difficulty of the game as by then, you would certainly have gotten quite an inventory of items to use in the absence of your party.
  5. Alternatively, the mining colony could have had more levels below it, evening having a third, fourth, fifth or even a sixth level (Although I would leave the max at sixth). And, at the sixth level, find something that creates a sense of urgency to evacuate the facility immediately. (Maybe a sort of device was discoverd that had been programmed earlier, like a fixed time bomb) If you recall in K1, the underwater facility of Manaan had a situation where the air was sucked out when the PC was trying to get to the head scientists and there was a countdown before your character died of suffocation, if the force field protecting them was not deactivated before 0 count. Well, actually Sion's devastation of the planet would have been more pronounced. Given that Peragus II was already almost half-blown out, which actually looks the partial Death Star in ROTJ, he might have fired upon the core of the planet and blown it away. And this would be the destructiveness of Sion and his Sith, with all of this being captured in about between 3-4 CG movies. (including one for the chunks being vapourised) Then, when the EH leaves the hangar, Sion turns the line of fire onto the Hawk and keeps on pursuing.
  6. Well, the thing is are the females ready for them? Not too sure about that one, anyway.
  7. Actually, with the thing about force fields, there could have been different types of them. Every force field in K2 was essentially purple. If there had been some sort of interactive properties where the basis of ordinary attacks was rendered redundant by the futility of trying to bash through those force fields (say like one of your characters being zapped by the energy of the field or possibly lethality to one of the party characters), then Bao-Dur's powered arm would have merited a much stronger point in shield bashing. They could have even taken it one step further and given Bao Dur's powered arm in combat to knock people back, where monsters like the drexl could have been bashed back by the sheer power of that, so that his abilities were almost a force to be reckoned with (Besides, at its furthest, it was called Gravitonic Strike). The part where the drexl had to bash through the force fields was a bit strange, as I was thinking that the drexl would have fried its claws long before the force field was gone. And the field looked so ordinary. If it was a much stronger field with a higher energy type, and if OE had given it a distinct appearance, maybe light blue, it would have made for a sense of differentation. Actually, the idea of Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan speeding through the laser-powered shields merits just as much credit from the suggestion above and accelerated the game to a level of intensive action. And fighting over the deep pit after having gotten through the force fields makes charging through blindly unwarranted.
  8. If there was CG about Nihilus's devouring of Katarr in responses to Atris' actions when the Jedi meeting, the playing field for the focus of the Sith would have been shifted considerably instead of being centred on either Sion or Kreia and positioned him as the most threatening among the three.
  9. At least the Phantom of the Opera could sing, and besides he was a half-masked man.
  10. We have different reasons for playing games. As for me, I was looking for some commonalities that TSL could offer, especially to people who were relatively new to the world of SW and who were not able to relate to the SW movies. The one thing throughout the game was always force fields, and there were so many of them that they were beginning to look like prototypes.
  11. The Restoration Team have been discussing about the appropriateness of having the scenario of Lonna Vash's assassination done by either the Sion and his Sith or alternatively by the HK droids. I sought of think that droids would be like smashing dummies, wherelse Sion and his Sith offer a far more intensive challenge for a Jedi Master. The other thing is remaking this scenario on the Droid planet which was left out of the game.
  12. The other thing is to talk to Mira, gain influence, your conversations will gain you LS or DS points, so save before you do so, to learn more about her past. The only plus is that she can become a Jedi Sentinel.
  13. At least we can count on having some art drawings which OE did not include as concept art in the weeks to come.
  14. Do to the 'Random Loot', I only get a single 'single bladed' lightsaber, and I never get another. I usually get the single 'single bladed' lightsaber by creating it through Bou-Dur. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Is this even after you kill the Sith Lord on Dxun in Freedom Nadd's Temple??? That should be fixed for a double lightsaber and then you get Freedom's short lightsaber. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> With the quest of bailing Dhagon Gent out, the item that I got was always a single lightsaber. It is those times when you get short lightsabers and reload your game only to get the same thing that can be really frustrating.
  15. It would almost be like trying to feature Yoda in AoTC with a lightsaber against Dooku. Yoda was animated to be so swift and fast that he probably needed no lightsaber forms for force enhancement.
  16. Blunt and direct is how I would describe this Jedi Master as.
  17. No, it was actually as designed by the people of OE. There was not enough time and I think that they were constrained by financial management in some ways. I think there was supposed to be extra dialogue for the characters you had in your party as you were in the Ebon Hawk before you crashed. They just left out the characters' dialogue lines on Malachor V. You can read more about what was discussed here. And feel free to add to the discussion as there has not been any suggestions flowing into it.
  18. The only thing about concept art is that it has to be used or related to the game. Once it is released, it is more or less set, can't really change things any further.
  19. That's only for people who have consoles, mine was a Sega Mega Drive system, the only Sega console I had. And I am now using Win XP.
  20. Disciple for me. Among all the rest, the only person closely linked to the Republic. This character is a continuation of Carth for me in K2, except that he had no force powers in K1. Besides, both could use blasters rather than just lightsabers anyway.
  21. I would use K2 as a way to discuss what might be possible. The thing about the Peragus planet blowing up due to a mining operation that was described as a failure before the Exile arrives actually displaces the role of the PC. Firstly, it gives us, at least me, the impression that something devastating occurred earlier, meaning that the Exile's story takes secondary priority. Second thing: the Peragus plot could have been written to be a planet that was intact, instead of just having chunks of crust from its surface drifting around aimlessly through space. The fact that there is a detonation greatly saps the wind out of the sails because the resulting movie where the Ebon Hawk flies away from Peragus, while having Sion blasting away passes up the opportunity for the planet's full detonation to be witnessed in a movie. Instead, OE basically showed laser bolts turning asteroid chunks into smithereens. That was like playing with kid's gloves, if you think about the eruption of the entire Peragus II from within the core. The other thing was that Peragus II was the first planet so it needed to have a proper introduction rather than trying to rush away from it. The arrival of Sion at the planet was way too quick for me personally. It was also a bit weird to have your character outside the observation window when his ship came. What is it supposed to mean? And since the game allowed the PC to level up to 50, the more reason to spend a longer part of K2 in Peragus. (and other planets as well) And that's why people end up finishing the game way before they even reach past level 30, especially us who don't train up again Hssis on Korriban. And that's how Malachor was more like a ship wreck rather than a world by itself.
  22. And also known for masking her moves very well, add to that she has stealth to top it all up. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Also, symbolically a character with corrupted wisdom used as a form of fatality against everyone, the exact opposite of Jedi Master Vrook.
  23. And also known for masking her moves very well, add to that she has stealth to top it all up.
  24. The understanding that Revan had was in-borne, I believe. This was simply because the nature of the true sith is not linked physically nor directly to the kind of war that the Republic was used to fighting. Kreia basically said that the true war is waged inside people. Which means Revan knew about the power of the true sith, more than other people, but not enough to realise what was driving him so powerfully. If he had known earlier, there would not have been a period of the Mandalorian Wars nor even the Jedi Civil War. He had to deal with his own war after that.
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