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Everything posted by vaxen83

  1. The idea of having two Darth Trayas is absolutely confounding. I don't see how it enhances the game. Kreia is most obviously set against the force.
  2. The Greater Storm beast was always a problem for those who did not have either enough force powers to back up their character or simply not enough feats to boot against this boss. If you were planning to use a sentinel with a watchman class, a character would be almost headed for suicide unless you backed up your PC with high strength. I personally would not try blasters. Best thing against these types of monsters, in my opinion, is power strike at master level, keened single lightsabers, a pair of dominator gauntlets, a GNS strength enhancer, Ossus Keeper's robes, and an implant that protected against critical hits at the very least.
  3. Actually, the only use of his bionic or laser arm was basically bashing through the force fields in the military base. It was a bit of a drag to have force fhields over the whole base. I would have preferred to use a lightsaber instead, as it had almost the same effect. That lightsaber slashing through force fields is the one thing that I do not regret having in K2 as it was always a possibility even in the SW saga.
  4. The other thing about HK-47 was that it was a translation droid. Only that neither Bioware nor OE specified its translation skills so I am assuming that does not have as much skill than Lucas' 3PO. OE could have utlilised the HK-47's translation skills. Instead you have things like the Exile being able to understand almost every language and accent in K2. Then in that case, the purpose of having HK-47's translation ability became a bit redundant. Must have been why they played down his abilities in K2, generally. The conversation on the Ravager between the Exile and Nihilus needed much translation as that man with the mask was speaking in an alien way using foreign language.
  5. Some of the games that come to mind are those in the Sonic series, particularly Sonic CD. The graphics were not actually that great as it was made for Windows 95 only. Never got to play that game anyway. But the storyline was something that a lot of Sonic fans looked forward too. The only thing about Sonic games was that they were so fast, and by the time the game is finished, you're seeing stars.
  6. Now that I think of Kreia's image, with the braided white tails of hair she has, her appearance is like that of a cross between the Emperor in ROTJ and an ancient Egyptian mummy within a sarcophagus that has the head of the sphinx, which has been around for millennia.
  7. Defeating Kreia is inevitable, it is your destiny... (sound of Darth Vader breathing)
  8. It will be interesting to see how Jade Empire 2 takes over from the original JE. K2 had its flaws, but Bioware has been making sequels in the form of expansions for original games. Will keep an eye out for JE 2 and see what happens. Some links for Jade Empire 2: IGN: Jade Empire Trailers, Videos and Movies
  9. If you have been keeping up with the work of the Restoration Team, one of the discussions has been concerning Lonna Vash and whether she is assassinated by either the M4-78 Droid Army or by Sion and his Sith. There is a whole forum devoted to the Restoration of M4-78 where the discussion is centred around how Master Vash's murder takes place on that planet. Check it out at M4-78 Restoration Also, more specific links about M4-78 below: Droid Planet Music Master Vash Secondary Option robot voiceovers Vash's Light Side Demise M4-78 Movies M4-78 sidequest ideas M4-78's "Environmental Zone"
  10. Actually, it is possible that some Xboxes are modded, and I think I heard some people in the Restoration Team mention that their mods might work with the console.
  11. The thing is that K2 uses the d20 system. So what happens is that since die are rolled, a randomly generated number is added to attacks against you. Which is between 1-20 if I remember. Enemies usually have around a maximum of 30+ for attack. If they get a random roll of say 10, then their total attack is about around 40. So your total defence would have to exceed that. I think something like your Dex modifier is added to base defence. The other thing is that Sonic grenades thrown at you will deplete your Dex modifier and decrease your defence a bit. (Counter this with high Wis by learning battle precognition if playing as Male) In any case, points in strength would help. Points in dex only if you are training your character to be a sniper with blasters. (High Int if using Sniper Shot)
  12. Ask him to try SW: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast If he manages that one, he can play SW: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy See if he can last that one through.
  13. Don't tell me that it was junk food for the dogs...
  14. I think one of the reasons for the slightly lower ratings for K2 was that it was made for both the novice player and the hardcore gamer.
  15. The next game I decide to buy next year, if I do so would have that.
  16. Kreia would probably be difficult, but not impossible to kill. If someone is a veteran at stealthing through entire groups of either jedi or sith, together with a penchant for subtle manipulation and silent betrayal, it would not help to have someone like that for an ally. She is a consular who is quite disturbing in many ways as she has some abilities that jedi masters lack.
  17. I just saw the game when I was out in town about barely 3 days ago. Was not really expecting it, but it has been done.
  18. I will personally wait and see if there is a DirectX 9d since the current one for TSL is 9c...
  19. Final Fantasy 8 Ultimacia (the sorceress in the final series of 4 boss fights) I think this is one those games where you fight almost the same person four times in different forms.
  20. Everybody, long live Vrook!
  21. I was looking forward to having Atton and Han Solo in a blaster fire competition, to see which of them has more scoundrel-like abilities.
  22. Actually the last item on your list seems a bit unusual...
  23. Got it, let's just wait for things to happen.
  24. Just don't choose the option "All right, we mean you now harm" and the rest might be ok. The problems you are having can be fixed by a mod file here. Your topic is indeed in the forum where it belongs. Mod Edit- It had been moved here from spoilers And please don't Triple post, Edit is your friend -Battlewookiee
  25. Probably best to stay tuned and keep listening.
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